So, I followed the directions given to me by a friend for installing pkg's larger than 4gigs. I put the split files on the external drive, I selected "install package files" in multiman, i selected the game, i waited until it finished, and then clicked install, Multiman then crashed to the ps3 menu. I find that the space the game should be taking up is in fact being taken up on the drive, but the game is not installed, and there are no new files written to the internal drive that I can find. I am very confused as to what is going on.
EDIT: I am now even more confused. After deleting the part files from my external drive, the missing space came back??? I am so confused.
EDIT: I am now even more confused. After deleting the part files from my external drive, the missing space came back??? I am so confused.
Last edited by samcambolt270,