Gaming Has anyone gotten banned from playing Pokemon Moon online?

Katsumi San

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2012
Is my 3DS console safe? I am have Wi-Fi function on, and are play pokemon moon ver. but I do not use online function of game... Only play story.. Oh I can still use function of eShop and go online in dairantou 3DS with no issue.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2007
Oh dear god it worked, it worked!

Acraeus, I could pay you a beer right now.

I just unbanned myself from 002 using nothing but my own 3DS! This is incredible. And I suck at writing tutorials of any kind, so please don't count on me when it comes to that!
But basically

1. Inject an old NAND backup from when you were still installing a9lh (I did one before)
2. Use Decrypt9 to extract movable.sed from it

3. Use Decrypt 9 to extract movable.sed and LocalFriendCodeSeed_B from your current NAND that is banned
4. Use HxD (hex editor) to compare your old movable.sed with your LocalFriendCodeSeed_B, see how offsets 00000000/08 through 00000110/07 is the SAME!
5. Open up your NEW movable.sed with HxD and copy offsets 00000000/08 through 00000110/07
6. Open up LocalFriendCodeSeed_B with HxD and CTRL+A and then paste what you just copied
7. Save, inject to sysnand

This is how I did it, don't blame me if something goes wrong because I'm even worse at giving instructions than following them.

EDIT: Ignore strikethrough text, that is no needed and was just a part of me finding out HOW to do it, you don't need to do that.

When you say "Open up your NEW movable.sed" where do you get the new one from? Do you need to perform a system format first?

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