Homebrew Wii U Homebrew without Gamepad

Would you like to be GamePad free?

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Look, guys. I'm not saying it will never be possible to make the gamepad optional. But for now, everything is programmed to run on it/rely on it (gamepad has three cpus, each doing different stuff, such as firmware-upgrades or handling security). One day, it might be possible to do everything on a WiiU-console without the gamepad. But this requires years of work, maybe in 5 years that might work. Don't you think it's more important to get Linux running (like it should) first? You have to make priorities. I am working on a Usb Power-Hardmod now. I'm starting this project now. It's the first hard-mod i ever considered doing.

What this does is simple: It enables WiiU to feed processor faster. Some kind of unlocking that is. It theoretically requires just some coils or capacitors to make the WiiU's unstable cpu-/usb-power really stable.

Once that hardware-trick is successfull we can look for the necessary software-changes. Nintendo wrote a custom usb-driver for WiiU with a custom filesystem, which makes usb/downloads & sd-card speed slow. We have to rewrite/customize that file, delete the old driver from WiiU's OS & then upload the new, modified usb-driver to the WiiU's OS via FTP.

And boom. Then we should be able to get Linux working. Even without GPU-drivers.

Then we can look what it enables us to do & if running Linux on it enables us to do necessary gamepad-access to understand how the gamepad works. For now, Linux isn't using the processor like it should. It's just an alpha.Gotta go beta next!

You can see, if you run Linux on WiiU now, it just uses 3% of cpu-time. 3 percent! And this means something is not working. lol. And yes, those 3% is just one of the 3 cpu-cores. Lots of work to do, to just reach using ~30% of cpu-time for serious working...


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2014
Planet Earth
United States
Look, guys. I'm not saying it will never be possible to make the gamepad optional. But for now, everything is programmed to run on it/rely on it (gamepad has three cpus, each doing different stuff, such as firmware-upgrades or handling security). One day, it might be possible to do everything on a WiiU-console without the gamepad. But this requires years of work, maybe in 5 years that might work. Don't you think it's more important to get Linux running (like it should) first? You have to make priorities. I am working on a Usb Power-Hardmod now. I'm starting this project now. It's the first hard-mod i ever considered doing.

What this does is simple: It enables WiiU to feed processor faster. Some kind of unlocking that is. It theoretically requires just some coils or capacitors to make the WiiU's unstable cpu-/usb-power really stable.

Once that hardware-trick is successfull we can look for the necessary software-changes. Nintendo wrote a custom usb-driver for WiiU with a custom filesystem, which makes usb/downloads & sd-card speed slow. We have to rewrite/customize that file, delete the old driver from WiiU's OS & then upload the new, modified usb-driver to the WiiU's OS via FTP.

And boom. Then we should be able to get Linux working. Even without GPU-drivers.

Then we can look what it enables us to do & if running Linux on it enables us to do necessary gamepad-access to understand how the gamepad works. For now, Linux isn't using the processor like it should. It's just an alpha.Gotta go beta next!

You can see, if you run Linux on WiiU now, it just uses 3% of cpu-time. 3 percent! And this means something is not working. lol. And yes, those 3% is just one of the 3 cpu-cores. Lots of work to do, to just reach using ~30% of cpu-time for serious working...

Everything is possible:


Now this thread has been answered. :P


Now is possible to hack your console without a gamepad AND use it without a gamepad! (The set up process has to be done with DRC-SIM and a compatible WIFI card on Linux machine) we dont need Linux to run perfectly on Wii U to achieve any of that.
Last edited by huma_dawii,
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Deleted User

Everything is possible:


Now this thread has been answered. :P


Now is possible to hack your console without a gamepad AND use it without a gamepad! (The set up process has to be done with DRC-SIM and a compatible WIFI card on Linux machine) we dont need Linux to run perfectly on Wii U to achieve any of that.

You can't buy anything in eshop though. See? And there's a CUSTOM eshop allready, which is aiming to replace the homebrew-shop soon since it allows a lot more things. You can put in this custom shop what you want, yes, even homebrew (similar to Miiverse, which could upload all kinds of data). And it feels like buying in official shop.

And still: I' d still consider gamepad-less a low priority since this console is a kind of supercomputer (which locks users out). lol.
See? I'm aiming to unlock WiiU like it should be. Can you imagine how Botw would run with unlocked Usb? Oh boy, 60 & more fps. I reckon even certain bugs would vanish (chances are very high, they just exist because of slow usb/flash-access).

And that's not just for Breath of the Wild. It's also something which would make Splatoon 1 even much better. Especially in netplay...

The WiiU is a very interesting machine - a failed experiment you could say. And the first ever where i would even risk something just to get behind the truth about Nintendo's lies. Just to be able to threw it into their face once my project fully works. Can you imagine that? I would make a Corona 2.0-party, invite hundreds of guests, make a video of it & show it to Nintendo all while playing Botw like it should have be delivered (not the mess they finally called "game").

And boy, you can't imagine mod-possibilities in "Minecraft". See? These are my priorities.

Chances, my project will fully unlock WiiU are very high, just some small parts needed & some driver modified & uploaded on WiiU. I am faithful that me-together with some coders- can do it. Then spread the word. Then letting others enjoy the wonders of unlocking the true potential of their hardware.


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2014
Planet Earth
United States
You can't buy anything in eshop though. See? And there's a CUSTOM eshop allready, which is aiming to replace the homebrew-shop soon since it allows a lot more things. You can put in this custom shop what you want, yes, even homebrew (similar to Miiverse, which could upload all kinds of data). And it feels like buying in official shop.

And still: I' d still consider gamepad-less a low priority since this console is a kind of supercomputer (which locks users out). lol.
See? I'm aiming to unlock WiiU like it should be. Can you imagine how Botw would run with unlocked Usb? Oh boy, 60 & more fps. I reckon even certain bugs would vanish (chances are very high, they just exist because of slow usb/flash-access).

And that's not just for Breath of the Wild. It's also something which would make Splatoon 1 even much better. Especially in netplay...

The WiiU is a very interesting machine - a failed experiment you could say. And the first ever where i would even risk something just to get behind the truth about Nintendo's lies. Just to be able to threw it into their face once my project fully works. Can you imagine that? I would make a Corona 2.0-party, invite hundreds of guests, make a video of it & show it to Nintendo all while playing Botw like it should have be delivered (not the mess they finally called "game").

And boy, you can't imagine mod-possibilities in "Minecraft". See? These are my priorities.

Chances, my project will fully unlock WiiU are very high, just some small parts needed & some driver modified & uploaded on WiiU. I am faithful that me-together with some coders- can do it. Then spread the word. Then letting others enjoy the wonders of unlocking the true potential of their hardware.

Why would people buy things on the eShop when they can be obtained via other means? I dont get it...

BOTW wont run at 60fps, the speed is not set by the USB drive.. I'm not sure what is your thinking on this... but pretty sure is not what you're thinking....

Wii U BOTW performance is limited by the RAM i think and the CPU bottle neck or something like that, BOTW on Wii U uses all the console has... heck, even has to pause background processes to completely run xD

I seriously don't think that "unlocking" the USB 2.0 will miraculously make games run at 60fps out of nowhere.

But i have to say im interested in what you are doing just to see where it leads...
Last edited by huma_dawii,

Deleted User

Why would people buy things on the eShop when they can be obtained via other means? I dont get it...

BOTW wont run at 60fps, the speed is not set by the USB drive.. I'm not sure what is your thinking on this... but pretty sure is not what you're thinking....

Wii U BOTW performance is limited by the RAM i think and the CPU bottle neck or something like that, BOTW on Wii U uses all the console has... heck, even has to pause background processes to completely run xD

I seriously think that "unlocking" the USB 2.0 will miraculously make games run at 60fps out of nowhere.

But i have to say im interested in what you are doing just to see where it leads...

Nintendo locked usb/sd-access on purpose, dude. And yes even the disc-access is locked. Which is also why os is slow as well: access to internal flash is locked to the same speed (2 mbytes/second), which is why copying data also is tied to the same speed. And all i do is making Nintendo's changes backwards essentially to how the "prototype WiiU" was running. With some caution of course.

After i am successfull, usb or disc-speed or sd-card will no longer run @ 2 mbytes/second, but @ max possible usb-2.0-speed. Which is assuming you use an hdd gets you about ~35 mbytes/second.

We know that each picture of WiiU OS is about ~1 mbyte in size. Remember how slow the os is? They made it slow on purpose.
Assuming you have 100 games installed (7 pages a 15 games/apps), your loading takes 50 seconds.

You have the same "problem" (not actually a problem per se, it just means you don't use the cpu's potential, e.g. cpu running 24/7 @ 5% load) on Linux on WiiU as well. Well, of course you can't use 100% of a cpu, when the os itself is limited to ~2 mbytes/second. Iops are important. Feeding of the cpu is important.

3 months ago i assumed it's a programmed supervisor-mode, but that costs a lot of money. So that assumption is wrong. Nintendo simply locked the speed of sd/disc/usb by simply writing custom drivers. You can reverse this. However hardware will be damaged when you unlock it without any hardware-changes.

This is why it requires a hardmod.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

So what happens in WiiU Linux is simple: 2 Mbytes/Second = max. 3% cpu-load. If you would run Usb @ 4 mbytes/second, you double your cpu-load = 6%. At 8 mbytes/second, you'll barely reach ~12% cpu-load. @ 16 mbytes/second you'd get ~24% cpu-load. And finally the max. possible of Usb 2.0 would be ~32 Mbytes/second @ 48% cpu-load. See? Very simple. So ~48% cpu-usage should be the goal.

So even if you d'run Linux WiiU on the sd-card it would result in the same ~3% cpu-load because of same 2 mbyte/second softlock.

And the same is how games work. Of course, with some minor changes or only theorectical, because hard-compressed games wouldn't run much faster, since iops isn't important there because cpu is used much more. So, not all games will take equal advantage. But things, which were limited by bad iops (Lego City Undercover) or have long loading screens with no compression would be on a whole new level.


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2014
Planet Earth
United States
Nintendo locked usb/sd-access on purpose, dude. And yes even the disc-access is locked. Which is also why os is slow as well: access to internal flash is locked to the same speed (2 mbytes/second), which is why copying data also is tied to the same speed. And all i do is making Nintendo's changes backwards essentially to how the "prototype WiiU" was running. With some caution of course.

After i am successfull, usb or disc-speed or sd-card will no longer run @ 2 mbytes/second, but @ max possible usb-2.0-speed. Which is assuming you use an hdd gets you about ~35 mbytes/second.

We know that each picture of WiiU OS is about ~1 mbyte in size. Remember how slow the os is? They made it slow on purpose.
Assuming you have 100 games installed (7 pages a 15 games/apps), your loading takes 50 seconds.

You have the same "problem" (not actually a problem per se, it just means you don't use the cpu's potential, e.g. cpu running 24/7 @ 5% load) on Linux on WiiU as well. Well, of course you can't use 100% of a cpu, when the os itself is limited to ~2 mbytes/second. Iops are important. Feeding of the cpu is important.

3 months ago i assumed it's a programmed supervisor-mode, but that costs a lot of money. So that assumption is wrong. Nintendo simply locked the speed of sd/disc/usb by simply writing custom drivers. You can reverse this. However hardware will be damaged when you unlock it without any hardware-changes.

This is why it requires a hardmod.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

So what happens in WiiU Linux is simple: 2 Mbytes/Second = max. 3% cpu-load. If you would run Usb @ 4 mbytes/second, you double your cpu-load = 6%. At 8 mbytes/second, you'll barely reach ~12% cpu-load. @ 16 mbytes/second you'd get ~24% cpu-load. And finally the max. possible of Usb 2.0 would be ~32 Mbytes/second @ 48% cpu-load. See? Very simple. So ~48% cpu-usage should be the goal.

So even if you d'run Linux WiiU on the sd-card it would result in the same ~3% cpu-load because of same 2 mbyte/second softlock.

And the same is how games work. Of course, with some minor changes or only theorectical, because hard-compressed games wouldn't run much faster, since iops isn't important there because cpu is used much more. So, not all games will take equal advantage. But things, which were limited by bad iops (Lego City Undercover) or have long loading screens with no compression would be on a whole new level.

The only thing I have to tell you is that the OS is slow because is running on a single ARM processor and not the same as the 3 core processor that the games use.
I'm gonna need someone who knows Wii U hardware to come debunk your theory.

Deleted User

The only thing I have to tell you is that the OS is slow because is running on a single ARM processor and not the same as the 3 core processor that the games use.
I'm gonna need someone who knows Wii U hardware to come debunk your theory.

I also thought that. One year ago. But hackers allready said it's only running on the PowerPC. Because the Arm9 there is, is just for Wii/Bc purposes & it's only ~100 mhz or so. lol.
You might even have that believe from me & in that case i'm deeply sorry (& i take the slack for spreading bad data)that i was wrong. Because it was me, who made that mistake years ago, assuming it all runs on an Arm-cpu. But we have all code now lying there. And it's just PowerPC-data.

You can look on the code yourself, if you want. You download WiiU's OS (part of it) via some tool on pc, then there's some tool which reverse-engineers it to allow you looking @ what it does (which functions it has included, what logic & if you tell it to use "Arm" as language it will just tell you 'this code isn't compatible with arm-architecture". I allready looked at that code. 6 months ago. However since then my pc broke & now i'm stuck for next time using a laptop. Some expensive Ram-module in my pc broke & since that day, i couldn't fix it. It might be a dead mobo and/or cpu as well. See? I've got no time to fix it.

The code is how many hackers get to what they made/achieved since then.

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