To the ladies and gentlemen of
Guess what instead of freaking out about being banned... here's the most simple and obvious way to beat the ban wave.
All that money you save on games, that you either 1) download and play or 2) would never buy anyway, how about you use that money to buy....
ANOTHER XBOX 360 they'll cheap new or used now.
Xbox 1) Xbox 360 modded + D/L games
Xbox 2) Xbox 360 + $$$ games (games you actually buy).
You can't tell me you guys actually play every game you download online... so paying and playing your LIVE games and downloading and playing your offline games, seems like a decent sane idea.
Get over it, if you play burnt games online, you have a chance of being banned.
They have xbox360s for 120$ now or less. Hell trade in some old shit...
I know you'll say you don't have the money or you parents wouldn't buy you one... well guess WHAT get a job.
Two cents.
Also 1.61 STILL GIVES YOU the chance to get BANNED. FYI.... there is no safeguard.
Guess what instead of freaking out about being banned... here's the most simple and obvious way to beat the ban wave.
All that money you save on games, that you either 1) download and play or 2) would never buy anyway, how about you use that money to buy....
ANOTHER XBOX 360 they'll cheap new or used now.
Xbox 1) Xbox 360 modded + D/L games
Xbox 2) Xbox 360 + $$$ games (games you actually buy).
You can't tell me you guys actually play every game you download online... so paying and playing your LIVE games and downloading and playing your offline games, seems like a decent sane idea.
Get over it, if you play burnt games online, you have a chance of being banned.
They have xbox360s for 120$ now or less. Hell trade in some old shit...
I know you'll say you don't have the money or you parents wouldn't buy you one... well guess WHAT get a job.
Two cents.
Also 1.61 STILL GIVES YOU the chance to get BANNED. FYI.... there is no safeguard.