I have a problem with my Ez 3 in 1 (the newer model) and I require assistance!. well, when I try to play touhoumon "Link" (a hacked rom of pokemon with touhou characters) I get a black screen and a weird noise that repeats it self endlessly. I used gbaExploader 0.58 to write the rom to NOR and well... dunno wtf, every other game works just fine, so maybe the problem it's the rom ( the the game works flawlessly in VisualBoy) ... anyway, someone told me to use the app "Gba Tools 0.7" to patch the Sram... what I did and still doesn't work...
thanks in advance D:
I have a problem with my Ez 3 in 1 (the newer model) and I require assistance!. well, when I try to play touhoumon "Link" (a hacked rom of pokemon with touhou characters) I get a black screen and a weird noise that repeats it self endlessly. I used gbaExploader 0.58 to write the rom to NOR and well... dunno wtf, every other game works just fine, so maybe the problem it's the rom ( the the game works flawlessly in VisualBoy) ... anyway, someone told me to use the app "Gba Tools 0.7" to patch the Sram... what I did and still doesn't work...
thanks in advance D: