A Week away from the Temp


Secondary Feline Anthropomorph
Apr 23, 2009
North East Scotland
So I've been down near Glasgow this week. Did you notice the distinct lack of my presence, tempers? No? Oh well
Anyone who subscribed to my Twitter will have seen my constant updates.

What have I been up to down there? Well the first couple of days were a laugh. Went to a gig with some friends, however they are completely insane. I went into Glasgow to meet them. We wandered around the centre for a bit then took the Underground out to where the gig was...at about 2:30. The doors for the gig weren't open until about 7 but my friends were determined that they would be first in the queue. They were also resolute that there would be people turning up from around 3pm onwards. Luckily I'd come prepared with my DS and my iPod so was listening to Scrubs - My Musical, and played a bit of Pokemon White while waiting. I wasn't a complete loner though, only did that briefly was mainly talking to my friends. Turned out nobody turned up until 10 to 6. Thank you my Glaswegian friends

Anyway moving onto the gig. We were seeing General Fiasco are Oran Mor. An old Church that's been converted into a gigs venue (imaginitively named "The Venue") and a club (called "The Club"). The whole thing was great. The opening acts were pretty good. TinyLittleRobot (a band who mentioned us since we gave them some pizza when they came out for a fag) and Paretto (a band I liked enough to buy their EP afterwards). One of Paretto's guitarists didn't quite look like he belonged in some Indie Rock band but more like someone who belonged in a Metal band (he kept playing the guitar with his teeth). was hard to make out much of the music since I was up at the very front but it was fairly awesome. Once the opening acts were out of the way there was a bit of a wait for the main act (General Fiasco) while they teched up all their instruments. It featured the most awesome roadie ever, he was checking all the guitars, drums and shit but in the best way ever. Just up at the mics going "1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, hey, hey, turn around, hey, turn around, 1, 2, 2, 1" He was awesome. During one of General Fiasco's songs he came up and fixed the lead singer's guitar strap. Once General Fiasco were up general anarchy occured. Being up at the front was probably the best place but it was still bloody rough. Pushing, shoving, clamouring and jumping was going on behind us as me and my friends were squashed into the barrier. I was lucky, the guy behind me was trying his best not to squash me. 2 of my friends were really in trouble so eventually we had to push our way out to the side cause it was so bad. Still the music was good enough and the night wasn't a complete disaster.

Spent the night at a friend's sitting with her in her room chatting about how useless we both are until half 1. My friend is my mum's, cousin's daughter so don't get any ideas about what I was up to. She's pretty much the female, glaswegian version of me. We're into much the same things. Some good pop/rock (more rock for me), playing guitar (though she's much better with music in general than me) and many nerdy things. Our love lives both suck balls. I think we were made to be good friends, at least.

Next day we sat around all morning talking until her friend decided we should get the next bus into town (which was in 10 minutes) and neither of us were properly dressed or anything. Still we managed to get it, hooray for not having huge amounts of care in our appearances
We wandered around Glasgow again wasting some time. I tried a couple of electric guitars in a music shop. Then I got the train back out to where my Granny lives. She has some of the most uncomfortable beds there, my mum and dad complain about them as well as me so i know I'm not just being a whiny bitch.

The next day was relatively boring as we were clearing out my Grandma's house (she died last year and we're trying to get it sold before the winter) so just cleaning and putting things into boxes...FUN!!!

Then I came back home. Yeah...excitement!!!!


Grookey Gang!
Feb 9, 2009
Mom's Basement
United States
Wow sounds like you had one exciting week! Welcome back to; "The Temp" Jamstruth!

Now I am going to go look up Glasgow on Google Maps and research about where it is located and etc till I know just about all there is to know about the culture, technology, and...oh forget it, I'll just look up it's location on the globe then go back to playing Pokemon Black.


Secondary Feline Anthropomorph
Apr 23, 2009
North East Scotland
The Pi said:
Your closer yet futher away at the same time
What does that mean? You live in Glasgow, yes? I gave you the chance to come and meet me but you decided it was too far. Now I am most definitely further (a hundred miles or so.

PK: I'm working on scripting a little rebuke to the Beiber fan who insulted the British. Will turn it into a stereotypical accent gangbang with Posh me, Scottish me and Welsh me.

DJ: Glasgow is the biggest city in Scotland. Its hosting the Commonwealth games in 2014. You HAVEN'T heard of it? Fine -_- I know bugger all about cities in America outside of a few names and vague locations.

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