Hey all,
So, I have a DS Lite, Wanting to get a card to easily boot GBA games natively. Have a Supercard DSTwo I've had for a few years but the GBA emulation is pretty much trash.
What are your thoughts on the pros,cons, and just overall whats the better option for someone like me, who owns a DS Lite and never intends to purchase a Game boy Advanced of any kind.
EZFlash 3 in 1 vs EZFlash Reform
Also, not trying to shit on the GBA, just got big hands and really not a fan of either the GBA or GBASP form factors at all, but the DSLite I love. That's why I'm choosing between these 2, so I can get a card that fits flush into my DSLite
So, I have a DS Lite, Wanting to get a card to easily boot GBA games natively. Have a Supercard DSTwo I've had for a few years but the GBA emulation is pretty much trash.
What are your thoughts on the pros,cons, and just overall whats the better option for someone like me, who owns a DS Lite and never intends to purchase a Game boy Advanced of any kind.
EZFlash 3 in 1 vs EZFlash Reform
Also, not trying to shit on the GBA, just got big hands and really not a fan of either the GBA or GBASP form factors at all, but the DSLite I love. That's why I'm choosing between these 2, so I can get a card that fits flush into my DSLite
Last edited by demonik420,