Um, the patch says it's for the german version of Pokémon White 2, and the US Pokemon Black, Black 2, White, and White 2 ROMs I dumped myself say the antipiracy patching is not supported with the tool?
Help please???
it won't let me add or link a pic, so here's the names of the roms as they were dumped - all are US games.
Edit 2: now it's talking about the crc32 not being correct after i find the right rom file. Why is it saying that?? Can anyone please help??
Edit 3: managed to figure out what the crc32 were, but......
My ganes don't have crc32s that match any game in that AP patch database? Help please? What do I do now? Anyone have the AP patches for specifically the US versions of the games, as I'm not sure whivh of the english entries on that list are the US versions?