Hacking Which was the First NDS FlashKart?


New Member
Aug 23, 2009
United States
Hey guys, I'm here wondering for an answer about which NDS FlashKart was the first to come out. I hope to see some answers. =D


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2009
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Resent said:
Hey guys, I'm here wondering for an answer about which NDS FlashKart was the first to come out. I hope to see some answers. =D
D1DS which stood for "Da1stDS". It was released a few days after the DS Phat was released. It could support up to 2 gb because there was very little left. Shortly After its arrival, Nintendo found out and Yelled at the team, and the flashcart is now known as "The R4DS"(Not really)


I am the Avatar
Jan 15, 2009
New York City
United States
Ok the reason this guy made this topic is because of this everyone has to read this in the forum.

tsuyobuski (10:15:19 PM): R4 is better than the Acekard
tsuyobuski (10:15:22 PM): and M3 together
jakob9595 (10:15:22 PM): NO its not
tsuyobuski (10:15:26 PM): LOL
tsuyobuski (10:15:30 PM): Those 2 = Mimics of R4
jakob9595 (10:15:34 PM): Dude
jakob9595 (10:15:36 PM): R4 is dead
tsuyobuski (10:15:37 PM): I'd rather have the original shit, than a ripped copy.
jakob9595 (10:15:43 PM): LMAO
tsuyobuski (10:15:45 PM): But who said R4 was open source?
jakob9595 (10:15:51 PM): It wasn't
tsuyobuski (10:15:54 PM): Exactly
jakob9595 (10:15:56 PM): Acekard and R4 are 2 different carts
tsuyobuski (10:15:57 PM): Than their just mimics
tsuyobuski (10:16:00 PM): No.
tsuyobuski (10:16:03 PM): They both run on Moonshell
jakob9595 (10:16:14 PM): Different software structures and different hardware structures
jakob9595 (10:16:14 PM): No
jakob9595 (10:16:17 PM): Moonshell is a homebrew
jakob9595 (10:16:18 PM): stupid
jakob9595 (10:16:26 PM): every single cart can use Moonshell
jakob9595 (10:16:37 PM): I advise you to go to this website
jakob9595 (10:16:38 PM): http://gbatemp.net/
jakob9595 (10:16:42 PM): And register into it
jakob9595 (10:16:52 PM): And make a post what is better R4 or Acekard
jakob9595 (10:17:02 PM): I want to see how much flame your gonna bring up
tsuyobuski (10:17:12 PM): Yeah, stupid?
jakob9595 (10:17:19 PM): Get the acekard
tsuyobuski (10:17:19 PM): Says the retard who can't do shit.
jakob9595 (10:17:22 PM): trust me
jakob9595 (10:17:27 PM): Do not get R4
jakob9595 (10:17:33 PM): they are all clones of the original R4
jakob9595 (10:17:47 PM): they either brake or they never update
jakob9595 (10:17:51 PM): Get a Acekard
jakob9595 (10:17:59 PM): Let me tell you some more features of Acekard
jakob9595 (10:18:05 PM): It can do Wii connectivity
tsuyobuski (10:18:09 PM): So can R4
tsuyobuski (10:18:11 PM): I tested it
jakob9595 (10:18:12 PM): No
tsuyobuski (10:18:14 PM): Yes.
tsuyobuski (10:18:18 PM): There's an addon for it.
jakob9595 (10:18:18 PM): With which game?
jakob9595 (10:18:26 PM): Pokemon Battle Revolution
tsuyobuski (10:18:32 PM): Mario Kart
jakob9595 (10:18:35 PM): Dude
jakob9595 (10:18:43 PM): Pokemon Battle Revolution
jakob9595 (10:18:46 PM): There are no carts
jakob9595 (10:18:51 PM): that can connect to it
jakob9595 (10:18:56 PM): Only the Acekard can and CycloDS
jakob9595 (10:18:58 PM): No other carts
jakob9595 (10:19:02 PM): And the Acekard RPG
jakob9595 (10:19:06 PM): Which costs like 70 bucks
jakob9595 (10:19:11 PM): and you can't find it anywere
jakob9595 (10:20:04 PM): M3 isn't a bad flashcart
jakob9595 (10:20:06 PM): Its good
jakob9595 (10:20:12 PM): Its the 2nd best one for the DSi
jakob9595 (10:21:11 PM): If you want to get the M3 get it
jakob9595 (10:21:22 PM): But Acekard is better than it because of the following reasons
jakob9595 (10:21:26 PM): Better compatibility
jakob9595 (10:21:29 PM): FASTER UPDATES
jakob9595 (10:21:48 PM): The Acekard released there 1.4 update fix for it to work on the DSi 1.4 1 week ago
jakob9595 (10:21:57 PM): M3 didn't even release it yet
jakob9595 (10:22:02 PM): They are releasing it next week
jakob9595 (10:22:11 PM): Thats how long it takes for them cause they are slowww
jakob9595 (10:22:51 PM): Im just trying to help you out
jakob9595 (10:22:59 PM): For what good promising flashcart to get
jakob9595 (10:23:12 PM): If you don't want to listen to me and get the worst flashcart AKA R4
jakob9595 (10:23:32 PM): Then do so aswell go nock yourself off wasting your money on a fake cart that will never get new updates
tsuyobuski (10:23:44 PM): LOL
tsuyobuski (10:23:48 PM): R4 was the first smart shit
tsuyobuski (10:23:51 PM): It ain't fake
jakob9595 (10:23:53 PM): No it wasn't
jakob9595 (10:23:56 PM): R4 wasn't the first
jakob9595 (10:23:58 PM): Stupid
tsuyobuski (10:24:00 PM): Give me the history then.
tsuyobuski (10:24:04 PM): Yeah dude, I'm real stupid.
jakob9595 (10:24:08 PM): First flashcart was Supercart
jakob9595 (10:24:14 PM): Then was
tsuyobuski (10:24:16 PM): Yup, Stupidty.
jakob9595 (10:24:19 PM): The Ez Flash 1
jakob9595 (10:24:24 PM): then*
tsuyobuski (10:24:26 PM): I wanna see you build a overclocked comp
tsuyobuski (10:24:29 PM): without having any problems
jakob9595 (10:24:31 PM): hey
tsuyobuski (10:24:33 PM): Then call me a stupid.
jakob9595 (10:24:53 PM): Hey stupid I think I know more about which flashcart to get than you
jakob9595 (10:24:54 PM): http://gbatemp.net/index.php?showuser=153463
jakob9595 (10:25:06 PM): Look how much posts I have
jakob9595 (10:25:09 PM): and look when I joined
jakob9595 (10:25:12 PM): I no all about this
tsuyobuski (10:25:19 PM): What's 'no'?
jakob9595 (10:25:24 PM): know*
tsuyobuski (10:25:26 PM): Yeah, I'm real stupid.
jakob9595 (10:25:37 PM): Yeh you are in the DS flashcart scene
tsuyobuski (10:25:41 PM): Me, stupid, says the one who can't fucking spell nor be grammatically smart.
tsuyobuski (10:25:51 PM): I challenged you already
jakob9595 (10:26:02 PM): LMAO
jakob9595 (10:26:04 PM): Look here
tsuyobuski (10:26:06 PM): If you can build a overclocked comp, without any problems, Then I'm stupid.
jakob9595 (10:26:11 PM): You can't even
tsuyobuski (10:26:18 PM): Actually I can.
jakob9595 (10:26:23 PM): http://gbatemp.net/index.php?showtopic=170172
jakob9595 (10:26:25 PM): There look
tsuyobuski (10:26:29 PM): If you buy a normal i7 processor, it ain't locked.
jakob9595 (10:26:30 PM): Essensial Nintendo DS Flashcarts
tsuyobuski (10:26:44 PM): You just said I couldn't build a comp..
jakob9595 (10:26:55 PM): Look here
jakob9595 (10:26:55 PM): http://gbatemp.net/index.php?showtopic=170172
jakob9595 (10:27:02 PM): And look at the freeken votes
tsuyobuski (10:27:20 PM): LOL

tsuyobuski (10:27:23 PM): Dude
tsuyobuski (10:27:27 PM): That's FROM when it wasn't out yet
tsuyobuski (10:27:33 PM): It's clones
jakob9595 (10:27:36 PM): Jul 26 2009
tsuyobuski (10:27:37 PM): = other flash karts
jakob9595 (10:27:43 PM): Look when this flashcart was made
jakob9595 (10:27:44 PM): I mean
jakob9595 (10:27:46 PM): This topic
tsuyobuski (10:27:47 PM): It was out before Acekard
jakob9595 (10:27:48 PM): was made
jakob9595 (10:27:51 PM): so what
jakob9595 (10:27:53 PM): its deadddddddddd
tsuyobuski (10:28:00 PM): THAT DOESN'T mean it wasn't first
tsuyobuski (10:28:05 PM): Dip shit.
jakob9595 (10:28:07 PM): who cares what was first
tsuyobuski (10:28:08 PM): I just proved your ass wrong
jakob9595 (10:28:10 PM): then tell me
tsuyobuski (10:28:10 PM): LOL
jakob9595 (10:28:13 PM): Give me a link
tsuyobuski (10:28:14 PM): You told me it wasn't first out
tsuyobuski (10:28:18 PM): I don't need to have a link
jakob9595 (10:28:22 PM): W8
tsuyobuski (10:28:22 PM): The others are a perfect mimic
jakob9595 (10:28:25 PM): If it was the first
jakob9595 (10:28:31 PM): Then send me a R4 GBA Cart
tsuyobuski (10:28:32 PM): It was the first Flashcart to be out
tsuyobuski (10:28:45 PM): I never said it had a GBA cart did I..?
tsuyobuski (10:28:50 PM): The others are a clone of it.
jakob9595 (10:28:57 PM): no
jakob9595 (10:29:00 PM): Acekard 1 was one of the first
jakob9595 (10:29:02 PM): ...
jakob9595 (10:29:06 PM): and so was
jakob9595 (10:29:08 PM): Superkey
jakob9595 (10:29:16 PM): And so was Ez Flash 5
tsuyobuski (10:29:28 PM): Their clones of the R4
tsuyobuski (10:29:30 PM): Like I said.
jakob9595 (10:29:32 PM): OMG
jakob9595 (10:29:34 PM): No there not
tsuyobuski (10:29:37 PM): there?
tsuyobuski (10:29:38 PM): LMAO
jakob9595 (10:29:39 PM): These are clones of R4
jakob9595 (10:29:44 PM): R4i SDHC
tsuyobuski (10:29:50 PM): No dude
tsuyobuski (10:29:53 PM): R4 was the first out..
jakob9595 (10:29:54 PM): Then go to gbatemp.net
jakob9595 (10:29:58 PM): and register
jakob9595 (10:30:01 PM): and post a topic about this
tsuyobuski (10:30:07 PM): I ain't a member
jakob9595 (10:30:09 PM): we will see how the community will response to you
tsuyobuski (10:30:10 PM): and don't need to be.
jakob9595 (10:30:11 PM): join
jakob9595 (10:30:11 PM): ...
jakob9595 (10:30:21 PM): Cause you don't have the guts
tsuyobuski (10:30:23 PM): I don't join forums I won't be visiting.
jakob9595 (10:30:24 PM): You no your wrong
tsuyobuski (10:30:26 PM): Actually I do.
tsuyobuski (10:30:27 PM): LOL
tsuyobuski (10:30:29 PM): No, I'm not
jakob9595 (10:30:31 PM): So register
jakob9595 (10:30:32 PM): And ask them
tsuyobuski (10:31:24 PM): Btw, So I'm that stupid right?
tsuyobuski (10:31:30 PM): I ALREADY CHALLENGED you to something impossible
jakob9595 (10:31:34 PM): OK
tsuyobuski (10:31:35 PM): that a fucktard like you can't achieve
jakob9595 (10:31:35 PM): then
jakob9595 (10:31:36 PM): look
jakob9595 (10:31:40 PM): I will make a topic
jakob9595 (10:31:41 PM): myself
jakob9595 (10:31:46 PM): and see what they say
tsuyobuski (10:31:48 PM): I'm doing it
tsuyobuski (10:31:50 PM): I'm registering atm


I am the Avatar
Jan 15, 2009
New York City
United States
Can someone help me make this guy feel stupid for thinking the R4 is the best cause it was the first flashcart and that the Acekard 2i and all the other flashcarts are clones of the R4.

Deleted User

well i have one of the original r4ds's and i must say the acekard is way better(bought one for my uncle and it was a lot better lol)


I am the Avatar
Jan 15, 2009
New York City
United States
PuyoDead said:
jakob95 said:
tsuyobuski (10:16:03 PM): They both run on Moonshell

Hate to be the one to break this to you, but you've been trolled.

LMAO when he wrote that I lol so hard.

EDIT: And when I said Superkey I meant that as it allowed Slot 2 to be played on the DS so it kinda acts like a flashcart.


New Member
Aug 23, 2009
United States
jakob95 said:
Can someone help me make this guy feel stupid for thinking the R4 is the best cause it was the first flashcart and that the Acekard 2i and all the other flashcarts are clones of the R4.

Why you twisting the story now huh faggot? I NEVER EVER said it was the best. Way to go.


GBAtemp Guru
May 12, 2004
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United States
The R4 was the first flash cart that was easy to use and had near perfect compatibility (at the time it was actually very good).
Just look at all the bulky, ugly, and complicated flash carts that preceded it, and you'll see why many people think of the R4 as the "first" flash cart.


aka Ricochet Otter
Jun 2, 2007
United States
PharaohsVizier is pretty accurate here. You can read about some of the older carts on the PocketHeaven Wiki, as it hasn't really been updated in years to reflect the current DS situation.

It's also worth noting that the first DS homebrew was run from GBA flash carts, most of them being NOR-based, using a slot-1 passthrough device to trick the DS into executing DS code from slot-2. The original PassMe was the "official" first passthrough device to be mass-produced and sold (though "mass-produced" is a bad term since they were still assembled by hand by a few select people). The PassMe was then taken by the companies and sold under their own names (SuperPass, PassKey, etc). With the PassMe, you had to insert your own official DS game for it to borrow the authentication from, which is a big reason FlashMe took off since it was cumbersome to work with the PassMe all the time. When DS firmware 4 blocked the original PassMe, the PassMe2 was created which required you to program it for a specific game out of a set list of possibilities. Finally the NoPass came around, which greatly simplified the slot-1 passthrough device idea, but by then we started seeing full-out slot-1 devices start to come out.

The point is, the first "DS flash cart" would be a slot-2 GBA flash cart (or GBA Media Player, which was VERY popular back in the day for homebrew purposes) combined with a slot-1 passthrough device of some sort. If you want to be specific about slot-1 devices only, then you'd be looking at things like the NeoFlash, NinjaPass, DS-Link, among others.

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