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Donald Trump impeachment investigation over Ukranian phone call...


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
When people say they can't find a reason to impeach Trump...
Me: HELLO, BRIBERY? You know just telling the foreign country to reccive aid they have to look into one of their rivial political candiadates and cough up dirt, IS totally not a impeachable. NOT AT ALL. Sigh... feel like humanity is growing more hopeless by the day.
Here is the spiel.

President has presidential immunity. He is not liable for what he does in office by law. Impeachment is a political process to 'offset' that (systems of checks and balances). It (its clause) is written purposefully vague. So many things can fall under it (dependent on you being able to convince the public (via media), that starting the process is proper) - and if something is an impeachable offense - ultimately is only decided by senate. Where dems dont have a 2/3 majority (which they would need).

So the most likely outcome is that he wont be impeached. But reps are fighting back on 'public perception' being the cause he shouldnt - which is pretty much bull. ;) In the end though they will not let him be impeached, get a little reputation damage - and then the next elections will be held.

Most likely.

None of this has to do with if what he did was legal, and some has to do with if it was moral, but really not that much (you couldnt impeach a president against the public revolting, but thats pretty much it.. ;) ). Almost all of it is political.

Politicians at high ranks - for acts they did in office, when they had immunity - dont answer to the law, they answer to political committees.

Its a thing. ;)
Last edited by notimp,


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2019
United States
Here is the spiel.

President has presidential immunity. He is not liable for what he does in office by law. Impeachment is a political process to 'offset' that (systems of checks and balances). It (its clause) is written purposefully vague. So many things can fall under it (dependent on you being able to convince the public (via media), that starting the process is proper) - and if something is an impeachable offense - ultimately is only decided by senate. Where dems dont have a 2/3 majority (which they would need).

So the most likely outcome is that he wont be impeached. But reps are fighting back on 'public perception' being the cause he shouldnt - which is pretty much bull. ;) In the end though they will not let him be impeached, get a little reputation damage - and then the next elections will be held.

Most likely.

None of this has to do with if what he did was legal, and some has to do with if it was moral, but really not that much (you couldnt impeach a president against the public revolting, but thats pretty much it.. ;) ). Almost all of it is political.

Politicians at high ranks - for acts they did in office, when they had immunity - dont answer to the law, they answer to political committees.

Its a thing. ;)

Yet people wonder the the USA President is called "the most powerful person in the World".

Yet people wonder why the "elite" Government officials get a pass on all sorts of illegal shit.

I suppose lacking an education is a great excuse for ignorance, but then rejecting facts and not learning when given the chance to is no excuse.

(I think Liberals need to read my first sentence again. Trump is the most powerful person in the World and since he puts up with your shit he's also the most respectful and tolerant. If he were part of the LBGTQxzy123 crowd he'd have you ruined for disagreeing with him or if he was a socialist he'd have you killed. Liberals should count their blessings).


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2019
United States
Another 20IQ post from Billabong LMAO. You couldn't come up with a coherent thought even if there was a gun to your head

I guess since you Liberals are scared of guns I have nothing to worry about. Do your argue that Trump isn't the most powerful man in the world? Do you argue that the LBTAQ389fdisifdklzxxc group wouldn't ruin you for disagreeing with them? Do you argue that under a communist state the leader wouldn't have his opposition killed? Or do you just want to try to sound smart, because if you're trying to do that you're going to have to ask your Liberal overlords to teach you how, because you're failing miserably. Actually, you following me around replying with ZERO substance has earned you a place on my ignore list. I hope you choke to death on your ignorance.
Last edited by billapong,


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
Yet people wonder the the USA President is called "the most powerful person in the World".

Yet people wonder why the "elite" Government officials get a pass on all sorts of illegal shit.
This is actually something thats the case in quite a few countries around the world. If you think about it, the president can sign some laws into action, just by giving his signature. He can sign off on extralegal killings (as we just saw in action) in the US, but more importantly - in concept, he might have to decide on stuff thats important for the nation, but might leave him compromised in the eyes of the law.

Diplomatic immunity also is something that exists and does not only apply to the POTUS, f.e.

Certain state agencies (secret services community) are entirely above the law. If you think about James Clapper lying to the nation, and indeed the world, under oath, in a state hearing - and recusing himself with "this was the least untruthfull I could be" - has to fear no legal consequences for his actions.

Usually how those instances are supposed to work is, that you have again, a political committee that gets briefed in secrecy, and that can prevent or sign off on some stuff, or a publicly elected figure (think president), that has to sign off some of the stuff they do.

So - if you make 'the law' or are supposed to act on the fringes of it there are some political positions, that - while acting in an official capacity you are meant to be above the law. To make sure, they arent easily compromised. (Think, f.e. extortion.) To make sure that they don't abuse their power, you make them accountable by other means of checks and balances.

Even if they do something stupid - in the interest of the nation, you put what they said (protocol) onto a different, classified, server (as we've learned in this case) - or you rewrite the official transcript of the call to be less damaging (public perception around the world). In the olden days, you would have signed off on that 'document of record' to be classified for 50 years, and no one would have been any wiser. (And then denounced anyone who blew the whistle as a spy) As a journalist for example, you could ask the government through freedom of information requests to hand over such protocols (if you know they exist), but if they are still classified, you wont even be told that they exist, or get any response - you simply would be ignored. Now - usually, all that stuff is on protocol (someone, somewhere puts it in writing), and will be released 50 years, maybe a 100 years post facto for 'public consumption' (think Nixon tapes ;) ). But there are ways to even meddle with that, f.e. taking those documents and putting them in your 'presidential' private library (usually a fund financed vehicle), and then you have more control over it... Stuff like that.

The long and short of it is, that yes - a select few people are above the law, when acting within the capacity of their jobs. And to keep them honest you have 'councils of their peers' (political instruments), and 'public rituals' to allow for public pressure.

The justification for it, btw is 'greater pubic good', or stuff thats 'in the interest of the nation'. You know - like digging up dirt on your political opponent.. ;)
Last edited by notimp,


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2019
United States
This is actually something thats the case in quite a few countries around the world. If you think about it, the president can sign some laws into action, just by giving his signature. He can sign off on extralegal killings (as we just saw in action) in the US, but more importantly - in concept, he might have to decide on stuff thats important for the nation, but might leave him compromised in the eyes of the law.

Diplomatic immunity also is something that exists and does not only apply to the POTUS, f.e.

Certain state agencies (secret services community) are entirely above the law. If you think about James Clapper lying to the Nation, under oath, in a state hearing - and recusing himself with "this was the least untrithfull I could be" - has to fear no legal consequences for his actions.

Usually how those instances are supposed to work is, that you have again, a political committee that gets briefed in secrecy, and that can prevent or sign off on some stuff, or a publicly elected figure (think president), that has to sign off some of the stuff they do.

So - if you make 'the law' or are supposed to act on the fringes of it there are some political positions, that - while acting in an official capacity are meant to be above the law. To make sure, they arent easily compromised. (Think, f.e. extortion.) To make sure that they don't abuse their power, you make them accountable by other means of checks and balances.

Even if they do something stupid - in the interest of the nation, you put what they said (protocol) onto a different, classified, server (as we've learned in this case) - or you rewrite the official transcript of the call to be less damaging (public perception around the world). In the olden days, you would have signed off on that 'document of record' to be classified for 50 years, and no one would have been any wiser. (And then denounced anyone who blew the whistle as a spy) As a journalist for example, you could ask the government through freedom of information requests to hand over such protocols (if you know they exist), but if they are still classified, you wont even be told that they exist, or get any response - you simply would be ignored. Now - usually, all that stuff is on protocol (someone, somewhere puts it in writing), and will be released 50 years, maybe a 100 years post facto for 'public consumption' (think Nixon tapes ;) ). But there are ways to even meddle with that, f.e. taking those documents and putting it in your 'presidential' private library (usually a fund financed vehicle), and then you have more control over it... Stuff like that.

The long and short of it is, that yes - a select few people are above the law, when acting within the capacity of their job. And to keep them honest you have 'councils of their peers' (political instruments), and public 'rituals' to allow for public pressure.

Diplomatic immunity is touched on in Hollywood movies often so you'd think that most people would realize "it's a thing". Some people need the leeway to go about protecting the best interests of this country without having to deal with laws that are meant for the general public. If you disagree with this then that's just too bad - it is what it is.

You should just be thankful that you can disagree and do so publicly without being thrown into a prison camp and then having your organs harvested before they kill you (and have those organs go to the people you're speaking out against). What's this nonsense I'm talking about? Prison camps? Organs? Just normal every day business in China, that happens to be a communist state.

It's the same thing that would eventually happen in the USA if we adopt socialism. Maybe not right away, but once we give up our rights because some people have no idea how to live our own lives and think the Government knows best we'll soon be dealing with being powerless. The Constitution isn't outdated. It predicts human behavior perfectly and since humans keep repeating the past its very fitting for our current time.

Trump is the most powerful man in the world. He should be respected just like any other President should be respected. He's a great leader because he doesn't throw his critics in jail. The LGBTQxyz123 people will ruin your life if you don't address them in a certain manner. Leaders in communist countries will have you executed for disagreeing with them. Communist countries like Iran will chop your hands off for stealing or throw you off a building for being gay. Yet, people want that to happen here?

Trump is the most powerful man in the world. There's a process created for dealing with corrupt Presidents. The process shouldn't be premeditated or abused, but that's exactly what the Liberals have done and are doing. It's just unfortunate that the majority of the general public needed a spread sheet to explain the basic impeachment process to them, but I guess teaching "gender studies" to confused youth who unfortunately through years of being misinformed can't figure out if their own sex is much more important then teaching kids about how their Government actually functions (hint - teaching them how things work would go against the Liberal agenda, because if they knew the truth and how things should be the Liberals wouldn't get away with so much of their shit - it benefits them to lie to, confuse and distract the kids/young adults).

This entire impeachment effort was premeditated and the process is being abused, yet everyone's eyes are on Trump and are only paying attention to the selective information they're being spoon fed from the main stream media. Well, the circus is going to end up with the Clowns getting hurt and the Ringmaster still being in control. It's just too bad the priority of the Liberals is to destroy our country. Imagine if all of these mindless people were motivated by their masters to do good instead of evil.

Edit: Illegal Alien, Illegal Alien, Illegal Alien, Illegal Alien. Sorry, I wanted to get in my $1,000,000 fine for today for violating NYC laws for simply saying that simple phrase. There's no such thing as "hate speech". There's only free speech. Now try to collect that fine. I'm waiting (with various tools in hand). *Wonderful Liberal wonderland*
Last edited by billapong,


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
The president also can 'presidentially pardon' people. Which is a 'get out of jail for free' card, if you think about it. :) So he does something illegal, then gets into jail, then pardons himself, then.. ;)

Point being - in a very few select political roles, you dont answer to the law, but to political committees and the public (just elections usually (most often)) instead.


Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
What's this nonsense I'm talking about? Prison camps? Organs? Just normal every day business in China, that happens to be a communist state.
Yes, let's just ignore the fact that the US also has prison camps where ICE officers regularly abuse and rape detainees. Also that some exclusively imprison toddlers and children. Also that China is an oligarchy, with inequality second only to the US, that Trump has repeatedly praised on Twitter.

It's the same thing that would eventually happen in the USA if we adopt socialism.
We already adopted it, and the period between 1930 and 1980 was the most prosperous in American history so far precisely because we did identify more as a social democracy at that time. Since then it's been one grifter after another selling us "trickle down" and "free market" economics, slowly choking all the life from unions and the middle class.

The Constitution isn't outdated.
Agreed, it's just too bad the Republican party ignores the parts they don't like, such as that pesky emoluments clause and the stuff about impeachment. It's the two-party system that's outdated and causes so much tribalism.

Trump is the most powerful man in the world. He should be respected just like any other President should be respected. He's a great leader because he doesn't throw his critics in jail.
Wow, talk about a low bar. He does use the office of president to attempt to smear his critics, which is traditionally below the dignity of the position. Respect is earned or lost from one's actions, not from their title.

This entire impeachment effort was premeditated
Was it a given that Trump would fuck up badly enough to be impeached? Maybe, but you can't blame anyone else for that, especially if you want to keep claiming that Republicans are the party of "personal responsibility." John Kelly was probably the last guy that stood any chance of keeping this administration from going off the rails, and he warned Trump that hiring a 'yes man' to succeed him would lead to impeachment. The "StAbLe GeNiUs" ignored his advice, so now here we are.
Last edited by Xzi,


Possibly an Enlightened Being
Global Moderator
Jan 13, 2015
The State of Denial
United States
Diplomatic immunity is touched on in Hollywood movies often so you'd think that most people would realize "it's a thing". Some people need the leeway to go about protecting the best interests of this country without having to deal with laws that are meant for the general public. If you disagree with this then that's just too bad - it is what it is.

You should just be thankful that you can disagree and do so publicly without being thrown into a prison camp and then having your organs harvested before they kill you (and have those organs go to the people you're speaking out against). What's this nonsense I'm talking about? Prison camps? Organs? Just normal every day business in China, that happens to be a communist state.

It's the same thing that would eventually happen in the USA if we adopt socialism. Maybe not right away, but once we give up our rights because some people have no idea how to live our own lives and think the Government knows best we'll soon be dealing with being powerless. The Constitution isn't outdated. It predicts human behavior perfectly and since humans keep repeating the past its very fitting for our current time.

Trump is the most powerful man in the world. He should be respected just like any other President should be respected. He's a great leader because he doesn't throw his critics in jail. The LGBTQxyz123 people will ruin your life if you don't address them in a certain manner. Leaders in communist countries will have you executed for disagreeing with them. Communist countries like Iran will chop your hands off for stealing or throw you off a building for being gay. Yet, people want that to happen here?

Trump is the most powerful man in the world. There's a process created for dealing with corrupt Presidents. The process shouldn't be premeditated or abused, but that's exactly what the Liberals have done and are doing. It's just unfortunate that the majority of the general public needed a spread sheet to explain the basic impeachment process to them, but I guess teaching "gender studies" to confused youth who unfortunately through years of being misinformed can't figure out if their own sex is much more important then teaching kids about how their Government actually functions (hint - teaching them how things work would go against the Liberal agenda, because if they knew the truth and how things should be the Liberals wouldn't get away with so much of their shit - it benefits them to lie to, confuse and distract the kids/young adults).

This entire impeachment effort was premeditated and the process is being abused, yet everyone's eyes are on Trump and are only paying attention to the selective information they're being spoon fed from the main stream media. Well, the circus is going to end up with the Clowns getting hurt and the Ringmaster still being in control. It's just too bad the priority of the Liberals is to destroy our country. Imagine if all of these mindless people were motivated by their masters to do good instead of evil.

Edit: Illegal Alien, Illegal Alien, Illegal Alien, Illegal Alien. Sorry, I wanted to get in my $1,000,000 fine for today for violating NYC laws for simply saying that simple phrase. There's no such thing as "hate speech". There's only free speech. Now try to collect that fine. I'm waiting (with various tools in hand). *Wonderful Liberal wonderland*
Trump has done a lot worse than getting a blowjob, which we impeached a liberal for. So far trump has bought an international hotel for making money off of foreign diplomats, rented space at trump tower for foreign entities, fired an fbi director for investigating crimes against him, and most recently tried to bribe a foreign government to investigate american citizens. So stop with the "misuse of impeachment"

Also, communism =/ socialism. You have it backwards. Socialism is for the individual, communism is for the state. We are already a socialist country. You benefit from socialism. The only "right" that socialism takes from anyone, is the right to take advantage of the impoverished.

You seem to identify as one of the billionaire's that people are speaking out against. That's not you. You dont realise just how much you benefit from socialism. But maybe your kids will, when these criminals pretending to be conservatives completely ruin education, or crime is out of control because we are short on police, or public transport comes to an end, or the environment itself becomes a health hazard, or only elites (not you) can afford proper healthcare. I can go on.

Edit: take a moment and really think what the country would actually be like if it were the way these "conservatives" want it. Where everyone is for themselves and people in need are left to their own demise because "it's not my problem". It would be a hell.
Last edited by WeedZ,


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2019
United States
Trump has done a lot worse than getting a blowjob, which we impeached a liberal for. So far trump has bought an international hotel for making money off of foreign diplomats, rented space at trump tower for foreign entities, fired an fbi director for investigating crimes against him, and most recently tried to bribe a foreign government to investigate american citizens. So stop with the "misuse of impeachment"

Trump boasting by putting up people in his properties makes him so little revenue that's it's asinine to say it's a crime. Oh shit, his business makes a little bit of money off of people staying at his hotels. So what. It's not like a few thousand dollars in profit means much to a billionaire. Every single President in my lifetime has used tax payers money for all sorts of personal interests. I don't have a problem with them staying in his hotels, which in turn shows the foreign leaders how powerful he is (leaves a good impression) when these guests or events could have been hosted at another place. Would that other place not also profit from that? Would you rather they stay at a Liberal owned establishment?

Other then the Ukraine issue, which is being used as an excuse in a premeditated attack (like I said) the rest of your "impeachable offenses" are horse shit. I don't think any #metoo women would appreciate you comparing a women being abused in the White House's Oval Office to someone simply staying the night at a hotel.

Also, communism =/ socialism. You have it backwards. Socialism is for the individual, communism is for the state. We are already a socialist country. You benefit from socialism. The only "right" that socialism takes from anyone, is the right to take advantage of the impoverished.

I don't have anything backwards. Throughout the entire world's history socialism has lead to communism. Yet, fools like you think it could work. It'll never work when you involve human instinct into the equation. It's a flawed system that has failed time and time again. It's like these kids telling older folks "okay boomer" because they think the older generation isn't listening to them. It's not that we aren't listening, we hear you loud and clear. It's that we've already been where you are at and grew the fuck up. We've gone through the same behavioral and thought patterns you have and realized what works and what doesn't. Socialism doesn't work. Once you realize that then maybe you can get your head out of your ass and contribute something positive to society. There's a reason most older people are Conservatives, it's because they survived Liberalism and realize it's the creations of devils spawn. You'll find most Conservatives were Democrats or Liberals at one point in time, mostly because that's how the education system produced them. They aren't given a choice. They are produced to not think for themselves and embrace a negative life system that ruins everything around them (including themselves). It's not only until they get older or start to question things and take up moral values that they realize that Liberals and Democrats in general are horrible people.

You seem to identify as one of the billionaire's that people are speaking out against. That's not you. You dont realise just how much you benefit from socialism. But maybe your kids will, when these criminals pretending to be conservatives completely ruin education, or crime is out of control because we are short on police, or public transport comes to an end, or the environment itself becomes a health hazard, or only elites (not you) can afford proper healthcare. I can go on.

If I were a billionaire I'd personally hire investigators to find some of the members on this board and ruin their lives for pushing socialism on others. If the LGBTQ community can "cancel" people for simply not addressing them as "he", "she" or "it" then I'll be God damned if I can't fucking ruin people who support killing babies and taking my money to give to illegal aliens who in turn rape and kill our citizens. Sadly, I'm not rich, but if I ever do run into a lump sum some of this sites users will go down and HARD.

Edit: take a moment and really think what the country would actually be like if it were the way these "conservatives" want it. Where everyone is for themselves and people in need are left to their own demise because "it's not my problem". It would be a hell.

It would be a wonderful world. For one we wouldn't have Liberals, because they're too stupid to think for themselves or get off their lazy asses to work so they all would be dead. For two we'd be back to the way things were when the country first started where the best win and the weak die (again, more dead Liberals, so good). Hey, I might end up dead, but at least I'd be allowed to fail. I don't need anyone telling me what to think and how to act. I understand Liberals are too stupid to think or act by themselves, but without hate there's no love, without losers there's no winners and a world without Liberals would be a wonderful place.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

Yes, let's just ignore the fact that the US also has prison camps where ICE officers regularly abuse and rape detainees. Also that some exclusively imprison toddlers and children. Also that China is an oligarchy, with inequality second only to the US, that Trump has repeatedly praised on Twitter.

Camps created by Obama .... There's no regular rapes (far less than than illegal aliens commit themselves). Oh, "the poor children". At least they're alive and not being sucked out of their mothers womb and then being ground up because you simply don't want them. Anyway, you can't address the points I brought up so I'm not going to get distracted by your Liberal gibberish.

Wow, talk about a low bar. He does use the office of president to attempt to smear his critics, which is traditionally below the dignity of the position. Respect is earned or lost from one's actions, not from their title.

There's a big diffrence between standing up for yourself and pointing about Liberal hypocrisy then ruining the lives of people who don't agree with you or having them put to death. With destroying peoples lives being done by the LBTQAxzy123 community and killings done in communist countries. You should be glad that Trump isn't a bi-sexual socialism supporting President, otherwise you would be financially ruined, jailed or put to death for speaking out against him.


Possibly an Enlightened Being
Global Moderator
Jan 13, 2015
The State of Denial
United States
Trump boasting by putting up people in his properties makes him so little revenue that's it's asinine to say it's a crime. Oh shit, his business makes a little bit of money off of people staying at his hotels. So what. It's not like a few thousand dollars in profit means much to a billionaire. Every single President in my lifetime has used tax payers money for all sorts of personal interests. I don't have a problem with them staying in his hotels, which in turn shows the foreign leaders how powerful he is (leaves a good impression) when these guests or events could have been hosted at another place. Would that other place not also profit from that? Would you rather they stay at a Liberal owned establishment?

Other then the Ukraine issue, which is being used as an excuse in a premeditated attack (like I said) the rest of your "impeachable offenses" are horse shit. I don't think any #metoo women would appreciate you comparing a women being abused in the White House's Oval Office to someone simply staying the night at a hotel.

He made over 40 million on the hotel alone. Either way, thats just one example for valid impeachment.

You also forget that their relationship was consensual.
I don't have anything backwards. Throughout the entire world's history socialism has lead to communism. Yet, fools like you think it could work. It'll never work when you involve human instinct into the equation. It's a flawed system that has failed time and time again. It's like these kids telling older folks "okay boomer" because they think the older generation isn't listening to them. It's not that we aren't listening, we hear you loud and clear. It's that we've already been where you are at and grew the fuck up. We've gone through the same behavioral and thought patterns you have and realized what works and what doesn't. Socialism doesn't work. Once you realize that then maybe you can get your head out of your ass and contribute something positive to society. There's a reason most older people are Conservatives, it's because they survived Liberalism and realize it's the creations of devils spawn. You'll find most Conservatives were Democrats or Liberals at one point in time, mostly because that's how the education system produced them. They aren't given a choice. They are produced to not think for themselves and embrace a negative life system that ruins everything around them (including themselves). It's not only until they get older or start to question things and take up moral values that they realize that Liberals and Democrats in general are horrible people.
The world is older than 200 years, which is when socialism became a thing. You forget we went though periods of monarchy and a previously failed capitalist empire? So, when did socialism become communism? You say things, but it just comes out of your head without any real basis. "In all of world history". lol actually read about the history of socialism and capitalism then get back to me.

I'm not quoting the rest of your post. It's just paranoid lunatic ramblings. A lot of hate and no actual fact. It doesnt even make sense. You should grab a glass of wine, kick back, relax, take a breath, and crack open a history book.


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2005
United States
Trump has done a lot worse than getting a blowjob, which we impeached a liberal for.

Clinton was impeached for perjury wrt: Paula Jones, and obstruction of justice. Although the blowjob, having been received from a WH intern, obviously also qualified as sexual harassment in the workplace. Clinton lost his license to practice law, both in Arkansas and before SCOTUS, for perjury.


Dec 23, 2009
So...y'all thought things were polarized before? Well...brace yourself, because it's going one step further:

Alexander Vindman claims the phone transcript was edited before it was released.

According to him, key parts about Hunter or Burisma holdings were discussed in the phone call but not (or no longer) in the transcript. So Trump's "perfect phone call" isn't just fishy by anyone not himself: it's also plain fake news.

I can't say I'm very surprised. It was already known that before it was released the transcript was first put in a higher-security part, even though nothing of state safety was discussed in the call. And since the transcript is released by the white house, it's not exactly the most clear of evidence (we've only got the word of the white house that this is the real transcript of the call...but the word of the white house is exactly what's on the line).

Of course I can't blame others for not believing Vindman. I mean...he's only a war hero, right? Purple heart? Pffff...I can get a dozen of 'em if I wasn't too chicken to go to war! Why would he be credible enough to tell a story? "oooh...his "narrative" is in line with what other testifications said before him...how CONVENIENT for him!" And so what that he works at the white house...it's not like he leads the place. Naah...I'll side with that old fart who defies his own weather service. Now THAT is credibility! :tpi:


Possibly an Enlightened Being
Global Moderator
Jan 13, 2015
The State of Denial
United States
Clinton was impeached for perjury wrt: Paula Jones, and obstruction of justice. Although the blowjob, having been received from a WH intern, obviously also qualified as sexual harassment in the workplace. Clinton lost his license to practice law, both in Arkansas and before SCOTUS, for perjury.
His perjury was lying about his affair. I'm not saying he didnt deserve to be impeached. I full heartedly agree he did. What I'm saying is look at the comparisons between what even Democrats themselves thought was unacceptable behavior and what trump has done. Telling the american people outright on national tv that he fired the lead of an organization because they were investigating him is undeniably obstruction of justice. It wasnt even kinda questionable like Clinton. But yet they let it go, along with several other arguably impeachable offenses. This impeachment preceding isn't necessarily just about the phone call. It's for everything hes done, and the things he might do should he continue go unchallenged.

There are things trump has done right. And I know a lot of people love him. But you cant look at him objectively and not admit that his actions thus far have been outright criminal. To do so would be an insult to your own intelligence, as well as everyone else's. There needs to be a moral standard that is upheld, and luckily we have that with the constitution.


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2005
United States
What I'm saying is look at the comparisons between what even Democrats themselves thought was unacceptable behavior and what trump has done.

Democrats voted unanimously to acquit Clinton. It is worth noting that some Republicans did too. But it's inaccurate to claim the Democrats thought his lies under oath were unacceptable.

There are things trump has done right. And I know a lot of people love him. But you cant look at him objectively and not admit that his actions thus far have been outright criminal. To do so would be an insult to your own intelligence, as well as everyone else's. There needs to be a moral standard that is upheld, and luckily we have that with the constitution.

Disagree. Just because you type the words out doesn't make it so. Every Democrat claim of a crime by the President is arguable, at best. Crimes must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. And whatcha got? Everything that Trump ever did before the Ukraine phone call came up in previous votes in the House to start impeachment (there have been THREE House votes on impeachment resolutions since Dec 2017) failed, and failed hard.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2019
United States
Democrats voted unanimously to acquit Clinton. It is worth noting that some Republicans did too. But it's inaccurate to claim the Democrats thought his lies under oath were unacceptable.

Disagree. Just because you type the words out doesn't make it so. Every Democrat claim of a crime by the President is arguable, at best. Crimes must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. And whatcha got? Everything that Trump ever did before the Ukraine phone call came up in previous votes in the House to start impeachment (there have been THREE House votes on impeachment resolutions since Dec 2017) failed, and failed hard.

I've decided to no longer comment in serious nature on this inquiry process until I see Vindman and Taylor's testimony. If the current leaks of both of their testimony are true I'd argue that true criminal action and a knowingly cover-up of that action beyond a shadow of a doubt occurred. Also, Trump is incapable of testifying without committing perjury by admission of his former lawyer John Dowd. If he is ever put on a stand and cross-examined, he will be doomed. He's far too detached from reality to handle himself in a courtroom of any kind. If we end up adding perjury to the list of charges, will people like Graham move to acquit. God the irony republicans would face. It's true theater that the likes of Shakespeare couldn't reach.


Possibly an Enlightened Being
Global Moderator
Jan 13, 2015
The State of Denial
United States
Democrats voted unanimously to acquit Clinton. It is worth noting that some Republicans did too. But it's inaccurate to claim the Democrats thought his lies under oath were unacceptable.
That's not true at all. Its public record. Dems voted against just as Republicans voted for him.

Disagree. Just because you type the words out doesn't make it so. Every Democrat claim of a crime by the President is arguable, at best. Crimes must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. And whatcha got? Everything that Trump ever did before the Ukraine phone call came up in previous votes in the House to start impeachment (there have been THREE House votes on impeachment resolutions since Dec 2017) failed, and failed hard.
He admitted obstruction on his own. Those were his words.

You were right about previous votes for impeachment inquiries. But I still disagree that these claims are arguable. Murder convictions have been made without an admittance of guilt. In the case of Comey we have admittance, a body, and a gun. I'm baffled something didnt happen then.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2019
United States
If I were a billionaire I'd personally hire investigators to find some of the members on this board and ruin their lives for pushing socialism on others. If the LGBTQ community can "cancel" people for simply not addressing them as "he", "she" or "it" then I'll be God damned if I can't fucking ruin people who support killing babies and taking my money to give to illegal aliens who in turn rape and kill our citizens. Sadly, I'm not rich, but if I ever do run into a lump sum some of this sites users will go down and HARD.
It would be a wonderful world. For one we wouldn't have Liberals, because they're too stupid to think for themselves or get off their lazy asses to work so they all would be dead. For two we'd be back to the way things were when the country first started where the best win and the weak die (again, more dead Liberals, so good). Hey, I might end up dead, but at least I'd be allowed to fail. I don't need anyone telling me what to think and how to act. I understand Liberals are too stupid to think or act by themselves, but without hate there's no love, without losers there's no winners and a world without Liberals would be a wonderful place.

If it's every man for himself, pure capitalist nation, how many children will die in poverty once we yank social programs that feed them, cloth them, educate them? Places across america have food-bank shortages as it is. It's not the child's fault that their parents have no affluence or means to support them, let's say even if they were capable and refused to get a job. Do you still ignore feeding the child? You are so blinded by hatred that you can't even properly conceive of cause and effect. I never quite understood anti-abortionists who are against supporting welfare and social programs for the poor (socialism).

What about social security and medicare. The government forced people to pay for it for their whole life to guarantee some semblance of retiring with dignity. Its better to let people make their own choices and decisions right? Even if they were incapable of managing their own retirement or suffered a hardship/recession where they lost their savings/investments. Those people will just need to be on the street and die out if they can't work anymore. -- I've met those who believe that, are you one of them?


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2005
United States
That's not true at all. Its public record. Dems voted against just as Republicans voted for him.

Maybe you mean the vote on the articles on impeachment in the House, in which case yeah there were a five Democrats who voted against it to some extent. But I said the Democrats voted unanimously to acquit him, which is in reference to the judgment vote in the Senate after the trial.

Last edited by Hanafuda,

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