WiiQuizz is a multiplayer trivia game for the Wii devloped by CashMan. The game supports 4 players. The author has now added many different languages, and is looking for people to help translate/write new questions. Follow the more info link if you are interested.

Changelog said:1.8
* Add Spanish support
* Add Catalan support
* The music starts at the menu of choice of language
* Add new music
* Add save system (WiiQuizz.cnf at the root of the SD/SDHC)
* Add settings in the save (Thanks Ac_K !)
* Add settings menu to modify the save (version BETA)
* Changing the URL in the pause menu to save the new
* Add questions in Italian
* Add questions in Danish
* Add questions in English
* Improved graphics during the game
* Improved screen explanations of game modes
* Use libogc 1.7.1
* Better management of vibration on the wiimote
* Others fixes and improvements...