Capcom confirms work on more Resident Evil remakes
Yoshiaki Hirabayashi & Yasuhiro Anbo. Image credit to IGN.
In a recent interview with IGN Japan made during a PlayStation Paterns Awards event in Japan, the director for the Resident Evil 4 Remake, Yasuhiro Anpo was asked if Capcom was still interested in making remakes, to which he gave a solid "Yes" for an answer, adding the following:
Yasuhiro Anbo said:We’ve released three remakes so far and they have all been received very well. Since it allows a modern audience to play these games, it is something I am happy to do as someone that loves these older games, and we want to continue doing more.
What game we will remake in the future is something that we would like to announce in the future, so please look forward to it.
When developing a new game, there is no way to know what will be received well by the players, which makes it difficult. In the case of a remake, there are already players that have played the original, which I think can be seen as an advantage.
We are very grateful to users that are vocal about their opinion. It allows us to develop with the player’s opinion in mind. For example, if this is how the players feel, then maybe we can make it like this. I think this is one of the reasons why our remakes are so well received.
After the huge success of the Resident Evil 4 Remake, and with the comments and confirmation by Yasuhiro Anbo himself, it's almost a given that we'll end up seeing yet another Resident Evil remake down the line, but as to which one that is, it's still unknown.
Fans have been claimouring for a Code: Veronica remake before the RE4 one got announced, and some recent rumours seem to fuel the instance that indeed Code: Veronica is the next one down the line, which could further cement the development of Albert Wesker after his extended appearance in the Resident Evil 4 Remake, and his involvement in the Rockfort/Antartica incidents during Code: Veronica's plotline to set him up as the main antagonist for an eventual Resident Evil 5 Remake, if Capcom does end up remaking titles that far up the Resident Evil franchise.
However, nothing is confirmed yet, and we can only wait until Capcom gives a proper announcement as to what their next main Resident Evil game will be.