I finally managed to get CleanRip on my USB Stick its a 32gb model. I want to back up all my GameCube games and Wii games to play on Dolphin. But I'm struggling allot. I also want to play Dolphin VR with someome games and play the Hero of Time mod for Skilar for TP GCN. And play Wind Waker with Hiresolution Textures. I am hoping someone can help me figure this stuff out. I am updated to v4.3U and CleanRip is asking me to update the HBC. I'm not sure what to do. Can anyone help me figure this out please? I haven't used Homebrew for awhile. I'm not sure if my Wii can connect to the internet or not and update the HBC automatically or not. I'm at a complete lost. Sorry. All I do is want to do is legally back my games up and play some mods/rom hacks. Finally got CleanRip to work, now I'm getting the errror to update. How do I fix this? I downloaded version 2.1.2 of CleanRip. Thanks! Hope someone can help me. I'm slow. Sorry. I had CleanRip on my old Wii YEARS ago. Never had problems at all.