I'm playing Pokemon ROSA with a o3DS RX-E 10.6.0-31E CFW,
I want connect to internet, but i dont want nintendo update do you have any solutions for block their update ?
I've a freebox revolution (French modem) i've try to block nintendo URL but nothing ...
I'am a young developer, ( C# , Php , Java , js , etc...) still studiant and i want to start something in 3DS/WiiU hack if u have any documentations to start this i will take it with pleasur
Thx for read and maybe answer
I'm playing Pokemon ROSA with a o3DS RX-E 10.6.0-31E CFW,
I want connect to internet, but i dont want nintendo update do you have any solutions for block their update ?
I've a freebox revolution (French modem) i've try to block nintendo URL but nothing ...
I'am a young developer, ( C# , Php , Java , js , etc...) still studiant and i want to start something in 3DS/WiiU hack if u have any documentations to start this i will take it with pleasur
Thx for read and maybe answer