Why are drugs popular/cool?


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2008
United States
Constantly when ever drugs or a single drug is mentioned on TV/Internet/In Public people cheer or start talking about how good it is and how much they have done or have. I honestly don't see why you would be proud of doing illegal drugs or doing it even if it was legal.

For example if you watch some random stand up comic he will say something like "I just got done smoking a blunt" and they crowd will cheer because he said he smoked pot. I really don't see why people get so excited over it. And its not just on TV its in public such as schools and other places I will hear someone say something about drugs and then everyone around will explain in detail how messed up they got by doing the drug and how good it is.

When did drugs get so popular and common that most people just accept drugs as being okay in society? People make a big deal over video game violence yet drugs are not taboo. Whats the point of doing illegal drugs? It will only cause you health problems and more than likely kill you. Not to mention it ruins families by the user losing their job, committing crimes such as stealing from family to buy more drugs, and sometimes even worse.

Why are drugs popular/cool?

Toni Plutonij

*has TrolleyDave & tiny p1ngy on moderating shelf!
Former Staff
Dec 22, 2007
Depths of Nuclear powerplant
Because World in global is going stupid.....and even more stupid by every minute!

I don't care if people like doing drugs, it's their own thing, but seeing bunch of people cheering on something that's only ruining them physically and mentally makes me laugh at them for the stupidity because they are obviously doing them for being cool, and to brag to other people how they live a "dangerous" life..


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2006
United States
because they are a universal life experience, you're thoughts on the subject, Filter, are purely based on anti-drug propaganda that you've heard from TV and teachers and ads, that is meant to keep people from experiencing something that is somethings very beneficiary towards your life. From 1920 to 1933, alcohol consumption was made illegal in the US, and during that time the government was preaching how bad it was for families, how it destroyed lives and made the world a horrible place. They were wrong and a new amendment was passed to ban the previous amendment that made it illegal.

It's now in our constitution that we are free to drink alcohol, when before it was illegal because a handful of powerful men were able to brainwash other powerful men and the American public into thinking it was an evil thing.

Some drugs are bad and some are good, most, like alcohol, require self control and moderation and they're perfectly fine. They are mind expanding and let you view yourself, the people around you, and the world in many different ways that you would've never seen without the aid of a drug. The world becomes much more beautiful once you can see it from all perspectives and all angles, which is what drugs like marijuana and mushrooms let you do. It can also become quite ugly, but seeing it as ugly lets you see where you need to fix things. People have a built in bias based on their beliefs and morals that cloud theirs thoughts from the truth of the world, but drugs blows away those clouds to shine light on the truth of the world.

People who abuse drugs are people who are already predisposed to self-abuse, drugs aren't the problem, it just happens to be that that person's personality is already a little off. Just like guns, guns aren't inherently bad, it's the people who use guns as a tool for violence.

Drugs aren't for all people, but if you've never experience it, you have no room to talk or to state your opinion on the matter unless you know what you're talking about. It would be like me saying the PSP sucks because I've only played the Nintendo DS.

Our past 3 US Presidents (including Obama) have admitting to using drugs at some point in their life (at least cocaine and alcohol and marijuana) and I'm sure those experiences have changed their lives for the better. Some people will do drugs during their late teens and 20's and then stop, it helps with emotional growth and teaches you how to mature and helps with social interaction with your peers.

Yesterday, I did 3 pills of ecstasy throughout the day and went about my daily business, hung out with friends, ran some errands and just biked around. Nobody knew I was on it, but all day I felt great and was in a very good friendly move, I felt like being out and about, socializing, making new friends and just doing good acts of love towards my friends. Sometimes people are just socially awkward, they don't think that anyone likes them, or cares what they have to say or that anyone in the world really cares at all about them, drugs get rid of those inhibitions, they get rid of the doubt and depression in your head that is caused by how fucked up the world really is. Prescription (legal) drugs are the bad ones, they are more potent then anything you'd find on the street.

Adderal and Ritalin (used to treat ADD and ADHD) are just forms of Meth that are legalized. Morphine is heroine. The majority of people who die of drug overdoses are from prescription drugs sold legally by doctors who are being paid by Pharmaceutical companies to promote their drugs. Learn the truth about drugs, don't listen to what TV ads and teachers tell you, they are told by the government to tell you these things and the government doesn't always know what's right for you, just look at the recent War on Terror, one of the biggest mistakes made the US government since the War on Drugs and Prohibition of alcohol and marijuana.

Drugs set you free if that's what you truly want, drugs enslave you if you have no self control.


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2008
United States
maduin said:
Drugs aren't for all people, but if you've never experience it, you have no room to talk or to state your opinion on the matter

See that is where you are wrong. You don't have to experience drugs to state facts or opinions about them. I know people personally that did meth and it ruined their life and their families.

Also your weak if you think you need to drugs to get by in life. There are always people who have it way worse than you that never needed drugs to make it through their whole life.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2006
United States
Filter said:
maduin said:
Drugs aren't for all people, but if you've never experience it, you have no room to talk or to state your opinion on the matter

See that is where you are wrong. You don't have to experience drugs to state facts or opinions about them. I know people personally that did meth and it ruined their life and their families.

Also your weak if you think you need to drugs to get by in life. There are always people who have it way worse than you that never needed drugs to make it through their whole life.

you just proved your ignorance right there. Sorry I wasted my time. Don't asked questions that you don't want answers to.


Gamer Professional Deluxe
Apr 18, 2008
DS Scene
Drugs, whether they be in the form of alcohol, psychedelic mushrooms and plants, or the poison of a living animal diluted down, have been a part of man's history since he first stood up and knew he was alive. Even animals like wild pigs, horses, elephants and monkeys will eat fermenting fruit in the knowledge that they will become drunk, even though they don't know what being drunk is. Are the people who take drugs taking them because they are bad people, people who are self destructive, or people who just want to flout the law? Or are they people with an age old instinct they cant fight?

Are the people who applaud drug takers in public stupid, following a fad that is glamorised, immature or trying to be cool? Or are they just following a natural built in pack mentality people gathered together have always experienced since the dawn of man? Are the people who deride these people morally correct, responsible and law abiding? Or are they in fact defective, and missing some sort of built in need their ancestors possessed, which is in fact part of their evolution?

Is a shaman, in the middle of a jungle performing an age old ritual high on cocaine bad? Is the aborigine tribesman walking the dessert communicating with the spirits of the world high on pituri doing something wrong, which should be punished? What has changed from that time to this one? Why are these things bad enough now that people can loose their liberty for doing them?

Your question is not simple, its a deep complex philosophical puzzle that may never be answered.

I certainly don't have the intelligence to even begin answering it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2008
United States
maduin said:
Filter said:
maduin said:
Drugs aren't for all people, but if you've never experience it, you have no room to talk or to state your opinion on the matter

See that is where you are wrong. You don't have to experience drugs to state facts or opinions about them. I know people personally that did meth and it ruined their life and their families.

Also your weak if you think you need to drugs to get by in life. There are always people who have it way worse than you that never needed drugs to make it through their whole life.

you just proved your ignorance right there. Sorry I wasted my time. Don't asked questions that you don't want answers to.

How did I prove my ignorance? You proved yours by doing illegal drugs.

Anyway what I can say is if you take any substance that makes you harm other people along with yourself does not need to be taken no matter how good it makes you feel for a short amount of time.

Drugs are Illegal for a reason maduin.

Cocaine: this is an extremely powerful stimulant that is very addictive and has damaging effects on the brain of any animal that uses it. Cocaine is made from cocoa leaves and has been abused as narcotic substance for well over 100 years. Mostly manufactured in the South America’s the pure version is called cocaine hydrochloride.

Crack: This is a much powerful and dangerous form of cocaine known as crack cocaine. It is actually the free-base form of the cocaine (”crack”). Crack is actually cocaine that has not been neutralized by any acid base that makes the hydrochloride salt which is cocaine in its most raw form. Crack is a rock crystal that is heated and the vapors inhaled. The name “crack” comes from the crackling sound one hears when the rock crystal is being heated.

Heroin: this highly addictive drug is a fast acting opiate. It is processed from morphine, a potent substance extracted out of the seed pod of poppy plants. Known on the street as black tar, heroin is usually injected and can lead to the worst addictive drug because it can be cut with other drugs such as crack and cocaine.

Hydrocodone: Known as antitussive (otherwise a cough suppressant) this is a prescription drug for mild to severe pain that has been abused for its neurotic qualities. It is one of the most popular cough suppressants and is equally as powerful in pain neutralizers as morphine.

Inhalants: This is not just any one drug but a combination of volatile solvents, nitrates, and gases. The inhalants are sniffed, snorted and inhaled to acquire a dunk feeling much like that of alcohol. The most popular inhalants are glue, cigarette lighter fluid, household cleaning fluids, and painting products. This is the most popular drug for minors to abuse as it is normally found around the home and access is free.

LSD: What is known as a lysergic acid compound that is a derivative of from ergot, the fungus used to develop on rye grass. More known for its therapeutic value it can also be abused.

Marijuana: The most comm. Illegal drug, marijuana or ganja is a dry, shredded mix of flowers, stems, seeds, and leaves of from the naturally grown Cannabis sativa. Though it is addictive is does have neurotic effects that can quickly damage the brain.

MDMA (Ecstasy): A terrible drug that is synthetic and psychoactive dedicated to creating a hallucinogenic fervor. Acting as a stimuli and psychedelic Ecstasy creates an energy effect and creates distortions in reality, time and perception of the taker and ultimately creates a seemingly joyful experience.

Methamphetamine (Crystal Meth): Quickly becoming the drug of choice in the USA. Its is a deadly drug that is highly addictive and detrimental to the human central nervous system. Its stimulant properties can cause serious brain damage in passive smokers and inhalers of the drug as well.

OxyContin®: This is actually a prescription drug that in some countries can be found over the counter or OTC. It is a painkiller prescribed for moderate and acute pain relief caused by physical injuries, arthritis, back pains, and pain felt during cancer treatments.

Anabolic steroids: These are laboratory produced variants of male hormone testosterone. These are used to promote muscle growth, however has some very damaging side effects such as brain damage and heart attacks.


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
My opinions on the matter are similar to those of maduin although permit me a tweak on them. I will agree it is a matter of perception though.
For a start have you been to many medicine cabinets or turned on the TV recently I see
sleep both getting some and waking from medicated.
I see the digestive system medicated in every way possible.
I see all types of waking mental state able to be changed.
You have caffeine used by millions.
You have alcohol used by about as many.
You have tobacco (a drug of little medical benefit although there is some) used by millions.

If you want to take it a step further how many times have you necked a bunch of sugary foods for the "instant pick me up". Synthetic sugars are not easy chemistry.

A bit of searching is sure to give examples of how (ab)use of these has the ability to mess you up.

History also plays a part which maudin touched upon and I see no reason to expand upon right now.

I will say maduin's point about the legal drugs (as in pharmaceuticals and not the alterations on existing drugs to make them legal) is a bit narrow minded in that there are not too many classes of drugs*, my knowledge of pharmacology is not all that it could be so we are going to run into a wall with regards to what I know but I can tell you small changes on complex organic compounds (which most drugs are) can have profound effects, hell even geometric isomerism: same chemical makeup and bonds but some bonds are spun around on an axis: http://usm.maine.edu/~newton/Chy251_253/Le...ricIsomers.html affects things, the most pertinent example is probably thalidomide: http://www.chromatography-online.org/topics/thalidomide.html which when the right version is used is safe for babies.

*a the risk of a broad generalisation and my invoking witchcraft psychology most drugs act on neurotransmitters (you will probably have heard of serotonin, dopamine and possibly gaba), you may want to ask why glutamate is only just starting to be investigated (for what it is worth PCP affects this). The risk is high but so is the potential reward, this lack of desire to experiment is one of the reasons I am not a great fan of psychology as it presently exists.

I would certainly never say there are no negative effects of drugs but those you describe are as maduin mentioned suffered by those with lack of control; heroin is often used as an example of a terrifically addictive drug but when you look at the stats from Vietnam (a stressful time for all concerned if you ask me) which had high usage rates by anyones estimate yet most repeat uses do not seem that high ( http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/bsc/...taar9.alexandra ), granted injection versus other methods of taking it come into play.
Just to wind it into another point you mention violent games, as the media is often quick to tell us some of the less desirable elements of our society have played games that could be considered violent at some point. Is this a game causing or someone predisposed to things being drawn to a game. Alcoholism has been documented to run in families (no sources right no other than http://pubs.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/Fam...ory/famhist.htm but I am sure I can dig one up), is it such a stretch to say the ability to go off the rails is also applicable to "hard drugs".

Also meth (speed) is not so popular in Europe but most of the methods used to cook it up (see bathtub meth) are what does the damage. That is not to say it lacks the ability to mess you up but it is not a binary state of affairs.

You mentioned marijuana, not to start on that route but I will say the statistics speak for themselves with regards to how many people truly suffered from it. Compare it to something like alcohol and then tell me it is worse. Also it is legal in parts of the world; how does that fit in.
Secondly the legality of things is also debatable; see for instance the recent UK dowgrading and subsequent upgrading of cannabis and how the scientific community decried the lack of science used in the debate (the opinions of the experts consulted were ignored: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/11/25/ca...s_lords_debate/ ). Should logic trump law; consider some muslim countries where women are kept covered where there is no logical reason to. Presuming I word it properly but still voice disapproval I am sure to encounter and element of "it is there country and they can do as they please".
Next up is age at which things are "legal", this varies over the world but more importantly age comes with an assumed physical state (the effect of alcohol is linked to body mass amongst other things).

One further point and just to round off the perception thing: when you see people running around going "whooooo" at a party consider that it takes a bit longer than you might think for alcohol (especially what passes for beer stateside) to take effect.

Finally when debating general stuff your own experiences are of little use as they rarely represent the general state of things. For example there were 4 adults in the room last night and 3 of us had a considerable level of knowledge of electronics; obviously 75% of the world do not have that.

And just to go against my own point my only method of mind expansion is sleep deprivation, the only medicine I have used has been a decongestant and antibiotics as and when they are needed. I have no objection to people doing anything either as long as it does not adversely affect others.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2008
Denver, Colorado
United States
Toni Plutonij said:
Because World in global is going stupid.....and even more stupid by every minute!

I don't care if people like doing drugs, it's their own thing, but seeing bunch of people cheering on something that's only ruining them physically and mentally makes me laugh at them for the stupidity because they are obviously doing them for being cool, and to brag to other people how they live a "dangerous" life..

People are, by nature, rebellious - the more someone tells us we can't do something, the more a part of us wants to do it. That's why you hear all the stories about Catholic school girls cutting loose and becoming wilder than most, because they're so repressed in their youth. There are times where a verbal warning will keep someone out of harm's way, but more often we just have to put our hands on the stove once (we won't do it twice!) The best lessons in life, the ones that stick with us the most, are the ones learned the hard way. Tell a kid to wear his helmet every time he goes for a bike ride, and he'll resent you for "nagging" him. But let him go out one time, and fall and hit his head, and suddenly you don't even have to mention it to him anymore - he remembers the pain of his head hitting the pavement.

The trick is to let people teach themselves to want to do things the right way. If they never have a chance to experience the pitfalls of the wrong way, then they will never truly understand why it's the wrong way. There are life lessons where you obviously don't want them to learn first hand, of course - "If you shoot yourself in the head, you'll die" would be one extreme case. For those, they usually get the message by hearing about someone else who did it (or common sense, for my example

The other side of it is gov't propaganda - marijuana isn't nearly as bad as they want us to believe (it's a hell of a lot better and safer than alcohol). Marijuana alone will never kill you - you can't overdose on it. It doesn't cause blackouts or destroy organs (smoking it isn't the only way to use it - and if you smoke it with a vaporizer, you don't inhale the tars and plant materials that could cause cancer the way cigarettes do). It has been made illegal due to political motivations. For example, Du Pont Chemical company lobbied against it - because it was grouped with hemp (which contains only trace amounts of THC), and hemp rope is the strongest natural rope known to man. Du Pont had just developed their synthetic fiber rope, but it couldn't compete with something that was cheaper, stronger, and all-natural. Now the damage has been done - hemp is no longer the taboo it was, but everyone is so used to the synthetic replacements that they don't know what they're missing.

Now, compare the gov't scare tactics used to discourage marijuana use to the tactics used for the truly dangerous drugs like meth, cocaine and heroin - they kinda make pot seem just as bad. So when a kid grows up hearing all these messages, and either has a friend that tries pot, or tries it himself, he gets the wrong message - pot didn't do all the bad things the gov't said it would, so surely the gov't lied about the other drugs, too... right? Wrong, of course, but they don't figure that out until they've already tried them - but then they're hooked. And that's the only way pot could be construed as a gateway drug. If the public messages about it were honest, and the laws weren't skewed by outside agendas, I don't think the other drugs would be quite as bad in America. I doubt their use would stop altogether - there will always be those fools that are attracted to bigger, badder things.

If I had my way, the gov't would take a different approach entirely. I have two ideas, one much more radical than the other. I would at least like to see the legality of pot and alcohol switched (an alcoholic father is a huge motivating factor their
). On the more radical side, it would be interesting to see how things changed if the gov't said, "Do what you want." Then, it wouldn't be a social taboo, which attracts a lot of teenagers just on the principal. And anyone still dumb enough to get hooked on the hardcore drugs will eventually kill themselves off (we let alcoholics do it, why not meth heads?) True, some loved ones would be lost at first, but eventually the genetic predisposition to addiction would work its way out of the gene pool - things usually need to get worse before they can get better. And when that time comes, families would no longer be torn apart by drugs and alcohol, as there wouldn't be nearly as many whacked out nut jobs reproducing. It wouldn't be an overnight solution by any means, but there rarely is a quick solution to a problem this big.

So that's my rant on drugs


hic sunt dracones
Aug 2, 2007
Visit site

to avoid looking narrow minded i should probably expand opon my previous post. just to add that as well as not seeing the point in illegal drugs, I don't really see the point in alcohol or any other legal drug with no medical benefit. all it is doing is artificially altering your state of mind.


Fossilized Gamer
Jul 29, 2006
By the sea
Drugs are popular and cool because someone is telling everyone "No way you can't do this" and a certain proportion of society will automatically respond to this kind of stimulus by replyng "Fuck You yes I can !"

That and they are fun


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2008
United States
FAST6191 said:
UltraMagnus said:
all it is doing is artificially altering your state of mind.

My question then is what is the problem with doing this?

It leads to murders, theft, and other crimes. If the drugs alters your state of mind then you will do things you normally don't do.

A few weeks ago a guy few streets down killed himself and his wife over drugs. If the drug was not prescribed to you then you should not be taking it.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2008
Denver, Colorado
United States
Filter said:
FAST6191 said:
UltraMagnus said:
all it is doing is artificially altering your state of mind.

My question then is what is the problem with doing this?

It leads to murders, theft, and other crimes. If the drugs alters your state of mind then you will do things you normally don't do.

A few weeks ago a guy few streets down killed himself and his wife over drugs. If the drug was not prescribed to you then you should not be taking it.

Usually, people kill people over drugs because of the black market nature of them - if I go to buy some crack and get ripped off, I can't exactly report it to the police like I could if Radio Shack is knowingly selling faulty TVs.

And as far as the drugs that make people act crazy - I agree with you there. Meth (and adderal), cocaine, and alcohol are all notorious for making people act irrational. Pot usually just makes people take a little (lot) more time to consider things... but if you're not the type to jump someone for their shoes when you're sober, pot won't suddenly turn you into a violent thief.


Fossilized Gamer
Jul 29, 2006
By the sea
Filter said:
A few weeks ago a guy few streets down killed himself and his wife over drugs. If the drug was not prescribed to you then you should not be taking it.

And how do you know the guy down the street killed himself and his wife "over drugs" ? Could have been anything really.

QUOTEbut if you're not the type to jump someone for their shoes when you're sober, pot won't suddenly turn you into a violent thief.
Damn right...... when I used to do pot I wasn't jumping for anything or anyone. If I needed a new pair of shoes the owner would have had to walk over to me, unlace them themselves, hand them to me and then beat themselves up for me.

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    at all
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    like i searched all folders
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    are you using haxchi, tiramisu or aroma?
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    no, I'm asking which one of them you are using
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    in that case, there is no such thing as homebrew launcher for aroma
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    there is a plugin that display them on the wii u menu, pretty sure it is enabled by default
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    so like it doesnt exist
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  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    it doesn't exist, at least not for aroma
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  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    on tiramisu you can access it by opening mii maker
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  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    I don't have a wii u anymore to test it myself, but if homebrews are not visible on the wii u menu I think you can press L + R + minus to open the plugin menu, there should be an option called "homebrews on wii u menu" or something similar
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    it is L+dpad down+ select
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    but homebrew is appearing in the home menu btw
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    yes, now I remember it
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    then it is working, I also don't like that they did this but it is the only option you have if you are using aroma
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    i just didint know the homebrew launcher didint exist in aroma
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    thanks btw
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