On my hacked n3ds (arm9loaderhax, Hacked using Plailects guide), Im planning to use it to downgrade my friends n3ds from 11.0.0 to 10.4 using Plailect DSiWare Downgrade guide. (https://github.com/Plailect/Guide/wiki/DSiWare-Downgrade)
I have purchased Fieldrunners before(to actually play it)
I DO NOT have an NNID on my hacked 3ds (which has Fieldrunners on it).
My questions are:
1. Do i need to make a dummy NNID on my hacked 3ds (which has Fieldrunners on it) to transfer to my friends unhacked n3ds?
2. If i do need to make a dummy NNID, will the Fieldrunners i previous purchased without an NNID suddenly be linked to the dummy NNID when i make it?
I have purchased Fieldrunners before(to actually play it)
I DO NOT have an NNID on my hacked 3ds (which has Fieldrunners on it).
My questions are:
1. Do i need to make a dummy NNID on my hacked 3ds (which has Fieldrunners on it) to transfer to my friends unhacked n3ds?
2. If i do need to make a dummy NNID, will the Fieldrunners i previous purchased without an NNID suddenly be linked to the dummy NNID when i make it?