To be honest the requirements for 100% Now and days are getting a bit ridiculous. I remember when there was only one way to finish a game, like super mario bros, all you had to do is save the princess. Usually i just use the warp pipe and that is it. Not sure why games had short cutts and stuff, that was when we had to make rules our self that beating every stage in order wa consider our 100%. Then games like Super mario world and Donkey kong country and super metroid had records for your completion by showing it on your save data. Then it got a little bit more desireable to explore every aspect of games.
Now in modern day, we have achievements system and since games are HUGE AND ALMOST UNLIMITED UPDATED. We have games like Super mario 3D world, Donkey kong country tropical freeze, Super smash bros, and lets not forget PSN trophies and XBOX LIVE achievements.
The first week of Wii u i got new super mario bros U. Of course i got all off the stages completed in only 4 days cause i am a mario master.
But then super mario 3d world was like..... What? Since i play the game alone, I managed to collect every stamp, get all star coins on each stage and even beaten THE CHAMPIONS ROAD. Final level hardest one in game. Now the way i see it, In order to get full completion what is left for me to do is BEAT EVERY STAGE WITH ALL CHARACTERS.
Since i was playing alone it means 5 times i play the whole game again. If i was playing four player mode the whole time it might have been less fustrating cause all i had to do was play it again with Rosalina the 5th character which is not as bad is 5 times over.
Donke kong tropical freeze wants you to collect all "Banjo-Kazooie Jigsaw puzzles" in every level, as well as all kong letters, each world has secret stage that unlocks when you collect all cong levels from the island. when you beat all secret stages you get access to one island that is harder than the rest of the game.... What happens? You beat it and the game says. "OH GREAT, you beat the whole game. I bet you can't do it all over again.... on hard mode... one hit point, no checkpoints, and repeat the process again. How tough are you now?"
Yeah, just great, a second playthrough with Higher expectations of the player to challeng that.
Don't let me get started on super smash bros.... Well that all i got to say, unless you want me to say more....
And last but not least the trophy system on PSN games. Take a good look at the platinum one.... let's see.... "Get all other trophies" Oh well okay lets seee GOLD: "Win 10 rank matches in a row" Oh so i need to play against other players online to get some trophies? Put my skill against others? Well good luck with that.
I don't think Games should have achievements that require you to play online against each other and is skill based. If it was to say "Play 500 online battles" Or even "Play 200 local group games" That isn't so bad. but "Win 10 ranked matches in a row" It means your playing against someone else who is probably trying to do the same and won't just lose on purpose for you, ranked is completly random match making so is rare to get same guy multiple times in sucession, so winning 10 in a row is kinda obsurd. I Just don't think it should be a thing. Then again, i understand is a option to play online but if your a achievemtn hunter is required so.... yeah you want that 100% trophy then good luck.
I guess the idea of 100% is to explore all of the game which is okay, is encouragaging to have someone get the most play of the game they spent value on. But it could also just update the game with more content, either way some games is fun to try and get everything done, and sometimes is a total nightmare.