****UPDATE 4.13.2015****

This translation is not going to be a 100% word for word it is simply going to be a guide that you will either have to keep open separately on your laptop,deskptop,mobile devices. etc... these are just pictures that I have taken and translated the text. I am NOT in know way going to incorporate this into a ROM hack as i do not have any programming background. The pictures aren't just going to be random useless pics. trust me by looking at this guide you should be able to get to know the game and certain items by remembering what the text looks like. you will have to look at your 3ds displaying kana/kanji and then refer to my pictures if you are on the same screen and get to know the menus like that. and understand whats being said.
I have played the GBC version when I was a kid and I loved it and replayed it over and over at least 50x. I would suggest you have some background of the game so you have somewhat of an idea of the story since i have already passed up most of the beginning and am not starting over to translate the begining text. just over all "pulio the monster ranch owner has lost all the monsters and it is up to you to go and capture all the mosnters that escaped although some will be a rebel and not come back or join your team..."
right now as of 4/13/2015 I'm still at the same spot right after the D class I've explored a little but haven't progressed much. i have been researching other things on the temp. but now i plan to pick this back up and start playing some more.
Translations Found in The ZIP's
***UPDATE 4.13.2015***
"Battle Arena" - ( woman at front desk, bar located in the back,Classroom in the back, old man by statue)
"Battle Menu" ( Lower screen when in a battle )
"Bazaar"- ( Item shop, weapon shop, Bank, Bait shop, Misc Shops)
"Castle Library" - ( People inside text translated. not the book, the book is explained under "X menu")
"Metal Mans Hut" - ( metal slime text and kings speech. as well as his prize list. list is WIP)
"Monster Farm" - ( Pulio, red locked door, when you obtain 20 and 30 monsters message displayed, trumpeter text.)
"Monster Stats" - ( when viewing a monster, understand ATK,DEF,SPEED,WISDOM etc...)
"Synthesize Room" - ( Breed master text, Pulio helper Text, Egg discription)
"Town Bank" - ( The one by the Well)
"Town Weapon Shop" - ( The one by the Well)
"Town Item Shop" - (The one by the Well)
"The big hand at the bottom of the Tree" - ( After completing the D CLASS)
"The pitstop Room" - (Massage woman,Traveling kid,Item shop,Monster Salon guy, Lady with info,etc)
"Queens Room Behind the Kings throne Room" - (Queens text, Guy standing next to her, and Grandfather)
I also Added a .txt file of "The tips to help you on your journey" tips #'s 1-38
(I'm only missing 4 only because I haven't unlocked them yet)
***if you spot an error in my translations please feel free to post here and let me know or if you wish to know what someone says which I don't have a picture for yet***
also there may be typos i'm aware of this...

- I will update the zip... the more I play = the more I translate.
All of the pictures are in order and should be very easy to understand.
please give feed back thanks

No passwords no bull-ish just translated pictures of Terrys no wonderland 3D!!
I removed the old links and I'm going to upload just a single link to one folder. if you downloaded my old set of pics it is probably best to just download this new folder and delete the old one. I say this because I'm just uploading the New folder that I have that has the previously messed up pics( wrong names, or no names) fixed in this new folder and it will also have better organization and no CAPS on the folders. sorry about that..
after this i will simply upload just the new pics in a seperate folder so you guys wont have to continuously download the same pics everytime i add new ones you will just have to copy and paste them to the right folder where they belong which will be included in my future updates.
Translate these links with Google chrome etc...
Complete Monster List: http://dqm3d.ffsky.cn/monsters.htm
TW3D Wiki ( Lots of Info): http://dqwiki.com/terry3d/52.html