Hacking Want to get into Wii Hacking


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2009
United States
I've searched and asked on other forums, and can't quite come up with a solid answer to my questions, maybe some of you fine folks can help me

1) if I install the homebrew channel, is it safe to update my Wii, or will that run the risk of bricking (yes, I know HBC will probably be deleted, or at least, I won't be able to access it)
2) is it possible to remove all traces of hacking my wii
3a) Does the backup loader channel load GC backups
3b) Do I run the risk of bricking if I have the Backup Loader channel
4) I'm on a 3.4U wii, does this screw me over
5a) how much of a chance do I have, of nintendo borking my wii if it's modded with HBC and Twilight Hack, instead of a modchip
5b) if there is a chance, is there any way I can protect myself from nintendo's borkings

thank you for your time, and yes, I am a newb to the Wii hacking scene (obviously)

Deleted User

cactusjack901 said:
I've searched and asked on other forums, and can't quite come up with a solid answer to my questions, maybe some of you fine folks can help me

1) if I install the homebrew channel, is it safe to update my Wii, or will that run the risk of bricking (yes, I know HBC will probably be deleted, or at least, I won't be able to access it)
It is, but DO NOT update your Wii, updating suxxorz. I'm serious.

2) is it possible to remove all traces of hacking my wii
Yea, then again, it's not like the big N gives a damn

3a) Does the backup loader channel load GC backups

3b) Do I run the risk of bricking if I have the Backup Loader channel
Depends on the WAD

4) I'm on a 3.4U wii, does this screw me over
Nah, just downgrade as soon as you get HBC up and running.

5a) how much of a chance do I have, of nintendo borking my wii if it's modded with HBC and Twilight Hack, instead of a modchip
There's abesolutely no risk at all. As per said, The big N might not give a damn

5b) if there is a chance, is there any way I can protect myself from nintendo's borkings
Answer above

thank you for your time, and yes, I am a newb to the Wii hacking scene (obviously)

One thing, if you're new, head to the NOOB Paradise section and ask there.

Second, All of your questions have been asked previously. Use the search function here and use better keywords next time.


Jan 27, 2009
1) i wouldn`t update my wii since there is no real need to, but upgrading any further could possibly cause a brick.

2) unsure on this one, someone with more knowladge on this would know.

3a) nope, at the moment there is no way to play gc backups except with a chip or using the gc homebrew methods, however there is a gc backup loader in the works by wiigator and waniko (sorry if i mispelt the name)

3b) not as far as im aware, only thing that could brick it would be to update your machine from a game from a different region

4) nope you can still hack it, just check out the stickies

5a) not really that much, since the twilight hack is one of the safest ways to hack it

5b) again this one is past my knowladge of the wii at this time so someone else would probably be able to fill these gaps in.


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2008
cactusjack901 said:
I've searched and asked on other forums, and can't quite come up with a solid answer to my questions, maybe some of you fine folks can help me

1) if I install the homebrew channel, is it safe to update my Wii, or will that run the risk of bricking (yes, I know HBC will probably be deleted, or at least, I won't be able to access it)
2) is it possible to remove all traces of hacking my wii
3a) Does the backup loader channel load GC backups
3b) Do I run the risk of bricking if I have the Backup Loader channel
4) I'm on a 3.4U wii, does this screw me over
5a) how much of a chance do I have, of nintendo borking my wii if it's modded with HBC and Twilight Hack, instead of a modchip
5b) if there is a chance, is there any way I can protect myself from nintendo's borkings

thank you for your time, and yes, I am a newb to the Wii hacking scene (obviously)
1.The HBC does not get removed from your wii when you update/updating cannot brick your wii as long as your updating with same region
2.You can remove nearly all traces depending what is installed
3.no but wiigator is working on a gc loader
3b. Be careful with installing channel wads as these can cause banner bricks-dont want to worry you. check the forum for tested wads-ive had no problems using ones created by people of gbatemp
4.no but 3.2 is better there is some brilliant guides that i followed to downgrade
5.dont install the nintendo channel or accept the terms -if you install opt out so the cant collect info on you
5b. if your that worried dont put homebre on.


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2008
United States
cactusjack901 said:
I've searched and asked on other forums, and can't quite come up with a solid answer to my questions, maybe some of you fine folks can help me

1) if I install the homebrew channel, is it safe to update my Wii, or will that run the risk of bricking (yes, I know HBC will probably be deleted, or at least, I won't be able to access it)
2) is it possible to remove all traces of hacking my wii
3a) Does the backup loader channel load GC backups
3b) Do I run the risk of bricking if I have the Backup Loader channel
4) I'm on a 3.4U wii, does this screw me over
5a) how much of a chance do I have, of nintendo borking my wii if it's modded with HBC and Twilight Hack, instead of a modchip
5b) if there is a chance, is there any way I can protect myself from nintendo's borkings

thank you for your time, and yes, I am a newb to the Wii hacking scene (obviously)
1. At this point, upgrading to 3.4 shouldn't brick your wii, as long as it's the same region. And HBC won't get deleted. But if you installed something like cIOSCORP(used in SoftMii), that would get overwritten.

2. Depends on what you installed. I would upgrade to 3.4, remove the HBC and delete IOS249 if you have it.

3a. No

3b. Only if you update a different region

4. No, unless you do something stupid

5.there is a TINY chance of Nintendo doing anything, unless they personally check it.

5b. Again, absolutely no chance they can do anything.

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