Should i pick a PS4 or a Wii U?


Apr 13, 2014
United States
The Wii U is basically dead or never was alive to begin with so there's no point in even getting it. It's system is slow, not very useful overall for the gaming perspective (e.g. friendlist management) and there are many other issues with it like freezes. The PS4 however is more powerful, popular and won't be deprecated for many more years.
If you're just looking for power and a wide variety of games, I'd recommend a PC. PS4 just comes off as a weak PC with a few exclusives. Wii U is weaker, yes, but its games are well optimized for it and the hardware is a small investment. Yeah, I would prefer Nintendo games on PC, but buying a cheap bit of hardware that works well to play their games isn't too bad. As for load times and stability, Wii U is stable and load times are acceptable (I saw a load screen that took about 8 seconds, that was ridiculous and hope they fix it with an update). Remember, in the end it's about the games and PC has most of the games PS4 has to offer, while Wii U offers experiences you can't have on PC, yet.


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2013
if you don't mind getting illegal, you can emulate wii games @ 1080p which pretty much rivals the graphical quality of a lot of wii U titles and looks beautiful (super mario galaxy etc.)


Apr 13, 2014
United States
if you don't mind getting illegal, you can emulate wii games @ 1080p which pretty much rivals the graphical quality of a lot of wii U titles and looks beautiful (super mario galaxy etc.)
I wouldn't say that's inherently illegal. There's plenty of us that prefer to dump our own backups.

Hungry Friend

It was my destiny to be here; in the box.
Apr 16, 2015
United States
@Hungry Friend, with all due respect, "liking Japanese games" is a bigger pro for the PS4 than for the Wii U - it's a Japanese system as well and it gets more love from Japanese developers. Not to look too far for examples, Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts are being developed for the PS4, not the Wii U. @RodrigoDavy, the PS4 has just as many if not more good games than the Wii U at this point, unless your definition of "good" means Nintendo's first-party titles.

FF games have sucked balls for a long time and I've never even played KH, although 1-2 are on my backlog. Persona 5 has me excited though, but that's on the PS3 as well. Not a whole lot of stuff I'm interested in, but then again I haven't read the E3 news yet so I need to go do that. Point taken though and naturally I know Sony is a Japanese company. They seem to be(mostly) catering to western audiences today though because of the unfortunate popularity of shitty phone games and almost nothing else in Japan. Home consoles aren't what they used to be as far as market share goes, especially in Japan where mobile gambling crap is dominating the market almost completely.

Demi: You're a smart kid, and it's pretty cool that despite being very young, you grew up like a twenty-something gamer and your tastes reflect that. I emulate a LOT of stuff too, and back when I first used ZSNES and Genecyst back in late '98 and early 99 they blew me away as they were my first exposure to emulation, but Callus(CPS1 emu) REALLY blew me away as it allowed me to play Capcom arcade games, SF2 Hyper Fighting included on a slow computer. MAME required a lot more power/is still very CPU heavy.

Anyway, I went from NES to SNES, then got both a PS1 & N64 but I agree; the PS1 beats the N64's ass as far as software goes, although I went through 3 fucking PS1s. PS2s can be the same way, and my launch PS2 broke after a couple years but the PS2 is still my most used console(followed by my SNES) due to the backwards compatibility. I have a 360 as well but I mostly just stick to older games as there are tons of classics I missed back in the day. My NES broke years ago unfortunately. Good on you for playing old games via emulation and getting that old-school experience :)

if you don't mind getting illegal, you can emulate wii games @ 1080p which pretty much rivals the graphical quality of a lot of wii U titles and looks beautiful (super mario galaxy etc.)

Yeah, Dolphin is fucking incredible if you have a powerful enough PC to run it in high resolution. I don't unfortunately, although I can run it in native with a few hiccups.(outdated PC) Emulation is your friend though.

My final answer is wait at least a year or two for shit to get cheaper and for more games to come out. The Wii U's main appeal for me is Xenoblade.
Last edited by Hungry Friend,


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
FF games have sucked balls for a long time and I've never even played KH, although 1-2 are on my backlog. Persona 5 has me excited though, but that's on the PS3 as well. Not a whole lot of stuff I'm interested in, but then again I haven't read the E3 news yet so I need to go do that. Point taken though and naturally I know Sony is a Japanese company. They seem to be(mostly) catering to western audiences today though because of the unfortunate popularity of shitty phone games and almost nothing else in Japan. Home consoles aren't what they used to be as far as market share goes, especially in Japan where mobile gambling crap is dominating the market almost completely.
It's not just Final Fantasy, it's Japanese games in general - most of'em land in the PlayStation ecosystem since the Xbox never took off there and the Wii U is flopping badly.


May 21, 2008

Hungry Friend

It was my destiny to be here; in the box.
Apr 16, 2015
United States
It's not just Final Fantasy, it's Japanese games in general - most of'em land in the PlayStation ecosystem since the Xbox never took off there and the Wii U is flopping badly.

Yeah, if only the Wii U was actually selling, but Nintendo fucked up bad with its marketing(well, still is fucking up) and the gamepad is a forced gimmick that jacks up the price and most people don't want it or just don;t care about it. It should be made optional and the Wii U's price cut drastically. Many of the good ones are 3DS and Wii U exclusive though which is unfortunate. I like it when 3rd party games are ported to as many platforms as possible, and things like timed exclusives are especially retarded. Most do end up on some Sony console though, but it utterly baffles me as to why a game like Persona 4 Golden is exclusive to the fucking Vita. Make it downloadable for all Sony consoles because despite how cool the Vita is HW wise, it's pretty much dead in the west.

Much of the reason I'm mostly interested in older games is due to Japanese companies not being as dominant as they used to be since I'm set in my ways and generally prefer Japanese games aside from a few series like GTA. I'm mostly into JRPGs too so other than Xenoblade, not much coming out and I have zero faith in Square-Enix since FFXIII was so terrible. I got it used for half price and still feel ripped off.


The bored one
Mar 20, 2015
FF games have sucked balls for a long time and I've never even played KH, although 1-2 are on my backlog. Persona 5 has me excited though, but that's on the PS3 as well. Not a whole lot of stuff I'm interested in, but then again I haven't read the E3 news yet so I need to go do that. Point taken though and naturally I know Sony is a Japanese company. They seem to be(mostly) catering to western audiences today though because of the unfortunate popularity of shitty phone games and almost nothing else in Japan. Home consoles aren't what they used to be as far as market share goes, especially in Japan where mobile gambling crap is dominating the market almost completely.

Demi: You're a smart kid, and it's pretty cool that despite being very young, you grew up like a twenty-something gamer and your tastes reflect that. I emulate a LOT of stuff too, and back when I first used ZSNES and Genecyst back in late '98 and early 99 they blew me away as they were my first exposure to emulation, but Callus(CPS1 emu) REALLY blew me away as it allowed me to play Capcom arcade games, SF2 Hyper Fighting included on a slow computer. MAME required a lot more power/is still very CPU heavy.

Anyway, I went from NES to SNES, then got both a PS1 & N64 but I agree; the PS1 beats the N64's ass as far as software goes, although I went through 3 fucking PS1s. PS2s can be the same way, and my launch PS2 broke after a couple years but the PS2 is still my most used console(followed by my SNES) due to the backwards compatibility. I have a 360 as well but I mostly just stick to older games as there are tons of classics I missed back in the day. My NES broke years ago unfortunately. Good on you for playing old games via emulation and getting that old-school experience :)

Yeah, Dolphin is fucking incredible if you have a powerful enough PC to run it in high resolution. I don't unfortunately, although I can run it in native with a few hiccups.(outdated PC) Emulation is your friend though.

My final answer is wait at least a year or two for shit to get cheaper and for more games to come out. The Wii U's main appeal for me is Xenoblade.

I looove me some arcade games, especially games like Fatal Fury, Art of Fighting 1 & 2, Kof 96 until XIII, and games like Metal Slug or TMNT for the Arcade, they are really good, and for my taste they are some of the best games out there, especially Kof, almost every game or port of that series is gold, pure gold, and it's so much fun.

Something that i really miss, and, i really noticed during the E3 conference for all companies is the lack of vibrant and colourful games, most of the time it seems that most of the games that are released has war, destruction, blood, killing,etc. And sadly, a lot of people think that to be a "Man" needs to play games with that kind of content. I'm not saying that those kind of games are bad, when done correctly, they can be good experiences, but most of the time, people seems to overlook the good kind of war games and focus their attention on the surface instead of the inside of the game, like CoD or Battlefield, technically speaking, they aren't bad games, just repetitive and forgettable kind of games, and honestly, these kind of games make me feel bad, because i'm killing people with no reason in a game, even the oldest of the oldest arcade games at least put a backstory to the character, to give that character a reason for killing, but in these games is just: "Take this Shotgun super armed with infinity bullets, kill all the enemies, point" and that's dissapointing.

And i miss colourful games, like, wouldn't be awesome if someone makes a 3D platformer, and the world is a beautiful island with incredible music, a touching story and an excellent gameplay, but most importantly, the world is something radiant, peaceful, it has enemies but even them seem relaxed with the atmosphere of the game, something like that is really missing in this generation where most teenagers and kids seems to play FPS like the hot shit.

At least i'm glad that FFVII remake is coming soon, i hope, it's not the best of the FF games for me (That title is for IX, not even Tactics or VI comes close to this masterpiece) but it's a really good game that i enjoyed, the story was good, the music composed by Nobuo Uematsu is top-notch, and the whole game seems like an interesting journey that i would take over and over, the replayability on this game is really high if you want to find Gold Chocobos or defeat Emerald Weapon, so, i'll probably pick both consoles, but i'm really thinking again about what should i have first, but that's another matter.

For colourful and vibrant games we have Yooka-Laylee for that matter, especially when the people who are creating this game are the same people who created Banjo Kazooie and Tooie for the N64, so, i hope it really does well to make a sequel of this (probably) fantastic game, before it's released, i'll play some other 3D platformers and maybe, some good old RPG's while waiting for the remake of VII, because there's a ton of japanese RPG's and i'm a sucker for them, the quantity of RPG's released for the SNES, PS1, PS2 and NDS should be enough to entertain a person for years, and even when you played them all and beat each one, deep inside, you want to revive those experiences by playing them again.

You see, this is something that the 8th generation will hardly satisfy, replay value, nowadays, when you play a new game, you just hope to finish it to immediatly forget the experience and pass on with the next game, back then, when you finished a game, you feel triumphant, and not only that, you liked that game so much that you immediatly played that game again, and you (probably) found some secrets in that game that in the first playthrough you didn't find, like Final Fantasy 10, i never get tired of playing this game, i can play this game over and over and over, Seymour is one of the few bosses that, even when you kicked his ass, you want to kick his ass again, and again, and again. You just can't stop!

For me, emulators are awesome and incredible, they allow people to play the older consoles, and experience exactly how much fun were those games, when time passes, the older consoles becomes more defective and disfunctional, someday, every console released in 1989 or 1990 will be dust, so, emulators are a salvation for the kind of people who enjoy good games in older consoles, and when you play them, you find charm, you feel awesome, when i play a modern game today, although most of them are in a cycle of evolution and seems to be getting better, for me, it's not the same, when i play a game like Super Castlevania IV, i feel awesome, badass, like, nothing can stop me now, the refined controls, excellent music and innovative effects for the SNES console are some of the points that make these kind of games shine on it's own, or Chrono Trigger, it's one of the most fantastic games i've ever played on my life, for me at least, the music, the graphics, the characters, everything was so godly awesome, and i didn't even talked about Xenogears, uff, but, since the 7th generation, i didn't felt the same kind of way, nowadays, most of the RPG's has this anime kawaii plots and faces, the journey seems more bland, and it's just simply boring, it's something that you could watch as an anime instead of playing it, i'm not saying that most RPG's nowadays are like that, some of them are really doing a fine job, but especially the older ones appeared in the SNES or PS1 that still holds today, Bravely Default is one of those examples, the art it's good, the music it's good, but the story is a mix between: "Wtf?" and "Meh" with some boring parts.

Besides, the Art in the 90's was a little more original, take a look at the SMT for the Super Famicom, it didn't looked like an anime, at all, it was a RPG with demon contracting, fighting, and it was a revolutionary game for the deep plot, the incredible music, and a whole 3D dungeon crawler with mix of an RPG combined with the touch of a deep story and some plot twists, makes this game one of the best in the platform, nowadays, there's not much of a "revolution", the only company doing that seems Nintendo, most companies stay in the comfy zone where nothing new should happen, and only the same games should be sold, and even Nintendo has problems with the new kind of experience they are trying to do, like the Wii U controller, that it sucks so much ass, by having only 3 hours of battery and the problem was that you couldn't replace that shit, if you for example broke your controller, or you want to play with 2 players, you can't do nothing, you are pretty much fucked at this point, you needed to buy a second hand used controller because Nintendo doesn't sell these controllers for separate, and that shit it's expensive, like 275 or 350 dollars for this, they did well with the Wii Controller + Nunchuck, why would they have to implement such a bad and unpractical controller.

This generation of gaming has goodsides and downsides, but it has more downsides than goodsides, and that's no good, if i could, i would like to change the gaming industry as a whole, and make a revolution where we can put incredible games and overall, create a better experience for both the experienced players and newcomers, one of my dreams it's of being a developer, and if everything is going fine with my life, i would like to create a game like never seen before, and because of the game, change it all.


Grey Knight Inquisitor
Feb 28, 2010
The Forge
Agreed with @Foxi4.

As someone with both a PS4 and a Wii U as well as a this generation gaming rig, I'd say go for PS4 for future proofing or WiiU for Nintendo first party games. The PS4 has quite a nice amount of games both multiplat and exclusive, but as my PC can run any and all games at the moment, I usually buy the multiplat games on PC. The WiiU is nice and dandy, but it has a lacking amount of games and a very disappointing future especially on the multiplat games side. If you like Smash Bros or Mario Kart a lot, sure it may probably be worth it (I bought mine mainly for MK8, though I do have about 15-20 titles in total for the WiiU). With a Wii already in a console set, the WiiU loses quite a bit of the new game library from the available backwards compatibility.

So to answer your question:
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Hungry Friend

It was my destiny to be here; in the box.
Apr 16, 2015
United States
Demi: I literally just read about the FFVII remake, and I hate to be a cynical asshole but I think SE with fuck it up big time. I'd absolutely love to be wrong though, and FFVI is my personal favorite although I do agree that IX is a fucking amazing game, and it's aged pretty well also minus the resolution. It's hard to say which FF is my 2nd favorite as it's kind of a 3-way tie between IV, IX and VII. I can play FFIX in epsxe and the summons still look breathtaking, and I really like how it's an homage to FFI-VIII, but especially I-IV with its super deformed characters and old-school battle system. SE ruined FFVI's gorgeous art style so I have little faith in them being able to do FFVII justice, but remaking FFVII along with FFXV & KH3 is SE's last opportunity to become relevant again. If these games are lackluster, I believe SE will die, so I hope the remake is awesome. SE will no doubt put all their talent/effort into this remake because it's the sacred cow of the FF series due to it being the one that really blew up back in 1997. VI was my first and I played IV & FF1 after, so I don't have quite as much nostalgia for it as some do, but I still love the game.

You are certainly right about the overabundance of drab, edgy for the sake of being edgy military games too and the lack of colorful, quirky titles compared to the mid 80s-2005 or so. At least we've got some cool ass RPGs coming out now. Persona 5, Xenoblade X, FFXV, KH3 AND the FFVII remake. That's quite a full plate, no? MGS games are really the only military games I like, and they're really fucking cartoon-like, campy and goofy while still having very engaging(but weird) stories.

EDIT: If the remake is awesome, that will sell me a PS4 and yes I know it's a timed exclusive but the PS4 is the system that's gonna get long-term JP support. I'm hyped man but I I need to temper my expectations. Don't mess it up SE!
Last edited by Hungry Friend,


Jul 1, 2015
Bottom line, if you want a Wii U, as a Wii U owner myself, I can only recommend to you three titles:

Mario Kart 8
Super Smash Bros. Wii U

I haven't bought many Wii U games, mostly because a great deal of them disinterest me.


The bored one
Mar 20, 2015
Bottom line, if you want a Wii U, as a Wii U owner myself, I can only recommend to you three titles:

Mario Kart 8
Super Smash Bros. Wii U

I haven't bought many Wii U games, mostly because a great deal of them disinterest me.

Well, the Wii U doesn't have the greatest videogame library of all time but, at least it looks entertaining with some of the games like Super Mario 3D World, Bayonneta 1 & 2, Wonderful 101 and the upcoming next year release of SMT vs FE (Although, I hate the title of that game, i though it was going to be dark and awesome, but not, it's a piece of idol shit, i have enough of idols, they are less annoying than pop american singers, but still annoying, and forgettable) but at least the game doesn't look bad in terms of gameplay or music, so, I'll check it out when it comes.

The PS4 still doesn't hold a candle to me, but, with the trailer of FF7 Remake and KH3, I may think about the future possibilities, i hope they are good at least.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2013
Gaza Strip
You're not going to get your money's worth by purchasing a Wii U at full price but if you can get it for a good discount, it may be a decent deal. There's not a whole lot to play on it and you'll be wanting to play more games before you know.

So, if PS4's not up to your taste then try PlayStation TV or New 3DS.

Hells Malice

Are you a bully?
GBAtemp Patron
Apr 9, 2009
The biggest problem I have with the WiiU is not its abysmal library, but the fact that Nintendo almost never cuts the price of their games. So years down the road, they're still full price (or very near it). On a console that barely has anything to play to begin with, it's pretty pathetic to have to also then pay full price for anything you DO want to play even though it's years old. Especially given a lot of titles really were never worth the price to begin with.

Honestly upfront and down the road, the PS4 holds the most value. It'll have a much more diverse library of games (and frankly, already does), and you wont be buying practically every game at its release retail price so you get even more bang for your buck.


Jul 1, 2015
The biggest problem I have with the WiiU is not its abysmal library, but the fact that Nintendo almost never cuts the price of their games. So years down the road, they're still full price (or very near it). On a console that barely has anything to play to begin with, it's pretty pathetic to have to also then pay full price for anything you DO want to play even though it's years old. Especially given a lot of titles really were never worth the price to begin with.

Honestly upfront and down the road, the PS4 holds the most value. It'll have a much more diverse library of games (and frankly, already does), and you wont be buying practically every game at its release retail price so you get even more bang for your buck.
You're absolutely right, @Hells Malice. Nintendo's prices almost never go down. Heck, I still see Mario Kart DS for $30.00 new in some retail stores. The kicker? That game came out TEN years ago.


I miss the Wii remotes
Jun 19, 2011
You're absolutely right, @Hells Malice. Nintendo's prices almost never go down. Heck, I still see Mario Kart DS for $30.00 new in some retail stores. The kicker? That game came out TEN years ago.
Nintendo are cheap bastards. They go after Youtubers that make a few bucks off a few videos playing Nintendo games.
LOL. Nintendo is pathetic.
They are behind the times in everything.
Must be run by a bunch of old men.


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2014
United States
Nintendo are cheap bastards. They go after Youtubers that make a few bucks off a few videos playing Nintendo games.
LOL. Nintendo is pathetic.
They are behind the times in everything.
Must be run by a bunch of old men.
For a company with as much money as them, it sure is pathetic. They are run by old men with a outdated business model though.
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The bored one
Mar 20, 2015
Nintendo are cheap bastards. They go after Youtubers that make a few bucks off a few videos playing Nintendo games.
LOL. Nintendo is pathetic.
They are behind the times in everything.
Must be run by a bunch of old men.
Except for Splatoon, that was developed by a bunch of young guys, with Miyamoto's permission of course, but that was the only case, everything else it's run by old people when it comes to development and financial business.
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I miss the Wii remotes
Jun 19, 2011
Except for Splatoon, that was developed by a bunch of young guys, with Miyamoto's permission of course, but that was the only case, everything else it's run by old people when it comes to development and financial business.
Hopefully the success story that is Splatoon will show Nintendo it's time for the old boys to pass the torch.
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a real gril
Dec 18, 2009
United States
The Wii U is dead, Nintendo didn't announce any games for it at E3. They're focusing all their attention on their next console.

I own a Wii U and I love it, but unless the current library interests you, don't expect anything else.

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