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Joe Biden Wins - Becomes 46th president of the United States

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Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2009
United Kingdom
In the video the 2nd woman says that "we aren't trying this case in the court of public opinion".

Which is news to me as Trump started months ago.

He did this to get into peoples minds that it was real. Now after the election the major evidence we have is Trump trying to make people think it was fraudulent, so anything that looks like fraud is probably stuff made up by Trump.

If he'd kept his mouth shut then we could have had an investigation into both Trump and Bidens votes and found which if any were fraudulent without all this distraction.

Rudy says that judges are appointed politically too many of them are hacks. I wonder if he was thinking of Amy Coney Barrett

Failed to fetch tweet https://twitter.com/brooklynmutt/status/1329503459444465666
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Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2013
United States
Biden as President is not a Bad thing after all it has helped Wake Up The People not just in USA.

But at the same time there is Great Opportunity to get the USA Economy Booming with some of these awesome Merchandise.

A Simple Search on the Net for Sniffing Joe gets you great Shirts and Sweaters and Mugs Car Bumper Stickers hell some of Camella Too Awesome I have to say I Smell What Joe is Sniffing "Americana"

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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
THE FACTS: No, Dominion does not have any ties to Venezuela, nor does it have a partnership with Smartmatic, according to Eddie Perez, a voting technology expert at the OSET Institute, a nonpartisan election technology research and development nonprofit.

Smartmatic is an international company incorporated in Florida by Venezuelan founders. The company states on its website that it’s not associated with governments or political parties of any country.
AP followed up on the claim in more detail:

They both owned the same voting machine company for a while - and its hard to determinate if code transitioned. ;)

But thats just the conspiracy angle. ;) Business angle is, that smartmatic, was forced (?) to sell it, two years after it acquired it, once its relationships to the Venezuelan government became public.

Then Dominion bought said voting machine company from Smartmatic.

In terms of viability of the claims, this is the best you get:
There is “no credible evidence” that the 2020 election outcome was altered by exploiting technical vulnerabilities, according to an open letter signed by 59 election security experts and released Nov. 16.
(same src as above)

edit: Open letter signed by 59 election experts in the NYT

edit2: Actual letter (pdf)

edit: 8kun administrator one of the key proponents of voting machine fraud theory is 'statistical expert' in the Trump team:

The claim, that "our votes were counted in germany and spain" pertains to online voting solutions used (oh dear god, some US states are that stupid?) which should be a miniscule fraction of all votes counted.
src: https://greatgameindia.com/us-election-bankrupted-spanish-scytl/
(Far right news source thats partial as hell. Partly financed by selling their own 'history novels'. Not recommended.)
Last edited by notimp,

Deleted User

I don't need to continue arguing with you. Here's my definitive proof that you just want to goal post move non stop until an argument sticks.

you: "Lol. What claim do I need to back up with a source when claims I've made are about logical fallacies and inconsistencies wherein the source material is already provided?
me quoting you as an example:"If Trump wins the election, it would probably be because he demonstrates,"wide spread voter fraud" or perhaps by arresting all of his political opponents. I'm not really sure how the latter works. I have trouble believing Biden outperformed Obama. Your comment that we are talking about, is factually inaccurate on multiple accounts. The only way that is seemed relevant or true was by poking fun at the court cases being proof of something."
my words: "this you debunking a logical fallacy? or is this you stating your opinion without a source."
you:It is a hypothetical example showing how Trump could still win the election. Add "hypothetical" to your vocabulary. Usually they start with the word "if".

You never stated hypothetical in that statement. Nor is that a hypothetical statement since you do believe in it.You essentially decided to say
"Oh hey I made this argument that doesn't work, let me go ahead and change my argument so I don't need to say I was wrong and hope that the person talking to me will just take my position change/dodge"
I'm not going to continue to argue with someone who beyond dishonest. I gave you chances to perhaps actually refute my points. But you have not, instead you sidestep and subtlety change arguments.

Darth Meteos

Jan 6, 2015
The Wrong Place
United States
I feel like it's you who needs to cope after all the blatant voter fraud.
Look at the right-wing cycle in motion, everyone!
1) Make claim
2) Claim is debunked
3) Don't address the debunk
4) Wait for a few hours

It's not about being right, it's about winning to these people. It's pathetic. Imagine standing for so little that you can't even come to terms with your own failure.

Don't act like you didn't do the same thing for four years when Trump get elected. Not only that, but there is actual proof of voter fraud this time.

Is that why trump's lawsuits are being thrown out left and right and his own legal team has been backing down and withdrawing lawsuits as well?

I mean, surely if they have real proof they should just present to the case and win right? Not just shout "fraud" and then get absolutely nothing done.

Or do you have proof this time of something factual supra? or are you just blowing more smokes out of your ass?

I love these pictures! They're so easy to beat!
The first one is a batch of mail-in ballots coming in, which were overwhelmingly Democratic. You can be sure they were, because Trump was saying over and over that they were corrupt and illegal leading up to the election, so Republicans didn't use them as much. On top of that, Democratic voters are more afraid of COVID, being that they aren't believing the undermining lies of the Trump Admin.

The second one is very easy to explain: The current president was a massive motivating factor. A lot of people love him and are highly motivated to vote, and a lot of them are highly motivated to take him out. Unless you're saying that Trump is low energy like Jeb! in 2016?

As for Dominion?

Okay, I've had a look around, and it seems to be the claim by the Trump Admin that a company called Dominion erased several million votes, yeah?

Proven in Michigan. 6000 votes went from Trump to Biden in real time.
Also, it was software.

Big if true! Let's see the proof, then.

ya boi really just used a federalist article as a source

Well, I read through the article, and it was sure a bunch of claims. Fortunately, this case has gone to court. The judge dismissed the case, saying that the case presented wasn't valid due to a... “... failure to persuade the Court of the existence of manifest error requiring reversal...”
So, according to the court where this case was filed, it doesn't even have enough evidence behind it to reach trial. Wah wah.

This final message was never responded to. UltraSUPRA went missing for some reason right after I posted it!
Then, several hours later:

I feel like it's you who needs to cope after all the blatant voter fraud.

Last edited by Darth Meteos,


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2020
United States
smf said:
While we are at it, let's think about health care for all & other socialist policies. Careful you don't automatically discard them.

Socialism has been exhaustively studied and torn apart by Conservatives to see if it could be a viable alternative to our current way of life and it’s been determined that is doesn’t. We don’t simply discard something when we hear it’s name like your side does. You hear something you dislike, label it and the rest of your heard won’t even look into if it’s real/fake/viable. That’s what brainwashed morons do, not smart people.

Darth Meteos said:
Still more projection! Nah, I'm satisfied with my policies of choice. Besides, I think that a system that doesn't guarantee modern living necessities like housing, healthcare and education is a failed system. That's a pretty fucked system, where people are on the streets and treated like garbage while the top 1% has more money than they could ever spend.

No, your views of what I’m observing fall back to your limited ability to comprehend things. You can be aware of why someone does something and how to process works without having that be the only thing you see. I’m not projecting the way I see things as I’m trained to identify various behavior patterns and that’s just because I’m smart and you’re not. Even if I was projecting what I’m claiming isn’t false and you’d still be wrong.

Nothing in life is guaranteed. I don't owe you shit. You make this life the way you want it. It's not my fault if you choose to be miserable or are too stupid to see your choices have results and you're responsible for those results. People have the option to be successful if they want to be. It’s not my fault people choose a life of vain, glory, or pride, greed, or covetousness, lust, or inordinate or illicit sexual desire, envy, gluttony, wrath, or anger, and sloth and the fact that these sins make them miserable. Other peoples failures are not my responsibility. You get what you put in and if you can’t see that then you’re only projecting your miserable existence onto people who value honesty, integrity and hard work.

Xzi said:
First, American liberals are centrists at best. Second, I accepted the results on election night 2016, though it took a while longer to fully sink in. Third, you're free to scream, "not my president" all you want, that's a very different concept from "not THE president."

Trump was the second worst presidential candidate of all time (behind only Hillary Clinton for losing to him), and among the top three worst presidents of all time. And the sad thing is: he still would have won if not for his piss-poor handling of the pandemic. It was the first time the Trump administration had to deal with a disaster that wasn't of their own making, and they got a big fat F on that report card.

Your problem was believing Trump was a shoe-in to win when all the national polls had Biden up by about ten points. I knew it'd be a lot closer than that, and I knew Trump still had about a 33% chance to win. In that same vein, you should've given Biden at least a 33% chance (much more if you weren't inside an information bubble) in order to avoid all this drama in the aftermath of defeat.

We’re in America, Liberals in other countries don’t have anything to do with our political system. Trump did a damned good job even with the pandemic where he acted months before Liberals did. He closed borders, stopped immigration and formed teams of people to combat the virus while the entire time he did this the Liberals deflected the potential seriousness of the virus and called Trump and his supporters racists for reacting. Now the fucking hypocritical pieces of shit Liberals have the audacity to blame Trump’s response when theirs was millions of times worse. At least Trump took the issue seriously at first when your side didn't.

If anything the close race between Trump and Biden should shine a light on how bias Liberal polls are. I had no idea what was going to happen and if the Electoral College votes for Biden in a couple of weeks then I’ll gladly call him my President. Your side still has people, like you said, saying “Not my President” and that’s factually inaccurate. Trump won the 2016 elect and is the President of the United States so he is your President if you’re a USA citizen regardless if you you like him or not. I don't particularity care for rich people, but he's took Obama's "the best it's going to get, you have to get used to the new normal" and made things thousands of times better, while proving Obama dead wrong.

LumInvader said:
I called it a formality because that's exactly what it is. Your complaint is moot, as there is no probable scenario where Biden loses nor have you presented one. Georgia just finished it's manual recount btw, reaffirming Biden's win there.

For Trump to win, he now requires 37+ of Biden's electors to flip (not happening) or provide evidence of widespread election fraud (he hasn't).

For any Trump supporters who are unhappy that most of the world has already acknowledged Biden's victory, please see Trump's November 2016 claim of "winning the Electoral College in a landslide" weeks ahead of the electors casting their ballots:

Of course you’re going to try to twist reality to match what your sides media is claiming, but that doesn’t actually change reality. Even if there’s no way Trump could possibly win at this point he still hasn’t lost because the vote hasn’t taken place. You can ignore it because your side prematurely claimed victory, but that doesn’t change the fact the vote that makes Biden the next President hasn’t taken place yet.

Look, if you turn 18 on December 14th, 2020, but call yourself 18 in the month of November prior to your birthday you’re lying about your age. When you buy a lotto ticket, you don’t win until the actual drawing takes places regardless of what you want to happen. You can call the Electoral College vote a formality or any other verbiage that will help defend your sides lies, but Joe Biden is not the President Elect until the Electoral College votes he is. At the time the Electoral College votes and makes Joe Biden the President Elect I'll gladly call him so. I'm not some partisan hack that hates Presidents just because my side lost. I'm patriotic and love the USA and will support our elected officials, including Biden if he becomes the next President, because it's the right thing to do. Conservatives value truth and honesty, which is why we don't get alone with Liberals as they value lying, cheating and scandalous behavior.

When the electoral college votes and when they choose Biden as the winner I will then refer to him as the winner, but until the vote takes place he’s only projected to win and that’s a big fucking deal, because the vote decides who wins and who loses. The media doesn’t get to call elections, the actual people who vote do. We’ve had 4 years of Trump exposing the leftist medias lies so this situation isn’t surprising, it just goes to show how stupid you and your side are.

You don’t count your chickens until they hatch even if you’ve been watching them develop using x-rays.


GBAtemp's Pannda
GBAtemp Patron
Sep 14, 2009
United States
Socialism has been exhaustively studied and torn apart by Conservatives to see if it could be a viable alternative to our current way of life and it’s been determined that is doesn’t. We don’t simply discard something when we hear it’s name like your side does. You hear something you dislike, label it and the rest of your heard won’t even look into if it’s real/fake/viable. That’s what brainwashed morons do, not smart people.

No, your views of what I’m observing fall back to your limited ability to comprehend things. You can be aware of why someone does something and how to process works without having that be the only thing you see. I’m not projecting the way I see things as I’m trained to identify various behavior patterns and that’s just because I’m smart and you’re not. Even if I was projecting what I’m claiming isn’t false and you’d still be wrong.

Nothing in life is guaranteed. I don't owe you shit. You make this life the way you want it. It's not my fault if you choose to be miserable or are too stupid to see your choices have results and you're responsible for those results. People have the option to be successful if they want to be. It’s not my fault people choose a life of vain, glory, or pride, greed, or covetousness, lust, or inordinate or illicit sexual desire, envy, gluttony, wrath, or anger, and sloth and the fact that these sins make them miserable. Other peoples failures are not my responsibility. You get what you put in and if you can’t see that then you’re only projecting your miserable existence onto people who value honesty, integrity and hard work.

We’re in America, Liberals in other countries don’t have anything to do with our political system. Trump did a damned good job even with the pandemic where he acted months before Liberals did. He closed borders, stopped immigration and formed teams of people to combat the virus while the entire time he did this the Liberals deflected the potential seriousness of the virus and called Trump and his supporters racists for reacting. Now the fucking hypocritical pieces of shit Liberals have the audacity to blame Trump’s response when theirs was millions of times worse. At least Trump took the issue seriously at first when your side didn't.

If anything the close race between Trump and Biden should shine a light on how bias Liberal polls are. I had no idea what was going to happen and if the Electoral College votes for Biden in a couple of weeks then I’ll gladly call him my President. Your side still has people, like you said, saying “Not my President” and that’s factually inaccurate. Trump won the 2016 elect and is the President of the United States so he is your President if you’re a USA citizen regardless if you you like him or not. I don't particularity care for rich people, but he's took Obama's "the best it's going to get, you have to get used to the new normal" and made things thousands of times better, while proving Obama dead wrong.

Of course you’re going to try to twist reality to match what your sides media is claiming, but that doesn’t actually change reality. Even if there’s no way Trump could possibly win at this point he still hasn’t lost because the vote hasn’t taken place. You can ignore it because your side prematurely claimed victory, but that doesn’t change the fact the vote that makes Biden the next President hasn’t taken place yet.

Look, if you turn 18 on December 14th, 2020, but call yourself 18 in the month of November prior to your birthday you’re lying about your age. When you buy a lotto ticket, you don’t win until the actual drawing takes places regardless of what you want to happen. You can call the Electoral College vote a formality or any other verbiage that will help defend your sides lies, but Joe Biden is not the President Elect until the Electoral College votes he is. At the time the Electoral College votes and makes Joe Biden the President Elect I'll gladly call him so. I'm not some partisan hack that hates Presidents just because my side lost. I'm patriotic and love the USA and will support our elected officials, including Biden if he becomes the next President, because it's the right thing to do. Conservatives value truth and honesty, which is why we don't get alone with Liberals as they value lying, cheating and scandalous behavior.

When the electoral college votes and when they choose Biden as the winner I will then refer to him as the winner, but until the vote takes place he’s only projected to win and that’s a big fucking deal, because the vote decides who wins and who loses. The media doesn’t get to call elections, the actual people who vote do. We’ve had 4 years of Trump exposing the leftist medias lies so this situation isn’t surprising, it just goes to show how stupid you and your side are.

You don’t count your chickens until they hatch even if you’ve been watching them develop using x-rays.
Yes HUGO CHAVEZ ANDDARTH VADER Created Dominion in 2010 to steal the 2020 election ...
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Deleted User

Look at the right-wing cycle in motion, everyone!
1) Make claim
2) Claim is debunked
3) Don't address the debunk
4) Wait for a few hours

It's not about being right, it's about winning to these people. It's pathetic. Imagine standing for so little that you can't even come to terms with your own failure.

Kind of like the TDS Democrats obsession with Russia, etc etc. for the past 4 years, and all the "polls" having Biden ahead by 10 points?

The real voter fraud was done by the media and big tech, starting the day Trump got elected.

You won't hear me screaming at the sky / acting like a moron because we lost an election. The converse clearly isn't the case (those who were TDS affected).

You can keep kicking and screaming all you want, I won't be saying anything further on this topic.

Sorry Taiwan :/

Darth Meteos

Jan 6, 2015
The Wrong Place
United States
Socialism has been exhaustively studied and torn apart by Conservatives to see if it could be a viable alternative to our current way of life and it’s been determined that is doesn’t.
This is ridiculous. It's in the name, mate, it's a conservative. Conservation of the status quo. Conservatives don't study socialism, they fight it for the rights of the rich. You are so agonizingly wrong that I almost don't want to keep on with the rest of this novel you've written, but nevertheless...

No, your views of what I’m observing fall back to your limited ability to comprehend things. You can be aware of why someone does something and how to process works without having that be the only thing you see. I’m not projecting the way I see things as I’m trained to identify various behavior patterns and that’s just because I’m smart and you’re not. Even if I was projecting what I’m claiming isn’t false and you’d still be wrong.
It is amazing how much you can type without saying anything.
A key component of projection (why I used that instead of words like hypocrisy) is that it is not a fair assessment. You project onto someone if they do not embody what you are saying, but you do. That's what projection is.
Look at this goof trying to sound smart by using big words he doesn't understand.

Nothing in life is guaranteed. I don't owe you shit. You make this life the way you want it. It's not my fault if you choose to be miserable or are too stupid to see your choices have results and you're responsible for those results. People have the option to be successful if they want to be. It’s not my fault people choose a life of vain, glory, or pride, greed, or covetousness, lust, or inordinate or illicit sexual desire, envy, gluttony, wrath, or anger, and sloth and the fact that these sins make them miserable. Other peoples failures are not my responsibility. You get what you put in and if you can’t see that then you’re only projecting your miserable existence onto people who value honesty, integrity and hard work.
I love it when conservatives say this shit to me. We live in a society, you backwards ghoul. We can cooperate for the greater good of the whole amongst ourselves. This survival of the fittest shit makes sense in the wild, but this isn't the wild. We can guarantee healthcare to everyone, and good living standards. We are not bound to respect that your life should end because you got sick at random and the treatment cost more than your income can afford. We are not locked to a lifestyle where getting a good job is gated behind something as arbitrary as being born to the wrong parents. We don't have to live your disgusting, backwards battle royale where the poor suffer and die, while the rich who didn't earn anything but the luck of being the right sperm get to live in luxury for their entire lives.
You repulse me.

If your plan was to be so abhorrent that I can't bear to read your scummy, putrid words through to the end enough times to produce a counter to the remaining two vomitous piles you excreted, you won. Congratulations.

Moronic Asswipe "Governs" America :rofl2:
not gonna lie, man
pretty cringe
leave the kiddy insults to the professionals over there, we have substance to hit them with
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Deleted User

Well, i guess i now have to pospone my dream of moving to America for at least 4 more years
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Terry Crews #1 Fan
Jun 21, 2012
United States
Kind of like the TDS Democrats obsession with Russia, etc etc. for the past 4 years, and all the "polls" having Biden ahead by 10 points?

The real voter fraud was done by the media and big tech, starting the day Trump got elected.

You won't hear me screaming at the sky / acting like a moron because we lost an election. The converse clearly isn't the case (those who were TDS affected).

You can keep kicking and screaming all you want, I won't be saying anything further on this topic.

Sorry Taiwan :/

Because the "Debunk" is always "it is not statistically significant" regardless of how many examples are cited or "I don't trust any source claim, witness, or affidavit from a person right of Stalin, come back with a source of a person whose face is literally a hammer & sickle".

Your partisan rejection as "that doesn't matter" or "I am not going to investigate that claim because I don't care" is not debunking.


Well, i guess i now have to pospone my dream of moving to America for at least 4 more years

Were full, I hear Canada is nice.

Darth Meteos

Jan 6, 2015
The Wrong Place
United States
Kind of like the TDS Democrats obsession with Russia, etc etc. for the past 4 years, and all the "polls" having Biden ahead by 10 points?
Yeah, fuck Russia, a hoax from start to finish.
The polls are consistently undermined by Trump. Seems some people are lying. A theory I've heard is that people are uncomfortable with saying they're gonna vote for Trump for fear of being mixed up with the MAGA crowd, but honestly it's probably just pollsters being really shit at picking who's going to vote.

You can keep kicking and screaming all you want, I won't be saying anything further on this topic.
Cringe. Look at this guy, fuckin' playing amongst the rabble, saying his piece, then humbly saying "I will not respond to your criticisms"

Well, i guess i now have to postpone my dream of moving to America for at least 4 more years
Don't worry, Biden is almost as bad as Trump, but is more quiet about all the illegal shit he does. You'll do fine.

Deleted User

Because the "Debunk" is always "it is not statistically significant" regardless of how many examples are cited or "I don't trust any source claim, witness, or affidavit from a person right of Stalin, come back with a source of a person whose face is literally a hammer & sickle".

Your partisan rejection as "that doesn't matter" or "I am not going to investigate that claim because I don't care" is not debunking.


Were full, I hear Canada is nice.
nah, i wanted to go to America because i wanted to own a gun without having to give 35 different documents to the government to own a small pistol, going to canada would miss said purpose, though i guess the currency is more stable and the weather is more to my liking

Darth Meteos

Jan 6, 2015
The Wrong Place
United States
I will say this: The miserable liberals who never shut up about Russia and Gore like Bill Maher need to dig into a hole and shut their mouths forever.

nah, i wanted to go to America because i wanted to own a gun without having to give 35 different documents to the government to own a small pistol, going to canada would miss said purpose, though i guess the currency is more stable and the weather is more to my liking
Biden isn't gonna go after guns, and even if he does, it'll be shot down in the Senate. Get ready for 4 years of Biden performatively crying every time a mass shooting happens, saying: "Something must be done!"
and then nothing happens...
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Do what I do. Hold tight and pretend it’s a plan
Aug 19, 2015
United Kingdom
not gonna lie, man
pretty cringe
leave the kiddy insults to the professionals over there, we have substance to hit them with
Why they aren't smart enough to understand us or in fact the truth ect so much easier to just go down to their level :rofl2:

Deleted User

I will say this: The miserable liberals who never shut up about Russia and Gore like Bill Maher need to dig into a hole and shut their mouths forever.

Biden isn't gonna go after guns, and even if he does, it'll be shot down in the Senate. Get ready for 4 years of Biden performatively crying every time a mass shooting happens, saying: "Something must be done!"
and then nothing happens...
what about my other biggest concern, taxes?

Darth Meteos

Jan 6, 2015
The Wrong Place
United States
what about my other biggest concern, taxes?
If Biden does taxes, they'll be weak, and aimed at the rich. As the left-wing of the party grows in power, there'll be renewed calls to reverse Trump's tax cuts, which were massive cuts to the rich and barely anything to the lower classes. If you make less than $1m a year, you'll be mostly unaffected. If you make less than $250k a year, you won't be affected.
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Terry Crews #1 Fan
Jun 21, 2012
United States
So when Biden re-deploys Troops to Iraq, Syria & Afghanistan as he has stated he intends to do after Trump has brought home 80-90% depending on the theater I don't want to hear this bullshit as "Bad as or worst than"

Biden is a irrelevant Dementia patient sitting in a chair, the DNC party is ran by militant, anti-American feminists that hate everything about the U.S and 90% of the people that are taking up space they could be redistributing to Africa & South America.

what about my other biggest concern, taxes?

Unless you are in a high income tax bracket left or right it is generally more of a state issue than federal. Federal taxes are fairly easy to avoid, state & property taxes are where they bend you over.
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