Hi there!
I hope someone can help me
i got an old DS (blue one) still 100% working, and i got an old r4i gold v1.4 (r4i-gold.com), now i wanted to play some games but i got problems getting the kernel for this r4i, i looked in r4i-gold.com, the page does not exist, then i discovered that the new page for this is r4i-gold.me, there i got some links for r4igold kernel 1.72b and when i tried to download it, it says the the page is not available. To be honest i alredy google it, and got no luck, if some one know about a page that have the kernel for my r4i or maybe you already have it, pls help me out. Thanks!
I hope someone can help me
i got an old DS (blue one) still 100% working, and i got an old r4i gold v1.4 (r4i-gold.com), now i wanted to play some games but i got problems getting the kernel for this r4i, i looked in r4i-gold.com, the page does not exist, then i discovered that the new page for this is r4i-gold.me, there i got some links for r4igold kernel 1.72b and when i tried to download it, it says the the page is not available. To be honest i alredy google it, and got no luck, if some one know about a page that have the kernel for my r4i or maybe you already have it, pls help me out. Thanks!