that's not the correct place to put your savegame.
How to copy a Loadiine savegame to WiiU
on WiiU, play the game to get a savegame. any game, but preferably the same you want to restore, so you'll get the correct location and TitleID where to put your savegame files on your computer (not on SD!)
on computer, launch saviine using "dump" mode
on WiiU launch Saviine homebrew and set the computer's IP
launch that game
Saviine on PC will ask you if you wantto dump Common and/or User folder. select both.
it will generate a folder in saviine/saviine_root/dump/ on your computer with a number (it's the titleID of that game, something like this : 00050000-101C4C00)
inside you have "common" and "80000000x".
close saviine on your computer
exit the game (do not shutdown the console or you'll need to relaunch the homebrew)
go to SD:/wiiu/saves/game name/
If you use Loadiine's "shared mode":
copy your "c" content into "common"
copy your "u" content into "80000000x"
If you use "unique mode": replace common and 80000000x with the one from loadiine.
move the folder with the titleID (00050000-101C4C00) from "dump" to "inject"
launch saviine on your computer and choose restore mode
launch your game on wiiU