Hacking What is the advantage of CBHC


Jan 6, 2018
United States
Hello there, I'm kind of new to wii u hacking and have Haxchi installed. It seems most people have CBHC, but besides loading in faster and getting you straight to homebrew is there any other advantage or incentive to doing this? It seems most errors and bricks occur from this so I am wondering why people do it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2010
This! ^^ People will tell you that CBHC bricks are always caused by human errors. But the fact is, we are humans, and we make mistakes. Either you, or someone else who is using the console, could potentially make a fatal mistake. In my opinion, CBHC is not worth it, just to save about 10 seconds/one click.


let's go mangoooooo
Nov 2, 2016
Armada's Mustache
This! ^^ People will tell you that CBHC bricks are always caused by human errors. But the fact is, we are humans, and we make mistakes. Either you, or someone else who is using the console, could potentially make a fatal mistake. In my opinion, CBHC is not worth it, just to save about 10 seconds/one click.
CBHC prevents you from making things that make the console brick for the most time like deleting it from the settings
But if you change it from FTPiiU Everywhere so you're screwed, but that's for the most part NOT a human error and you can actually brick your console with this app with more ways

Deleted User

This! ^^ People will tell you that CBHC bricks are always caused by human errors. But the fact is, we are humans, and we make mistakes. Either you, or someone else who is using the console, could potentially make a fatal mistake. In my opinion, CBHC is not worth it, just to save about 10 seconds/one click.
actually it's worth it now since there is a installer. and not to save 10 seconds. More like a minute of loading. Plus then you have load up haxchi, that then takes another minute of loading. in other words, coldboothax saves like two minutes of loading. Coldboothax also allows you to setup a auto boot. allowing you to boot straight to the virtual wii, or even vwii homebrew channel, or just the homebrew channel in wiiu mode.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2017
Gaza Strip
CBHC Makes it so that the WII U runs CFW "natively" so to say. Boot up the console and it goes straight to the home screen where you can launch your games with a single click. Without CBHC, you're reminded that you are using CFW every time you boot your console as there is an extra step necessary during the boot process to get to your games and launch them. I have been using CBHC for a few months now, and wouldn't want it any other way. As long as your are good at following directions, CBHC is very low risk IMO.
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let's go mangoooooo
Nov 2, 2016
Armada's Mustache
actually it's worth it now since there is a installer. and not to save 10 seconds. More like a minute of loading. Plus then you have load up haxchi, that then takes another minute of loading. in other words, coldboothax saves like two minutes of loading. Coldboothax also allows you to setup a auto boot. allowing you to boot straight to the virtual wii, or even vwii homebrew channel, or just the homebrew channel in wiiu mode.
Exactly.. the Wii U's interface is so slow!
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Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2010
actually it's worth it now since there is a installer. and not to save 10 seconds. More like a minute of loading. Plus then you have load up haxchi, that then takes another minute of loading. in other words, coldboothax saves like two minutes of loading. Coldboothax also allows you to setup a auto boot. allowing you to boot straight to the virtual wii, or even vwii homebrew channel, or just the homebrew channel in wiiu mode.

Utter bullshit. Once your WiiU menu is up which takes less than 1 minute, to actually click on haxchi once and reload with patches is roughly 10 seconds. If yours takes 1 minute then either your wiiu is screwed or you are doing something wrong.

Deleted User

Utter bullshit. Once your WiiU menu is up which takes less than 1 minute, to actually click on haxchi once and reload with patches is roughly 10 seconds. If yours takes 1 minute then either your wiiu is screwed or you are doing something wrong.
ah, thats the thing. ONCE you wiiu menu is up. I'm talking from the beginning, right at the start of booting the wiiu to the main menu. With coldboothax it takes roughly 27-28 seconds. without hax it takes the wiiu to load 25 seconds... and to load a dsvc, it takes 12 seconds, thats just to load, that exudes the reboot. That means you wait a grand total of 37 seconds with the haxchi setup. while you could just wait 27 seconds with coldboothax. The wiiu boot speed is already horrendous as is. I may have exaggerated a little with saying 2 minutes. But no console takes 25 seconds to boot. so therefore it's extremely unacceptable.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2010
ah, thats the thing. ONCE you wiiu menu is up. I'm talking from the beginning, right at the start of booting the wiiu to the main menu. With coldboothax it takes roughly 27-28 seconds. without hax it takes the wiiu to load 25 seconds... and to load a dsvc, it takes 12 seconds, thats just to load, that exudes the reboot. That means you wait a grand total of 37 seconds with the haxchi setup. while you could just wait 27 seconds with coldboothax. The wiiu boot speed is already horrendous as is. I may have exaggerated a little with saying 2 minutes. But no console takes 25 seconds to boot. so therefore it's extremely unacceptable.
So basically, we're talking 27 seconds with CBHC, and 37 with just Haxchi. That's what me and @icw35 were saying. You save 10 seconds of boot time by using CBHC, at the expense of having a brickable console if someone makes a mistake using it. :unsure: I'll pass!

Deleted User

So basically, we're talking 27 seconds with CBHC, and 37 with just Haxchi. That's what me and @icw35 were saying. You save 10 seconds of boot time by using CBHC, at the expense of having a brickable console if someone makes a mistake using it. :unsure: I'll pass!
Umm, your not going to brick...
the possible ways to fuck up are the following
Having a usb plugged into when using the installer
deleting coldboothax application
not confirming that haxchi was properly installed.
Thats it, you make it sound like it's extremely easy to brick. When now, its just about using a installer and not doing anything stupid.

Thanks for the replies so it seems like speed is the only real advantage then.
no thats not the only advantage, you can setup a autoboot to anything I'm about to list. you launch to the homebrew launcher, system menu, mocha cfw directly, fw.img. You can boot to vwii system menu and vwii homebrew channel. So this means you can run the homebrew launcher at boot, which if you perfer to play with mods, comes in handy. Not only that, but it saves button presses. Because every single time you want cfw with haxchi, you have to select it, then hold a different button. And because coldboothax is at system boot. don't quote me on this. But it might be able to be used as a method for unbricking your console, since it boots straight to coldboothax, and not the wiiu menu.

So basically, we're talking 27 seconds with CBHC, and 37 with just Haxchi. That's what me and @icw35 were saying. You save 10 seconds of boot time by using CBHC, at the expense of having a brickable console if someone makes a mistake using it. :unsure: I'll pass!
yes, but your waiting over half a minute. Name a console that was good, that had a 30 second boot time. (I count the moment the power button is pressed on the console as booting) (and when I say good, I mean it had sold successfully and wasn't a flop)
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Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2010
Umm, your not going to brick...
the possible ways to fuck up are the following
Having a usb plugged into when using the installer
deleting coldboothax application
not confirming that haxchi was properly installed.
Thats it, you make it sound like it's extremely easy to brick. When now, its just about using a installer and not doing anything stupid.

no thats not the only advantage, you can setup a autoboot to anything I'm about to list. you launch to the homebrew launcher, system menu, mocha cfw directly, fw.img. You can boot to vwii system menu and vwii homebrew channel. So this means you can run the homebrew launcher at boot, which if you perfer to play with mods, comes in handy. Not only that, but it saves button presses. Because every single time you want cfw with haxchi, you have to select it, then hold a different button. And because coldboothax is at system boot. don't quote me on this. But it might be able to be used as a method for unbricking your console, since it boots straight to coldboothax, and not the wiiu menu.

yes, but your waiting over half a minute. Name a console that was good, that had a 30 second boot time. (I count the moment the power button is pressed on the console as booting) (and when I say good, I mean it had sold successfully and wasn't a flop)
Umm, your not going to brick...
the possible ways to fuck up are the following
Having a usb plugged into when using the installer
deleting coldboothax application
not confirming that haxchi was properly installed.
Thats it, you make it sound like it's extremely easy to brick. When now, its just about using a installer and not doing anything stupid.

no thats not the only advantage, you can setup a autoboot to anything I'm about to list. you launch to the homebrew launcher, system menu, mocha cfw directly, fw.img. You can boot to vwii system menu and vwii homebrew channel. So this means you can run the homebrew launcher at boot, which if you perfer to play with mods, comes in handy. Not only that, but it saves button presses. Because every single time you want cfw with haxchi, you have to select it, then hold a different button. And because coldboothax is at system boot. don't quote me on this. But it might be able to be used as a method for unbricking your console, since it boots straight to coldboothax, and not the wiiu menu.

yes, but your waiting over half a minute. Name a console that was good, that had a 30 second boot time. (I count the moment the power button is pressed on the console as booting) (and when I say good, I mean it had sold successfully and wasn't a flop)

Once again, incorrect. You really need to know how to use these tools before spouting about them on here like you know what you are talking about. Haxchi can be set to autoboot system menu with cfw. No need to hold any buttons at all. You click haxchi, wait 10 seconds. done. If you want anything other than cfw (which most people don't) then this is "basically" the only advantage that cbhc has i.e. it saves you one click of a wiiu controller and approx. 10 seconds. Anything else, sure you can program a button in haxchi to boot the same list of things you said for cbhc - one click hold a button. Done. It's really not a big deal like you seem to be making out it is.


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2006
United States
Umm, your not going to brick...
the possible ways to fuck up are the following
Having a usb plugged into when using the installer
deleting coldboothax application
not confirming that haxchi was properly installed.
Thats it, you make it sound like it's extremely easy to brick. When now, its just about using a installer and not doing anything stupid.

no thats not the only advantage, you can setup a autoboot to anything I'm about to list. you launch to the homebrew launcher, system menu, mocha cfw directly, fw.img. You can boot to vwii system menu and vwii homebrew channel. So this means you can run the homebrew launcher at boot, which if you perfer to play with mods, comes in handy. Not only that, but it saves button presses. Because every single time you want cfw with haxchi, you have to select it, then hold a different button. And because coldboothax is at system boot. don't quote me on this. But it might be able to be used as a method for unbricking your console, since it boots straight to coldboothax, and not the wiiu menu.

yes, but your waiting over half a minute. Name a console that was good, that had a 30 second boot time. (I count the moment the power button is pressed on the console as booting) (and when I say good, I mean it had sold successfully and wasn't a flop)
CBHC can't be used to unbrick because it relies on HaxChi. If you're bricked then you can't run HaxChi. Only unbrick method is hard mod (if you were smart and backed up your nand)
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GBATemp's Sonic Fan in Residence, 後
Jan 13, 2017
Last Seen: Green Hill
United States
ah, thats the thing. ONCE you wiiu menu is up. I'm talking from the beginning, right at the start of booting the wiiu to the main menu. With coldboothax it takes roughly 27-28 seconds. without hax it takes the wiiu to load 25 seconds... and to load a dsvc, it takes 12 seconds, thats just to load, that exudes the reboot. That means you wait a grand total of 37 seconds with the haxchi setup. while you could just wait 27 seconds with coldboothax. The wiiu boot speed is already horrendous as is. I may have exaggerated a little with saying 2 minutes. But no console takes 25 seconds to boot. so therefore it's extremely unacceptable.
Actually if you have quick boot menu hold b on the game pad after launching Haxchi from there and it's ready with CFW. There is virtually no differences


GBAtemp's ???
Aug 24, 2017
The Forest
You can always turn on your Wii U with your gamepad and launch haxchi in the quick start menu, that doesn’t take long so I think there’s no need to get CBHC

Deleted User

Once again, incorrect. You really need to know how to use these tools before spouting about them on here like you know what you are talking about. Haxchi can be set to autoboot system menu with cfw. No need to hold any buttons at all. You click haxchi, wait 10 seconds. done. If you want anything other than cfw (which most people don't) then this is "basically" the only advantage that cbhc has i.e. it saves you one click of a wiiu controller and approx. 10 seconds. Anything else, sure you can program a button in haxchi to boot the same list of things you said for cbhc - one click hold a button. Done. It's really not a big deal like you seem to be making out it is.
can you boot straight the vwiiu homebrew channel? No, you cannot. And I'm pretty sure people use mods quite often, I guess it would be to convenient to boot straight to the homebrew launcher . Oh wait, no it's not. And if your saying the homebrew channel (vwii) is too advanced for most users then I call bs.

CBHC can't be used to unbrick because it relies on HaxChi. If you're bricked then you can't run HaxChi. Only unbrick method is hard mod (if you were smart and backed up your nand)
that is why I said don't quote me as I was unsure.
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    so like it doesnt exist
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    yes, now I remember it
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    thanks btw
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