I think it's fair to say that Shadowrun for the Xbox 360 and PC wasn't very good, and the sales seem to reflect that. Well, the original creator of the franchise, after taking back the rights to his creation back in 2007, is hoping to revive Shadowrun from its vegetative state. With the power of Kickstarter, that may just happen.
The Kickstarter campaign has already raised more than half of its stated $400,000 goal. If you're interested into contributing to this, you can check it out here.
Source: The Escapist...Jordan Weisman wants your money to help bring Shadowrun Returns to life. And who is Jordan Weisman? He founded the original FASA Corporation, the company behind the classic RPG franchisesBattletech and Shadowrun, and FASA Interactive, which gave us the hit Mechwarrior PC games. He worked on games like Crimson Skies and Mage Knight: Apocalypse after FASA Interactive was acquired by Microsoft, and it's also worth noting that he was not at all involved in the 2007Shadowrun FPS debacle.
He's been around and he knows his stuff, in other words, and now he's decided to join his fellow grizzled game designers on the Kickstarter bandwagon with Shadowrun Returns, a "2D turn-based single player game with deep story interaction, meaningful character development, and highly-contextual tactical combat."
The Kickstarter campaign has already raised more than half of its stated $400,000 goal. If you're interested into contributing to this, you can check it out here.