Fantasy Life in English on a japanese hacked and region swaped New 3DS LL


New Member
Aug 20, 2018
Hello everyone,

I live in Japan and recently bought a japanese New 3DS LL, and did the region swap to switch to an european firmware (I'm french). Everything is perfectly fine, no error at any installation step. I played several games and all of them are in french, except for Fantasy Life and I don't know why.

I initially downloaded it from the hshop, but when I saw that the language was wrong, I manually downloaded an european copy of the game and installed it with FBI, but the game is still in english. Besides, I also noticed that I tried to update the custom firmware through the settings, and I have an error that says "An error has occured, unable to update" (I don't know if it's related or not but I wanted to mention it). My current CFW version is 11.17.

Do you have any idea of the origin of the problem ?

Thank you in advance for your help !

EDIT: I finally found out what was wrong, so I write it here for anyone who will encounter the same issue. I tried to install another european game to see if, at this point, my system was still able to "tell" to the game that he should display french language, and it worked, so it was definetely only on Fantasy Life. After some research, I found a software named "LumaLocaleSwitcher" that allows to change language and region of every game in your console. It turned that Fantasy Life was set to "English" as default, whereas all my other games were set to "System Default". I simply changed it to french and everything worked fine ! I don't know exactly why I had this issue, but I think that it may be related to the region swap that I did, and that some files are still telling the game to display japanese (I may be totally wrong).
Last edited by roms2332,
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    S @ salazarcosplay: @Xdqwerty you could get the basic idea watching a few episodes