Okay at this point I'm convinced no one has actually made a proper Wii64 OC forwarder, and neither have I. Judging from
Wii64 compatibility page, someone must have been successful in the past but I haven't seen any recent forwarders that actually enable the OC.
(1) First I tried all the forwarders I could find online and within GBATemp, including this thread. I tested Golden Eye, Conkers, and Diddy kong Racing.
For each forwarder, the performance was the exact same as when I launched from vWii manually.
Goldene Eye - From frontend to level load everything is 60fps until the damn scene renders, then it's at 15fps. Start of gameplay bounces between 15 and 30fps. Immediately turning around and facing the garage/shutter FPS goes to 40. Running up to the watch tower is about 20-25fps, sometimes 30, sometimes sub 20. Standing about half way through the tunnel is 25-30ish, sometimes 40 frames depending where you stand. Exiting the tunnel the next area will make the FPS dip to 10-15 during the firefight.
Conkers - 30fps during the splash screens, about 15-18fps when Conker starts chainsawing the N64 logo. The tavern is 25-30fps depending on how quickly you scroll through the options. The opening sequence is a solid 30fps.
Diddy Kong Racing - Loading into the world is about 25-30fps. FPS remains stable throughout the first race, pretty much locked at 30fps with a rare dip here and there.
(2) I confirmed manually launching vWii does not trigger any sort of OC by
comparing Saulfabreg's WiiStation forwarder. Launching manually through vWii gives 700-something mhz, which is expected. Using Saulfabreg's WiiStation forwarder produced the OC of 1.25ghz.
(3) I confirmed the performance of the above three games were identical on my physical Wii when compared to the existing Wii64 forwarders on Wii U.
(4) Given the above, I made my own Wii64 forwarders for glide and rice.
Exact same results for Wii64, no FPS improvements in the three aforementioned games. Maybe I made them wrong? Nope! Since WiiStation has a confirmed working case I decided to make
my own WiiStation forwarder; I successfully made a forwarder with OC enabled.
This leads me to believe there is a problem with Wii64 BUT as previously mentioned, apparently at one point someone was successful otherwise there wouldn't be notes about overclocking in the Wii64 Compatibility wiki.
For programs and assets, I used these:
- wii64_wiivc and wii64 Rice_wiivc as found in the
latest Wii64 release package.
A modified TeconMoon's injector (the latest official release of TeconMoon's injector spits out an empty directory when you try to enable OC. The modified version I linked has its own small bugs but produces working injects, a la the WiiStation one I created).
has anyone successfully created a working Wii64 OC forwarder or has any clue what the problem could be? Note that the forwarder
simply launching Wii64 DOES NOT MEAN OC IS WORKING (tons of people have made this mistake from what I can see).
OR maybe I've wasted a bunch of time and the three games I used to test don't benefit from OC? Any leads here would be appreciated.