BlackCats Scam?


Feb 14, 2007
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QUOTE said:
[19:34] it was always my impression it was 5 consoles m8
[19:35] even when i spoke to james about it it was to be units
[19:35] 5 units
[19:35] [19:35] [xxxxxx] yes that was what i heard also, but not knowing what
the score was i just put winner(s)
[19:35] and if you check my pms to people on site from the staff box
you will see it is what i have said the whole way through
[19:35] [19:35] [xxxxxx] stoi do u think u shud pay staff for there work on site
[19:35] [19:35] [stoi] ok honestly, yes we did buy some stuff off ebay, but it
was 1`000s of ??? worth of stuff
[19:36] [19:36] [xxxxxx] way i see it if this is put around it will do site some
damage or could do they may take pity but like i said 1 pound or 10 it still
[19:36] [19:36] [stoi] No because if hackers ever found out, the site wouldnt
last 5 minutes
[19:36] [19:36] [xxxx] EXACTLY

how the draw is to work

[21:36] [stoi] if it is 5 consoles though i have 3 choices, get them and ship
them, may happen may not, come clean and tell everyone what james has done
(which im heading towards but need to think) cheat the draw somehow and have 1
real winner. but who the hell makes the 1st draw ever on a website 5 fucking

QUOTEwell james did take the bulk of that money, i even sent an announcement out earlier to all those that had donated telling them what had happened.

and i was going to honour the prize draw as well, i told them that in the announcement as well and that was sent 10 hours or so ago before this hack.

so its not me you want to be having a go at, its james and newbody, 4-5 years work gone down the drain becuase they got greedy, or thats how i see it anyway.

yes i am to blame, i should have never gave the site over, but james has been staff for over 3 years, so i thought i could trust him with it for 1 lousy month, i was always coming back the 1st december.

so yes blame me for being a sucker, and a fool, but dont say the draw was a scam because i was going to honour it, and if that meant 5 consoles then so be it, i would have had to fork out for 5 consoles.

I've never donated, but I feel sorry for those that did. Shady business

Bob Loblaw

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Aug 7, 2007
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Stoi's an idiot. BC gets hacked all the time. James has always been a retard. And he clearly says at first
QUOTE said:
[21:36] [stoi] if it is 5 consoles though i have 3 choices, get them and ship
them, may happen may not, come clean and tell everyone what james has done
(which im heading towards but need to think) cheat the draw somehow and have 1
real winner. but who the hell makes the 1st draw ever on a website 5 fucking

How does he go from "cheat the draw somehow" to "i always planned on honouring the contest"


fire walk with me
Feb 3, 2006
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Ironically, I've been desperately trying to get an account from BC lately. The last one I got was banned and I know they've a great library of games so I'll definitely need one. But I wouldn't donate one of those sites. I would probably donate to Torrentbytes though, those guys know what they're doing and they're doing a very good job.

Bob Loblaw

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Aug 7, 2007
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Ironically, I've been desperately trying to get an account from BC lately. The last one I got was banned and I know they've a great library of games so I'll definitely need one. But I wouldn't donate one of those sites. I would probably donate to Torrentbytes though, those guys know what they're doing and they're doing a very good job.

Yeah, I mean, if you're willing to shell out a couple bucks for donations the best route to go would just be to subscribe to a usenet server. Then you don't have to worry about seeding back or getting banned. Or getting your money stolen.


Feb 14, 2007
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Don't you just love the Internet drama?

QUOTE said:
Sorry to hyjack (however you spell it) your post, but this needs front page (well first post)

Ok.... i'm sorry but I have to spill it (and stoi if you read this I gave you nearly 1 year to talk to me about this but since you rather avoid my ass at all costs here it goes).

There was NO hack. It was a staff member sending those out to warn you about what Stoi has been doing with the donations and what stoi planned on doing with the xmas drawing. Stoi was trying to lay ALL blame on james for donations going *poof* but in fact stoi has been doing the exact same thing james did just over time.

So if you've donated to this site theres a damn good chance your donations didn't go to keep the site up they went to line stois pockets with cash so he could afford to buy all the expensive stuff he has (he doesn't work and nor does anyone else he lives with they on unemployment or whatever the uk calls it).

And expect my account and this post to go *poof* for saying this just like he had someone hack my email to try to cover up stuff related to what he did with donations so make sure to save this INFO before its gone!!!!!!!!!!.

Need full logs of there conversations.... download these (and get them fast as the links I bet won't last long)

I didn't link to the logs because there isn't really any need to


Aug 30, 2006
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YAY FOR never donating!
Free games for me without lining some unemployed dudes pocket

Still tho, I would have done the same thing in that situation.

Bob Loblaw

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Aug 7, 2007
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here are some logs of convos stoi has had with fellow mods and admins, as well as a list of things stoi has bought in the past year.

i suppose really though stoi has the right to do what he wishes with donations as long as the site stays up and any kind of contest he decides to hold is honoured.

some good people got banned from there though for unearthing the truth. which is really too bad. i'm not sure stoi would have honoured the draw if it wasn't for these people. plus they really helped out around the site.


Jul 4, 2007
United States
QUOTE said:
" - Dec-14-07 - Latest - (stoi)
Lots of things have been said, and done over the past 48 hours, and i dont realy know what to say about any of it.

Apart from i am very sorry that any of this happened. and you can get some sense of what happened from this post in the forums

I apologise for everything that has gone on.

Merry Christmas

From Stoi and the rest of the Staff (those that are still with us)"

QUOTEBelieve this. Dont believe this, stay, or leave, back me and the site, or call me shite all over the net, I cant do anything to make you do any of those things, or stop you doing any of those things. but here is my 2nd attempt to bear my soul, this isnt my whole life story but close lol.

My Mam dies in a car crash in America quite a few years back now, so i got a trust fund from that, a lump sum and so much a month, its not silly money but it does tide us over ok.

I am Unemployed, i wont lie and never have, and because of that i cant get a CC or DC, i am also in quite a bit of debt from a house reposession a few years back. But if i was making so much money, dont you think i would have paid the debt off by now, and yes i still get letters to this day threatenng me with crap. and i still cant get a card to shop online.

because of this i use PAYPAL, now its the same account as the donations go in, but what everyone doesnt realise is, If we do buy anything at all with paypal, i put the money back into the paypal account from my trust fund.

so yes i have got an HDTV, good PC, IPOD etc but thats bought with my trust fund, not from the donation money, i did tell people this but the truth nearly always falls on deaf ears and they just hear/remember what they want to hear/remember.

I also live in a council house, cant drive, no car (i cant afford a car) 2 holidays in 5 years, both to caravans 60 miles away, and one of those my dad paid for.

So if im making £1000`s every month, why would i be living like such a shit, and not living it up and buying cars and real estate all over.

now for what i did make.

1st 2 years i ran blackcats on my home PC, obviously because of this cost was negligable but i also only got £40 in donations in that time, that was the same person 2 years running btw, donating £20 each time.

My connection got cut off at the time the hobbit was out for the xbox, i know because i was seeding the scene release by myself, so left a lot of leechers in the shit and i felt terrible (i will always remember that), was offline for about a year, came back and put it back on my pc again, then went to tbdev a week or so later.

but the pc i was on just was not good enough, 500mhz sony laptop, so went to sweden on a shared host and got a domain.

again though the cost was negligable, i did pay a little but nothing to go "hold on, why the hell am i doing this".

but that crashed at 2000 peers on the server.

Now this is the only time i have ever pleaded for donations, as in sent a PM out,

so we moved to hong kong which wasnt cheap on a dedicated server, in this time DK came and went as did his tracker, the international bw was 1mbit max and that was shared, and thetracker struggled to get 11,000 peers, so no way we could grow.

by that time i had enough to move, so we moved to where we are now, 2 top of the range servers at the time, setup and monthly payment were a lot more than Hong Kong but they were a lot better.

then we got hacked last december (and again this december, bar bloody humbug lol)

for months i was making LESS (yes less) than the servers cost per month, but im to proud to ask for donations every month like some sites do, so i paid this out of my own pocket. I think james might have sent a pm out sometime in the middle of this asking for donations because he heard my plight, but i never gave him the go ahead to do it, he just done it.

I also told the staff that i had paid for the servers for a whole year up front, this was just a ploy to see who i could trust, but surprisingly no one let that slip, until now of course when it is to late.

when i handed them over to james they were paid up to jan 1st though, so basically he never had any servers to pay for at all when he was in charge, and he knew this.

when i left i think the month before i got maybe £1500 to £2000 tops, which i was going to use to go co-location offshore because i was getting paranoid then, but then oink got done and i deceded enough was enough and needed to get out, i was ultra paranoid, i could not eat or sleep, everytime a car past i was ready to bolt out the back door. i just thought there is better things in life than being like this 24/7 so i handed over the reigns.

there is probably a hell of a lor more i could write, and tbh there are probably still some questions that remained unanswered, but this is the 2nd time i have wrote this in 12 hours, 1st time on FST but they deleted the thread, not because of this post but the first post accusing me of all sorts of shit.

btw here is an email from james, and a reply from me, just take note, i could have doctored this just the same as they could have doctored the IRC. (i didnt but i could have)

From James:

well i was never going to keep the servers just was seeing what people would say/do
ie @@@ and @@@(guess i was just seeing who my friends were)
well anyway you have seen what i can do with the site andd i dont mean shuting the servers off i mean with the amount of donations
i would be willing to stay and keep that in motion, but i would want a little something for doing you can see i can make bctas tracker earn XXXX-XXXX a month
not sure after this if i realy want to stay tho @@@ after the threats @@@@ has made( not that he worries me)
@@@ has had a prob with me since i acused him ages ago(must have hit a sore spot i guess lol)

Reply From ME:

ive just woke up and havnt realy read the rest of this, so will probably reply later.

but its never been about the money to me mate, i would have been happy with server getting paid, you have made it into a money thing, and i never got XXX-XXX a month, but then i didnt push for that, i was quite happy with what i got.

i also notice that you never made 1 suggestion regarding the benefit of the site while i was away, it was all ££££££££, so yeah, i think i know who my real friends are.

and you have left me in the shit with this prize draw as well havnt you, and saying as though your not coming back, i might a well disable your account now.

btw, the prize draw i will honour, and it will be drawn on christmas eve, but whatever prizes have been discussed before might have to be revised. it will be at least 1 console though, but 5 im not to sure about.

take this as you see it, if you want to slag me off do it on anothr site, if you do not want to stay here, then never log back in again. if you never want to donate again, dont donate, if you never want to upload dont upload just get sp to go all the work for you, but then thats not realy a community spirit.

we have come back from things like this in the past, granted not as bad as this, so let newbs and james and louie do what they want in the future, dont be surprised though if you see another tracker popping up soon, i dont know their plans the cash might already be gone, but i want nothing more to do with them.

i want them to get on with whatever they have planned, and let me to get on with whatever we have planned, and lets move on, stick with us, or go, your decision.

And im very very sorry about all this mess, i trusted them and they stabbed me in the back. oh well you live and learn.

Merry Christmas to everyone


Nov 7, 2006
United States
Can someone type up a brief summary? I've had an account for a while now but have no idea what's going on or who these leaders are (sounds interesting though).

Bob Loblaw

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Aug 7, 2007
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QUOTE([M) said:
artin,Dec 14 2007, 09:31 PM]Can someone type up a brief summary? I've had an account for a while now but have no idea what's going on or who these leaders are (sounds interesting though).

eh it's no big deal if you didn't donate. nothing to worry about. if you did donate stoi is making things right. if you want an idea of what happened read the link i posted. the best thing to do really though from here on out i think is keep your money in your wallet and just let this die.
it's exacly wht phood said, geek drama haha

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