When EPIC delayed Gears of War 3 until next Fall, fans of the successful series were understandably frustrated. Even an six additional months feeel like an eternity for the millions itching to dive back into the cover based shooter. However, if what I played at the studio is any indication, this additional time could make the difference between another awesome Gears product and the most polished title the studio has ever made. We're presumably about a year out from the game's release, and what I played already feels like a final product. With another six months to refine the gameplay, and launch a newly announced muliplayer beta, it's a surefire bet that Gears of War 3 will be the most complete installment out of the series.
-Dan Ryckert of Game Informer-[/p]

My first reaction after reading the big bold print of the delay, my reacation was one akin to: FUUUUU! After reading more, I re-thought that first reaction, and decided I would rather have a game that plays great and improves on Gears 2 then something that looks like Gears 2. Also I read this from a Game Informer Magazine, and I don't know if the site has the same article. Also, the article is quite a bit bigger than this little snippet.
*Gears 3 Banner is borrowed without asking from Game Informer*