Blog entries by Guild McCommunist

So yeah, so long junior year. OBLIGATORY SONG ABOUT SUNSHINE. bjPqsDU0j2I I'm not sure what to think about the year. It was kinda uneventful. Some stuff happened but mainly it was just me doing school and me hanging with friends. It feels odd that I'm done for the year but I guess it's kinda...
Got a juicy paycheck for about $180. Not that bad for all my on-off work throughout the month. I think it was part of or all of May. Either way, it's pretty fine. Not sure if I should buy anything with it. I got a lot of stuff I want to buy but I'm not sure where to start. Gotta pre-order a Vita...
GUILD'S SUGGESTED GAMES PSP - DS - Wii Finishing up my project with this, although I may do a GBA one. If you're wondering why Game X is missing, it's because I either didn't like it or didn't play it yet. The [] after each game is the category. # A A Boy and His Blob: Some really great...
GUILD'S SUGGESTED GAMES PSP - DS - Wii Continuing my on-going project, it's time for the DS round! If you're wondering why Game X is missing, it's because I either didn't like it or didn't play it yet. The [] after each game is the category. # A Advance Wars: Days of Ruin/Dual Strike: DS...
GUILD'S SUGGESTED GAMES PSP - DS - Wii I've decided to begin a personal project to just make a list of awesome games per console. I decided to start with the PSP because it's fucking awesome. I'll be adding more as I play more, so check this list frequently if you want PSP games to play...
So yeah, we're learning about different types of literary elements or something in English. My teacher decided to cover narration. My teacher's a bit weird. Overall he's a nice guy, he's young, often times he's kinda funny and accessible, but he does through a lot of projects at us and we...
As I'm nearing my 4,000th post as well as my one year anniversary here, I thought I'd continue the tradition of doing "big" blogs every 1,000 post. I've done one on a retrospective of my first 1,000 posts, a get to know me for my 2,000th post, and a few announcements regarding my aspirations and...
A list of all my editorials: COMPLETED #1: The Rebirth of Retro #2: Games Aren't Fun Anymore #3: Video Games Are Anti-Depressants TO BE WRITTEN - Square Enix Make me Squeemish - Nintendo: Past, Present, and Future - Piracy and Today's Modern World - Video Game Controversies: The Scapegoat...
If any of you know, every 1,000 posts I get I make a big, long winded blog. The first time was a GBAtemp retrospective, the second time was a get to know me thing, and this time it's just some future GBAtemp aspirations as well as the announcement of some new, personal projects. Oh, and other...
Wii Online Multiplayer Essentials - Freeware Essentials - iDevice App Essentials - Reviews - Editorials - Games of the Month: May 2012 -Suggested PSP games - Suggested DS games - Suggested Wii games - Personal Blog - Game Impressions Blog My old sig was apparently "too long" now so I decided...
So, I've made it sorta a tradition to make a big blog post every 1,000 posts. Last time it was my retrospective on GBAtemp. This time it's a biography type of thing, explaining everything about me! My inner workings, how I think, and why I seem to hate Japan so much. I'll keep details to a...
This is just a list of my reviews that I can update for my signature, nothing more. No need to comment. The list can be rather "small" for now, but it'll grow as time passes (that's what she said). REVIEWS WII #1: Quantum of Solace #2: Sin and Punishment 2 #3: Mario Kart Wii #4: Call...
A game with some much needed firm handling. People seem to either think it's the best game on the planet, a good game, or bad because of all the hype and them being nitpicky over minor issues. So, Scribblenauts, outside of Bowser's Inside Story and Pokemon, was the biggest DS release this...
Way too many people here getting all up in arms over any KH game. Time to bring some truth! So, the latest Kingdom Hearts installment and the second portable game finally came. With being able to play both English and Japanese games, I think I get the general feel of the game plus some. Time...
I remember a while back I was flipping through channels via the on-screen guide (you know, the little pop-up guide?) and I saw on the Christian channel a kids show (because it was light blue) called Bibleman. It looked so stupid that I turned to the channel and started laughing my ass off. This...
So, I'm almost to my thousandth post, meaning I'll be getting a my FIRST red ribbon. I know, I know, you're all so proud. Although it is kinda sad I've had so many posts since I joined in like April... Anyway, with all the inners and outers of GBAtemp figured out, I thought I'd offer my insight...
QUANTUM OF SOLACE Being my first review on this site (I've done a bunch on IGN), I'll try to be very methodical. If you're wondering why I posted it here than on the reviews section, it's because I get generally more action in the blog area. So, here's my review: Notes: First, I'm a huge...
Meh, more spare time on my hands, even though I can now play backups (I just made backups for Gamecube and Wii games and both work, yay). So, I thought I would give you some insight into my favorite Gamecube games. Of course, some side notes: - This is my top 10, not yours. I'll debate with you...
So, in waiting to go get a stack of DVD's, I figured I'd start doing Guild's Top 10, a completely useless list of "best ofs" for diferent gaming systems, and occasionally stupid stuff. I'll start with the Wii. Some side notes: - This is GUILD'S Top 10. Not YOUR Top 10. I'm more than welcome to...
I've dug deep, did my research, and played some games, and I've found one of the most unknown yet enjoyable games out there as well as some other gems. CHRONOS TWIN Never heard of it? Neither have I. However, after sifting through thousands of DS ROMs, I found this lone game just sticking...
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