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Can Donald Trump become President Again?


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2014
Death Star
United Kingdom
I know I am basically sounding like a hypocrite here saying this but I miss the days when the internet was not as influential on people as it is now. It may be a great gift to the world but its helped the spread of brain rot to unprecedented levels. The last two years alone has shown just how bad it can influence the worst in people on a global scale. Its an ugly but unfortunate truth.
Nah even the creator of WWW protocol has said he's disgusted with what the Internet has become.


Resident Robot Hoarder
Mar 25, 2021
The Best State on The Best Coast
United States
It wouldn't be so bad if we didn't have people as corrupt as Trump standing. If people who voted for him accepted that he never tells the truth and they are just along for the white supremacy, then I could actually respect them for their vote. It's the underhand tactics.

I had someone explain to me how Trump was great as oil prices plummeted while he was president and no oil was imported and so they wanted him back. But of course that was due to covid 2020 lockdowns & not Trump. He has in effect become a https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cargo_cult
I would say its funny because the RNC really did not want him to get as far as he did in terms of voter popularity. They basically wanted to do to him what the DNC did to Sanders, in which they already had their choice regardless of what the people wanted but in the case of the RNC they do not have protocols in place to prevent a popular choice to override their own personal choice. Thats why shit like Superdelegates exist in the DNC. Its basically their internal version of the electoral college as a checks and balances system to push their choice over what the voters might want.

They really wanted someone like Jeb be the primary choice, probably because for one it would be a Bush in the race again, and two because it would have made the vote for a Bush or a Clinton funny in a nostalgic way. But Trump really made waves in popularity, and despite him openly embodying the worst of what the party represents in real time (so much so that the parody jokes of which you see on prime time TV has become reality) the RNC had no choice but to roll with it as their primary.

Nah even the creator of WWW protocol has said he's disgusted with what the Internet has become.
TBL has a mixed opinion on things as it stands, but that is because things moved way too fast in the adoption rate of the internet. I blame Apple for that mostly.


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
I mean, I also believe that voters should at least be filtered via an aptitude test to ensure they have not had their brain completely spoiled by misinformation, people talk about votes being stolen or hacked but the truth is most of the issues with votes anymore is that voters are getting pudding brain from illegitimate sources of information and the line toeing between calling bullshit on misinformation and those believing that the capital needs to be raided is apparently a line that needs to be drawn and filtered as shitty as it sounds. That said its not like some of the bible belt states aren't trying to enforce something similar but with the filter working against those who are not white or have a special ID. At least my idea just filters those who are too mentally compromised to determine if the person they want to vote for is for legitimate reasons or are being influenced by stupid internet rumors.

I feel like to vote for someone that will control the country you need to go through the process similar to getting a firearm. It should filter out the crazys but at the same time crazys have nothing better to do with their free time where as those who do not have free time but are mentally sound to vote may simply skip out on it. So even then my idea is inherently flawed too.

I know I am basically sounding like a hypocrite here saying this but I miss the days when the internet was not as influential on people as it is now. It may be a great gift to the world but its helped the spread of brain rot to unprecedented levels. The last two years alone has shown just how bad it can influence the worst in people on a global scale. Its an ugly but unfortunate truth.
A truly frightening prospect, considering the fact that it implies some kind of authority, most likely governmental, deciding what is and is not “good quality information”.

Whether that is true or not, it's completely irrelevant and pointless to the discussion of the role the president performs.

It might make some sense if states actually voted 100% for one candidate, but they clearly don't. So even if there is this mythical "varied interests" then their population is not privy to what that is or what effect the president should have. You can't balance out the multitude of different conflicting "varied interests" that could arise by manipulating the vote like this.

Once in power the president is supposed to be everyone's president and balance their needs, not that the president has complete power anyway.

It's basically a way of controlling the vote by people who are anti democratic.
Countries in the European Union have their own governments and their own leaders that only send a select few to the Europarliment to deliberate on matters that affect the entire continent. The United States were intended to be a similar sort of construct, except in the U.S. the fed is also in charge of interstate law, foreign policy and the military, among a myriad of other things. That was always the intended blueprint. The founders were never in support of a fully unrestrained democracy, for reasons that were already explained.


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
I mean, not really. Something like what happens in Switzerland would be nice.
Every Swiss citizen aged 18 or over that is not subject to guardianship due to mental disability or other impairment of judgement is eligible to vote on a federal level and automatically enrolled, I don’t know what you’re talking about. Similar rules apply in the United States - if you’re under the impression that just about anyone can show up to the ballot box, you’re incorrect.


What’s *not* used as a filter is political alignment, as it would stand in direct contradiction to the Bill of Rights. People can vote for whoever they want and they’re under no obligation to justify their choice to anyone.

If you mean something else (the context was voting, after all, and “misinformed voters”), you’ll have to be more specific.


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2022
No doubt, Donald Trump likes to troll against the media and the Dem whenever possible which other president don't or doing it not as much, the toxic atmosphere could be felt in most of his press briefings until the point of never trumper and now look what sleepy joe did or never do his diligent role as the commander in chief?
Like it anot, Trump will swiftly turn thing around if WWIII doesn't start under biden's watch.


Apr 5, 2011
At my chair.
Like a Latinamerican sonwriter used to sang:

My grandpa was a brave man,
He only was afraid of idiots.
When I asked ¿why?
He answered:
"Because they are a lot
and been majority
they can choose everything
even elect presidents!"

The original Spanish version:

Mi abuelo era un hombre muy valiente,
sólo le tenía miedo a los idiotas.
Le pregunté ¿por qué?,
y me respondió:
porque son muchos,
y al ser mayoría eligen
hasta al presidente.

The Catboy

GBAtemp Official Catboy™: Savior of the broken
Sep 13, 2009
Making a non-binary fuss
No doubt, Donald Trump likes to troll against the media and the Dem whenever possible which other president don't or doing it not as much, the toxic atmosphere could be felt in most of his press briefings until the point of never trumper and now look what sleepy joe did or never do his diligent role as the commander in chief?
Like it anot, Trump will swiftly turn thing around if WWIII doesn't start under biden's watch.
Trump won’t turn the war around, he’d just bootlick Putin some more and pretend the war wasn’t happening or downplay it.


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2022
He is well known for Art of a Deal, he will try to think of a way so he can bragged on his rally. He always brag he drew millions to his rally and he is without a guitar.

Trump won’t turn the war around, he’d just bootlick Putin some more and pretend the war wasn’t happening or downplay it.

The Catboy

GBAtemp Official Catboy™: Savior of the broken
Sep 13, 2009
Making a non-binary fuss
He is well known for Art of a Deal, he will try thing of a way so he can bragged on his rally.
He’s also known for constantly licking Putin’s boots and making terrible business choices.
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Resident Robot Hoarder
Mar 25, 2021
The Best State on The Best Coast
United States
Why 🍎 specifically?
The original iMac G3 from 1998/99 was the leap point where access to the internet became more attainable for most average users. Between its attractive design and all in one form factor with built in networking functionality allowing simple access to the internet for anyone who wanted in on it without needing to know how to install cards, drivers or anything above dead simple plug in and play use.

This once again would be surpassed by Apple once again by the time the first iPhone came out, popularizing mobile smartphones and pushing the race forward for an internet everywhere and in everyone's hands.

Would this have changed dramatically if Apple was not in the picture? Probably not by too much, as the leaps would have existed in some other form but we would have probably had a more gradual adoption of the internet rather than the rapid adoption that happened between the early to late 00's. Now everyone has access to the internet, regardless of age or mental state.

A truly frightening prospect, considering the fact that it implies some kind of authority, most likely governmental, deciding what is and is not “good quality information”.
That is also another prospect that I found flawed aside from what I previously mentioned. The handling of what constitutes as factual or fiction would have to be handled by a third party of non biased means acting purely on fact. But even this can be found corruptible in the long run.

Pretty much anything born of human mind can be corrupted in the long run.

He’s also known for constantly licking Putin’s boots and making terrible business choices.
He was basically trying to wine and dine Trump in the same way he had done with Lukashenko in Belarus. I am sure he tried to do the same with the officials in China but I think they have the tables turned and are waiting for the other foot to drop so they could take over and make Russia theirs.


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2009
United Kingdom
Nah even the creator of WWW protocol has said he's disgusted with what the Internet has become.
I'm not sure Sir Tim has any more say about what the internet should be used for than the person who designed my kitchen has over what I cook. The internet is just a reflection of humanity, for better or worse.

A truly frightening prospect, considering the fact that it implies some kind of authority, most likely governmental, deciding what is and is not “good quality information”.

Countries in the European Union have their own governments and their own leaders that only send a select few to the Europarliment to deliberate on matters that affect the entire continent. The United States were intended to be a similar sort of construct, except in the U.S. the fed is also in charge of interstate law, foreign policy and the military, among a myriad of other things. That was always the intended blueprint. The founders were never in support of a fully unrestrained democracy, for reasons that were already explained.
Well clearly you can't leave it up to the people to decide, because the half wits will vote for Trump. So do you have a better solution? The only other option would be to just kill Trump, but I don't really like that idea either.

I don't think it's relevant what the founders of the states were in support of, they were in favor of slavery etc.


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
Well clearly you can't leave it up to the people to decide, because the half wits will vote for Trump. So do you have a better solution? The only other option would be to just kill Trump, but I don't really like that idea either.
I don’t have a problem with half-wits being manipulated into voting for politicians that enact policy I find beneficial - the stupid have been manipulated since the dawn of time. You’re over 200 years late to discuss this matter with the likes of Tocqueville - democracy equals tyranny of the stupid. Another good reason for the Electoral College to exist - as a stop gap against the stupid. It’s almost as if it was designed to do that - to act as a check against the tyranny of the majority.


Long discussion for a different thread.
I don't think it's relevant what the founders of the states were in support of, they were in favor of slavery etc.
The founders were aiming to abolish slavery from the very beginning, they were forced into an inconvenient socioeconomic situation and opted for gradual change for the sake of establishing unity first - out of necessity rather than preference. They were actually quite vocal about that. The blame for slavery existing in the United States at all was solely and squarely cast on the British Empire and the king. They always recognised that slavery ran contrary to the American ideal of all people being created equal, but had no means to resolve the matter - compromises had to be made in the face of a greater foe.
That is also another prospect that I found flawed aside from what I previously mentioned. The handling of what constitutes as factual or fiction would have to be handled by a third party of non biased means acting purely on fact. But even this can be found corruptible in the long run.

Pretty much anything born of human mind can be corrupted in the long run.
Unbiased third parties don’t exist - the last thing I need is fact checkers fact checking fact checkers. I have a better idea - just show me the facts and I’ll form my own opinions.
Last edited by Foxi4,


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2009
United Kingdom
I don’t have a problem with half-wits being manipulated into voting for politicians that enact policy I find beneficial
Which is a basic lack of integrity that throws all of what you "find beneficial" into doubt.

That is a fundamental problem. We shouldn't be doing what someone with that outlook "finds beneficial".

Hopefully one day you will figure out why it's a problem, until then I can't be bothered with you.


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
Which is a basic lack of integrity that throws all of what you "find beneficial" into doubt.

That is a fundamental problem. We shouldn't be doing what someone with that outlook "finds beneficial".

Hopefully one day you will figure out why it's a problem, until then I can't be bothered with you.
You’re the guys who just suggested that people should be disenfranchised on the basis of their beliefs, “being misinformed” or their level of intelligence - you can take your criticism, fold it into a paper boat and toss it into the sea because your supposed moral authority is a ship that’s already sailed. I’m perfectly happy with them voting, I just want them to be convinced to vote my way. I quote:
Well clearly you can't leave it up to the people to decide, because the half wits will vote for Trump.
Mask slipping again, your authoritarianism is showing.


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2009
United Kingdom
You’re the guys who just suggested that people should be disenfranchised on the basis of their beliefs, “being misinformed” or their level of intelligence - you can take your criticism, fold it into a paper boat and toss it into the sea because your supposed moral authority is a ship that’s already sailed. I’m perfectly happy with them voting, I just want them to be convinced to vote my way. I quote:
Mask slipping again, your authoritarianism is showing.
No, I'm saying we need a way of getting rid of bad actors so that bad actors like you can't fuck us.

The whole point of society is to weed out bad actors like you

And if by "mask slipping" you mean stopping bad actors, then sure. My mask is off.

I'm actually very very liberal until I am confronted by disingenous people like you, but you won't see it because you can't help yourself

You are far more authoritarian in your views, you just are happy because you are getting your own way while decent people are getting screwed.

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