Blog entries by Guild McCommunist

I've been hating on Mortal Kombat a lot but I decided to just put my money where my mouth is and buy the game. I figured a Vita version would be good so I get a little more time into my handheld and it's apparently a really good version. Between containing all the DLC and extra modes, it's great...
Been really wanting to try this title in the past few months since it's release so I broke down and got it for $40. Right now I'm kinda early but I'm a bit mixed. First off, Triss, dat ass, etc. I'm guessing the total nudity right in the beginning of the game helps compel gamers to keep...
Just stuff I purchased in the past few days. Dragon's Dogma: Paid: $60 Wrote a blog about it already but I'll give much better and thorough impressions when I'm done. I'm at the last mission but I still have sidequests to do. Oh, and of course the price drops to $50 a week later...
Just played the demo. So the game is divided into three different storylines. One for Leon (and his sidekick um... Helen?), one for Chris (and his sidekick Piers), and one for a new character called Jake (and his sidekick Sherry). I beat Leon's and Chris's but Jake's was a pain in the ass so I...
Normally I'm not a fan of point and click games but I was hanging with a friend today and he said we should try them. Originally I pirated a copy for the PC but it was a pain to play so I just bought it for the Xbox, the first episode at least. And I was pleasantly surprised. It's rather...
My friend and I wanted to see a movie today so we decided on the Avengers. Then we movie hopped to MIB3 because, why the hell not. Kinda had bleak expectations for this movie. Usually movies are fine in trilogies so I don't feel like the franchise was stretched thin but most of the previews...
With summer starting up, I've been kinda bored and figured I'd buy some games to tide me over, and Dragon's Dogma has been peaking my interest. I enjoyed the demo and it has also been made by the Traveling Wilburys/Crosby, Stills, and Nash/other musical supergroup metaphor of Capcom devs...
More F2P games came across my radar, so here's some more impressions. Most notable would actually be Blacklight Retribution. The original game never caught my interest, a lot of people branded it as "CoD but cheap" but a friend of mine said that Retribution was actually really good and I...
I would have gotten it launch day but my check didn't get deposited. But I have it now. Cleared out the standard campaign yesterday and I played a couple of Revenge and Planechase matches. Wish the decks were a bit more diversified, especially color wise. Most of them are just monocolored...
I've been pretty sick lately. I dunno what it is, I've just felt crappy. First it was just nausea, then that became nausea, lightheadedness, diarrhea, stuff like that. I've finally got a doctor's appointment scheduled for Wednesday. ...But graduation is Monday. I had to miss the practice for...
I got the game in the recent Humble Bundle and now with a less-shit computer, I can actually play games. So I hear everyone raving about Bastion and decided to install it. Beforehand I thought it was just some game with unnecessary popularity because it was indie or something. I mean people...
With a new computer comes new responsibilities. Well, mostly just better specs. Nothing super top of the line but I can actually run most things relatively well. So, I figured I'd stock up on F2P MMOs and such and have a run at it. First off is, of course, TF2. I played it on my old PC but it...
Never got around to writing this so I'll try doing it now. Just doing this from memory so sorry for any discrepancies. Beyond looks like a good adventure game but those aren't always my thing. I never played Heavy Rain so I don't know what to expect. Grapihcs are omigod awesome. Passbar was...
First off, I'm back, got a new computer so I'm here. Anyway I'll do Sony eventually, Nintendo was just the most recent conference and has had the most hubbub here. So here it is... The Wii U: The reveal here still wasn't a reveal. No specs announced, no price, no date. Still felt very weak...
my computer died and i dont know when ill be getting a new one. Only have my vita for internet until then so i wont be posting much. Be back when i can.
Stuff I remember off the top of my head: Halo 4: Eh. Didn't look interesting at all. Kinda liked Halo Reach for the small bit I played it but otherwise, not really. Splinter Cell Blacklist: Didn't look too interesting. Gears of War Judgment: I actually missed this trailer because I was occupied...
So we had to do a silent film for our final project in my Shakespeare class. So my friend and I teamed up to make a stop motion, black and white, silent film using lunch meat to portray Hamlet. We cut out major characters like Polonius and Ophelia but it's STOP MOTION and uses LUNCH MEAT so...
It was on sale for $5 on XBLA so I couldn't pass it up. Never played the game before so this is my impressions for the game as a whole. Well, not "impressions", I actually beat the game a couple of hours ago. So thoughts... Really great mixing. Story was great, environment was great, combat...
As I mentioned in my previous blog, I was at a funeral all weekend. I had internet access but could only use my Vita for that so I didn't even check up on here. It was a trip though. About a five hour drive to upstate New York (the really rural areas) with my cousin and her kids. It wasn't a...
Kinda shit. Tuesday I felt terrible. Just really nauseous. I felt like I was gonna puke for the first half of the day. Then I passed out and woke up feeling a bit better (still a bit queasy but not the "oh god I'm gonna puke" nausea). Thursday my grandma died in her sleep. She was perfectly...
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