Latest Release: 0.1
Hey, guys! This mod is meant to improve the game speed of Smash 4 by blending it with Melee attributes. Feedback is very much appreciated, so please help us improve the mod! The OP is not updated very regularly (We will try to post big updates as much as we can, but Discord is the place to be for the latest news.)
Hey, guys! This mod is meant to improve the game speed of Smash 4 by blending it with Melee attributes. Feedback is very much appreciated, so please help us improve the mod! The OP is not updated very regularly (We will try to post big updates as much as we can, but Discord is the place to be for the latest news.)
Releases (and a full changelog coming soon) are available on our website! https://usm-em.github.io/
We now have a Discord Server! https://discord.gg/9zzpnrc
Follow our progress on Twitter! https://twitter.com/USM_eM
The USM-eM DevTeam:
@gryz, @Yudowat, @Swiftloke, @LinkSoraZelda, @ih8ih8sn0w, @Karma.
Last edited by Yudowat,