Hacking Cheat loading problem?


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2009
Somewhere in the World.
United States
Alright so I have an n5 and ive been trying to add yu-gi-oh world championship 2008 to the usrcheat.dat cheatlist. The problem is that my n5 wont recognize just this game for cheats, all my other games have cheats but this one. So, using a cheat code editor and the action replay, i made just one usrcheat.dat that held only yu-gi-oh. Then i pulled my old usrcheat.dat, saved it to my computer, download the latest cheat.dat. Now when i go to play on my n5, none of my games but yu-gi-oh pull up with cheats. What should i do?

Yes my cheats are saved under system.

Yes I have the latest firmware.

Yes all my games work fine.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2008
United States
1. Wrong section, should be in N5DS section, just to let u know next time.

2. The best way to fix this would be to search on here for cheat.dat downloads, & eventually u will find a page with downloads with names like GBATemp.net 12-21-08 CHEAT.DAT & stuff like that. None of those worked for me so i did this. Get the one that has the CHEAT.XML, put it in ur Action Replay Code Manager folder inside your local_codelists folder found from My Computer, C Drive, Program Files, & Datel folder. Open the Code Manager, & the xml file should now be in the bottom in Custom Codelists. Open it up to see all the codes it already has. If it doesn't have the games u want in it, put them in it normally. After your done, X it out, go back in Local_Codelists folder, copy & paste the cheat.xml you just updated to the desktop for easy access. Now open your Cheat Code Editor program. Now, press the button that shows a piece of paper & the letters XML on it, & open the xml file thats on the desktop. If it says that there was an error loading the code list, it still should have some of the games on it. Look to see how far it goes(usually stops on Megaman ZX: Advent (E)) Delete whatever game it stops putting codes on, & delete it while on Action Replay Code Manager. After this is done, do it again, & it should load fine. After it does load correctly, you can press the floppy disk to save it. Leave the name as it is, dont rename it. It will have usrcheat as the name. save it to the desktop. now press the clean sheet of paper to start a new cheatlist & open your newly made usrcheat.dat file, to make sure it worked properly. now put ur micro sd card back into the cpu, & go to where your cheat.dat or usrcheat.dat file is. put your new usrcheat.dat file into the same spot, overwriting or deleting the old one. YOU CAN ONLY HAVE 1 CHEAT FILE AT A TIME. if u have 2, it will mess the cheats up, & they wont work on ur N5. Test them out to see if they work now. If they don't, ill try to find the right solution, just repost this in the N5 section.

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