Gaming Game cart file size


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2009
United States
So then ff7 was even smaller and it was still a great game

So very true.
There are games that have all these textures and everything is so over HD that they might have used 10gb just on making grass. But the game itself has very little game play and might be beaten in 3 hours.

This is what happens when you make VIDEO games as opposed to video GAMES ;)


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2015
United States
i dont get whats hard to see as my point, i guess nintendo are blinding most.

take a game that is 1Gb its not going to be as much content as one that is 20GB, sure some games can be 30GB and be crap..... think what i am trying to say is, try fit a game like the last of us onto a 1gb card..... it wont and never will unless you strip heck of a lot from it.

now look at third party support, flash based format is more expensive than optical format, so do you:
A) pay more to have a flash card big enough, also pay more to have a team work solely on that version (if its hardware cant handle a direct port like the XBX1/PS4 could)
B) strip content to fit on a cheaper flash card, also pay more to have a team work solely on that version (if its hardware cant handle a direct port)
C) not bother releasing said game to the switch because its not likely to gain the sales to return a profit after production costs.

That is the main reason nintendo have limited third party support, why some games that was exclusive then later skipped nintendo:
Resident Evil HD Remaster / Resident Evil 0 HD Remaster (WII U)
Resident Evil Revelations HD Remaster (WII U)
Resident Evil Revelations 2 (3DS/WII U)
Resident Evil 7 (not even mentioned for the Switch)

There are tonnes of AAA third party titles that do not even get considered for nintendo consoles, now in my eyes, i want that option to play xxx game, after all you buy a console to play games.

What you find most on nintendo consoles are apparently "Top quality" titles, yet if you ignore the usual nintendo titles, the rest that third parties release are 90% aimed towards your kids.

Im sorry but, no im bored of Mario with each level basically been the same, its story line is some what still the same since i was a kid, same with zelda (but i do like zelda better), Pokemon simply does not entertain me at all.

Now before people then shout, well COD is the same, yup its a FPS shooter, but used to have a good story, now i think its a complete pile o w@nk (since MWF2). or not all games have to be about violence like gta.... to be fair i couldn't stand GTA since GTA3, didnt mind VC but the only GTA ive enjoyed since 3 was GTA5.

Id rather have the option to play these games than not at all, as always i end up with more games on the XBX/PS than i do Nintendo and it ends up sat there doing nothing...... the exact reason why i will definitely not be buying the switch, its gimmick tablet/detachable controllers and play on the move can F off, all that is of no use if it has nothing i play...... the same reason i got rid of the VITA because in its entire life, only 6 games i wanted to play and i had them/completed them countless times.

I have lost faith in the big N and the only consoles they did that i still own/play is the N64/CUBE.


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2002
United States
And yet... Pokemon, gets played a hell a lot more than almost every one of those games you mentioned.

So... By your own logic... Almost every game is thereby inferior to Pokemon... despite Pokemon being a lot smaller. *and I'm talking Mother Fucking Red and Blue here....*


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2015
United States
And yet... Pokemon, gets played a hell a lot more than almost every one of those games you mentioned.

So... By your own logic... Almost every game is thereby inferior to Pokemon... despite Pokemon being a lot smaller. *and I'm talking Mother Fucking Red and Blue here....*

That would be how you see it, but was not my point...... why do you fans fail to read, see whats is said, nope you have to then go off topic.

Now if i said, pokemon doesnt sell or isnt played then yea your right..... but no.

What i said is, its not a game i play, so what has that got to do with sales, the games i do play, do sell in its millions and are played by millions...... so your point was?


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2015
That would be how you see it, but was not my point...... why do you fans fail to read, see whats is said, nope you have to then go off topic.

Now if i said, pokemon doesnt sell or isnt played then yea your right..... but no.

What i said is, its not a game i play, so what has that got to do with sales, the games i do play, do sell in its millions and are played by millions...... so your point was?

I really don't get what you are trying to say here.
Oh and nope flash chips are cheaper. Not per gb, but post production.


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2002
United States
That would be how you see it, but was not my point...... why do you fans fail to read, see whats is said, nope you have to then go off topic.

Now if i said, pokemon doesnt sell or isnt played then yea your right..... but no.

What i said is, its not a game i play, so what has that got to do with sales, the games i do play, do sell in its millions and are played by millions...... so your point was?

No... your going around "DUR DUR DUR! If it aint 800000 gigabytlefopledorks it ain't a quality game and thus worthless.... der der der!"

And I'm saying your spouting so much bullshit that politicians are jealous of you.

I could make a game that's one level.... then fill up 1 TB of nothing but pictures of my ass... Doesn't give it more content than anything.


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2009
United States
No... your going around "DUR DUR DUR! If it aint 800000 gigabytlefopledorks it ain't a quality game and thus worthless.... der der der!"

And I'm saying your spouting so much bullshit that politicians are jealous of you.

I could make a game that's one level.... then fill up 1 TB of nothing but pictures of my ass... Doesn't give it more content than anything.

I wish I could hug, pin, star, put a cake on this reply. I literally do not understand why people like this guy keep doing this and acting like people that have been gamers *for decades* are the ones that are confused.

A pretty game is not worth a damn if it sucks. See: Metacritic. It is a wholly un-sustainable model...and it is about to stop.

It is real, real simple: Indie, Shovelware, or any number of "A"s you like...if a title is released on the Switch as well as other platforms the Switch title *will* move...because it is a better value proposition for gamers across the board, and the only "blind fans" are the ones with consoles that simply cannot offer this functionality. Full stop.

This guy tho, amirite? :D
Last edited by darkten,


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2015
United States
.if a title is released on the Switch as well as other platforms the Switch title *will* move...because it is a better value proposition for gamers across the board

lol, so your claiming IF the switch gets third party support, that its multiplatform game will have better value, how exactly.

we all know the reason why third parties skip nintendo, do not try kid yourself by claiming it gets these titles, giving its customers the option to buy this months BIG release title on its console, because you dont, because 99.9% of the top titles only get released on MS/SONY consoles.

Nintendo are not doing any favors by using card based format for its games.

All i will say is, i had the exact same view before the wii u was launched and it was basically dead on arrival, the only people you see stating its not dead and is the only console with the best games are its devoted fans.

Sorry but my comments are based on Nintendo consoles dating back to the CUBE, in fact even the N64 lacked some of the best games that was getting released on the PS1.... but that was due to been cart based.

I have the same view for the Switch, its a gimmick that only its fans will buy into, it may bring in the odd casual gamer or game lover, but unless the system proves to offer better support (other than the usual nintendo titles and games aged 3+) then i cant see it been nintendo's savoir..... its yet again a revamp last gen system with BS gimmick controller.

Dont get me wrong, if this was JUST a portable console then it would be very impressive, but its not, its a portable home console and thats it, for a home console its over priced last gen revamp that is highly likely to get the same crap titles.

if you can tell i am not a nintendo fanboy, not keen on mario it bores the shit out of me, zelda i do not mind but never found a game that kicks ass like Majoras Mask.

but like the wii u, all i can say is sit and watch how it will be just like any other nintendo console.

and sorry but paying £40+ for a basic app thats 1GB, is clearly only going to be a basic title, yes might be fun, but not worth the price tag when you will likely find similar free on mobile app stores.

I would have a completely different view if when i bought nintendo consoles it didnt sit collecting dust and have a collection of games i will play that can fit in one hand.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2015
The Wii U had third party support? Not much, but some great big titles were ported.

So you are saying just because of card based games the switch will not get any third party support? Even forgotting that if they don't want to work with a card factory, they still can release the game as a digital download only?

Oh, and saying £40 for a 1GB Basic app is much? Ouch.. get mature and check software prices. Based on functionality you can pay multiple thounds for a app that's just 3GB. BUT HEY, let us be butt hurt thats there is no really other than my.

I'm not a Nintendo Fanboy and still i buy the consoles because of the better exclusive titles. I see the switch as a interesting change of the current consoles, since current consoles are nothing else as hard wired computers. So why not giving a change something what can be a new revolution for that path?


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2015
United States
The Wii U had third party support? Not much, but some great big titles were ported.

So you are saying just because of card based games the switch will not get any third party support? Even forgotting that if they don't want to work with a card factory, they still can release the game as a digital download only?

Oh, and saying £40 for a 1GB Basic app is much? Ouch.. get mature and check software prices. Based on functionality you can pay multiple thounds for a app that's just 3GB. BUT HEY, let us be butt hurt thats there is no really other than my.

I'm not a Nintendo Fanboy and still i buy the consoles because of the better exclusive titles. I see the switch as a interesting change of the current consoles, since current consoles are nothing else as hard wired computers. So why not giving a change something what can be a new revolution for that path?

No what i am saying is NINTENDO lack support period.... yes the wii u had some titles ported, not many, or some that last gen consoles already had.

love the comparison to other consoles, yet whats the price tag of the switch and for what, old cheap hardware and a gimmick controller.

lets remove the controller for a second, as its nothing new and is copying off other devices on the market that does the same thing.

would you pay £279.99 for it?

end of the day you buy a console for its games, no matter what controller you have, its the games, nintendo have always claimed and promised to improve its third party support, but it never does.

Sorry but if the console is simply going to be filled with indie shite, and the usual nintendo titles then thats why i dont like them, talking from past experience.

As for game size, ok the point keeps getting side tracked.

Compare a 1GB game, what it has, what it offers, the length and game play you get from it.

Compare it to Zelda......

now understand my point, Zelda is larger because it offers more, its not just a basic app.

Now you are never going to get a game like zelda down to 1GB.... yet your likely to pay the same price or close to it.

All i will say is that nintendo better make improvements to its game support, due to the fact that this is their 2nd console during the same generation, if it fails to get a solid hold on the market, it will die just like the wii u did, thats even before sony and ms release their next console, come this point if its not secure in the market then will see nintendo releasing another console early again..... all because they put more effort in how to try make old hardware sell by using bs gimmicks rather than focus on the actual console itself.

WOW yes you can play its games on the move, but what use is that if its got sh1t third party support and nothing to play, think tbh all nintendo care about it telling its fans that mario/zelda now is only fun if using its new gimmick.

For a home console its an over priced pile o sh1te, if it was just a handheld then it would be very impressive because no other portable console is like it, but its not, its actually a home console made portable because nintendo want to try assure its investors of high sales by combining both home and portable markets into one..... a very risky move i must say.


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2015
Yes. Even for 279.99 it is by itself a horse power of a tablet D: Not a powerfull home console. But a enough for a portable console.
I don't get it why people see the "Hybrid" console as a underpowered console? Look up "The Ben Heck Show" on youtube. He made some consolse into "portable" consoles and you get a comparison.

You can't expect a perfect hybrid console, since it is the first try in that kind of direction, for what i know. So there will be smaller problems, but after all. That is and will be the future. You already see it, how popular smartphone games are. Easy and 2Go. Now you get full games, 2Go.

Like many already said, if i want a new game, full high end graphics, vr and mods, i still have a pc. And since i need to upgrade my pc all 2-5 years, depends on what i'm doing with it.
"BUT I DONT WANT GET A PC, I WANT A CONSOLE TO PLAY NEWST GAMES MIMIMI" yeah.. all the new versions from sony and xbox are nothing else than hard wired pc's. Even the architecture was changed.

And again, size itself is not everything. It's just a indicator. You can mod you Skyrim to be about 100gb or more and fck up it. Or get more story to it? How knows.
But also you can have a well compressed Game about few hundrets of mb and a much fun of it. Based on the ingame functionality (great story, self generating world, or or).

Start thinking of it as what it is. A mix console, a hybrid. And join the pc master race


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2006
United States
^ lol
and titain fall is crap to me and it doesnt have a single player. There are other games that look way better and are smaller file size.
Also the fact that i have had xbox 1 and ps4 games. The same game, ends up being bigger on the X1.
Does that means its a better game? Nope it ends up running crapper and the file size is better due to compression. And in fact the ps4 ver ends up having more in it.

So as everyone says. You cant base a game off of its game size. YOu cant say what the game is just base off of game size.
IF they make a 50gb UNO game that has photo real graphic does that make it a better game and not just an APP to you
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The Real Jdbye

*is birb*
Mar 17, 2010
Yes. Even for 279.99 it is by itself a horse power of a tablet D: Not a powerfull home console. But a enough for a portable console.
I don't get it why people see the "Hybrid" console as a underpowered console? Look up "The Ben Heck Show" on youtube. He made some consolse into "portable" consoles and you get a comparison.

You can't expect a perfect hybrid console, since it is the first try in that kind of direction, for what i know. So there will be smaller problems, but after all. That is and will be the future. You already see it, how popular smartphone games are. Easy and 2Go. Now you get full games, 2Go.

Like many already said, if i want a new game, full high end graphics, vr and mods, i still have a pc. And since i need to upgrade my pc all 2-5 years, depends on what i'm doing with it.
"BUT I DONT WANT GET A PC, I WANT A CONSOLE TO PLAY NEWST GAMES MIMIMI" yeah.. all the new versions from sony and xbox are nothing else than hard wired pc's. Even the architecture was changed.

And again, size itself is not everything. It's just a indicator. You can mod you Skyrim to be about 100gb or more and fck up it. Or get more story to it? How knows.
But also you can have a well compressed Game about few hundrets of mb and a much fun of it. Based on the ingame functionality (great story, self generating world, or or).

Start thinking of it as what it is. A mix console, a hybrid. And join the pc master race
Wind Waker HD is only 1.8GB. It's not quite 1GB but it's close. And that's one of the longest Zelda games and also has great looking graphics.


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2009
United States
I will sum this up simply: I do this for a living. I will be at GDC next week, and you can be *damned sure* that Nintendo's, Epic's and Unity's areas will be *packed* with devs looking for insight into targeting the Switch. Believe what you want dude. The landscape has *already changed* just don't know it/believe it yet.

People that know what they are talking about seem to think other than you. Funny, that :)
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Sep 30, 2007
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Gambia, The
Totally flawed logic at its best and you really should know better since its you do that for a living ^^. Compression is a thing that exist you know.
Many games "itself" arent even that big in size. Much of the size comes from uncompressed videos in several languages or just uncompressed data.

But i guess you know it all better since you do that for a living. By the way why even mention it now or do you just try to make a point after several failed attempts to proof others wrong ;)

PS: From now on i guess only 100GB Games with 50GB Day one patch are really worth it ^^.
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A Plus Ric

Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2014
United States
I have lost faith in the big N and the only consoles they did that i still own/play is the N64/CUBE.

Your make no sense....Your two kept consoles are of when Nintendo decided to do exactly what you are complaining about.

Also, you said Sony did not create Blu-Ray. You obviously have no idea what you are talking about. I don't recommend anyone taking advice or something good serious from you. I'm not even being rude, I'm just saying, stop complaining if you are going to do it in a hypocritical fashion.

Finally, most of those large 32gb and higher games, are graphics and no gameplay. Because most people have become mindless sheep and only care about MP. COD, Halo, all those games, shitty ass storylines, shit ass short ass games. But but but but the multiplayer and how great those graphics are on that huge file game.
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