A long time ago, 1~2 years ago, can't remember exactly, I follow some guides here and successfully hacked my N3DS XL.
But after playing a couple of games, I dropped it and never played anymore. Now I don't know how could a update it...
I would be happy if you guys could give a clue about how should I update it.
The things i have on my 3DS:
I have RX-E 10.7.0-32U
RX Tools
PS: Also, there is a way that I can un-hack my 3DS ?
A long time ago, 1~2 years ago, can't remember exactly, I follow some guides here and successfully hacked my N3DS XL.
But after playing a couple of games, I dropped it and never played anymore. Now I don't know how could a update it...
I would be happy if you guys could give a clue about how should I update it.
The things i have on my 3DS:
I have RX-E 10.7.0-32U
RX Tools
PS: Also, there is a way that I can un-hack my 3DS ?