Hacking Updating Original Japanese 3DS


Mar 8, 2011
United States
So I own an original Japanese language 3DS that hasn't been updated (or pretty much touched at all) since production. I don't know an ounce of Japanese, so I've been using this nifty smartphone app to translate the menus. Obviously, a region unlock would be desirable for me. The firmware version is still "Ver. 1.0.0-0J." However, it seems like a lot of applications, such as the web browser and the 3DS Store, are not functional on this firmware. When their icons are pressed, I am greeted with a dialogue that roughly translates to, "This feature will come in a system update." I have no idea how to update the system, but assuming I could figure it out, would it be worth it? Is there a significant probability that updating the system will invalidate me for any upcoming region unlocks? Is there any disadvantage to staying on this firmware if I don't care about web browsing (I do, but assuming I didn't)?

I understand that the question is subjective; that is why I am posting it on a public forum for discussion.

EDIT: I've done some reasoning, and the question has changed; please refer to post #4.


New Member Forever
Apr 19, 2007
Look at the Flag...
Is there a significant probability that updating the system will invalidate me for any upcoming region unlocks?

No, most people have updated their 3DS to the latest firmware, if an hack had to be released it would be for the latest (or almost latest firmware), there's no point releasing an hack for the very very first firmware (and then get thousand of hate mails and whining)...

Is there any disadvantage to staying on this firmware if I don't care about web browsing (I do, but assuming I didn't)?
-This firmware is very unstable and will likely black screen randomly during gameplay, as you've noticed many features are disabled/not yet done, and most newest games (released since june 2011) will force you to update.
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Mar 8, 2011
United States
Is there any disadvantage to staying on this firmware if I don't care about web browsing (I do, but assuming I didn't)?
-This firmware is very unstable and will likely black screen randomly during gameplay, as you've noticed many features are disabled/not yet done, and most newest games (released since june 2011) will force you to update.
But doesn't this mean that it would be more prone to vulnerabilities, and thus more prone to exploits? I think I may need to update my question a bit, so I will here:

Assuming the console is a completely useless brick to me without a region unlock, should I update? In other words, will updating now decrease my chances of a region unlock whatsoever?

So I suppose lack of any feature won't matter because I'm not using the console in the first place.

EDIT: So I've done some thinking. There seem to be two factors at play here:

1) The probability of there being a region unlock made only for firmware "Ver. 1.0.0-0J."
- This would be a positive factor.
2) The probability of there being a region unlock made for a firmware that is higher than mine, but not the highest firmware available.
- In this case, I would not be able to unlock, because I would only be able to update to the highest firmware available. Therefore, this would be a negative factor only if the preceding were true.
- This factor would be nullified if there was a way to update to a firmware that is greater than the current, but not the highest firmware available. I do not know whether there is such a way.

The probability of there being an unlock for the highest firmware can be disregarded, as my ability to use that unlock will not differ whether or not I update now (as I can always update later).
If the second factor could be nullified, there would be no reason to update, as it would only benefit me to stay.

So, my double-updated question would be:

Is there a way to update to a firmware that is greater than the current, but not the highest firmware available?

And if and only if the answer to that question would be "No,"

Is the probability of there being a region unlock made only for firmware "Ver. 1.0.0-0J" higher or lower or equal to the probability of there being a region unlock made for a firmware that is higher than mine, but not the highest firmware available?

So the question doesn't necessarily even have to be subjective, if there is a way to update to a firmware that is greater than the current, but not the highest firmware available.


New Member
Nov 1, 2010
United States
Is there any disadvantage to staying on this firmware if I don't care about web browsing (I do, but assuming I didn't)?
-This firmware is very unstable and will likely black screen randomly during gameplay, as you've noticed many features are disabled/not yet done, and most newest games (released since june 2011) will force you to update.
But doesn't this mean that it would be more prone to vulnerabilities, and thus more prone to exploits? I think I may need to update my question a bit, so I will here:

Assuming the console is a completely useless brick to me without a region unlock, should I update? In other words, will updating now decrease my chances of a region unlock whatsoever?

So I suppose lack of any feature won't matter because I'm not using the console in the first place.

EDIT: So I've done some thinking. There seem to be two factors at play here:

1) The probability of there being a region unlock made only for firmware "Ver. 1.0.0-0J."
- This would be a positive factor.
2) The probability of there being a region unlock made for a firmware that is higher than mine, but not the highest firmware available.
- In this case, I would not be able to unlock, because I would only be able to update to the highest firmware available. Therefore, this would be a negative factor only if the preceding were true.
- This factor would be nullified if there was a way to update to a firmware that is greater than the current, but not the highest firmware available. I do not know whether there is such a way.

The probability of there being an unlock for the highest firmware can be disregarded, as my ability to use that unlock will not differ whether or not I update now (as I can always update later).
If the second factor could be nullified, there would be no reason to update, as it would only benefit me to stay.

So, my double-updated question would be:

Is there a way to update to a firmware that is greater than the current, but not the highest firmware available?

And if and only if the answer to that question would be "No,"

Is the probability of there being a region unlock made only for firmware "Ver. 1.0.0-0J" higher or lower or equal to the probability of there being a region unlock made for a firmware that is higher than mine, but not the highest firmware available?

So the question doesn't necessarily even have to be subjective, if there is a way to update to a firmware that is greater than the current, but not the highest firmware available.

There`s no region unlock code YET, do your homework, read all the sticky post.

and even if there it is, it wont specifically made to the first generation firmware (as it is VERY BUGGY) and wont be compatible with all games starting june 2011. Please use your brain.

I`m using Japanese 3DS and have upgraded to the latest firmware for the sole purpose of playing japanese 3ds game. There`s no problem updating it, i`m also using r4i card for playing with older game, and i always update both (my system firmware and r41 firmware).
If you want to play western games, buy western 3ds, there`s no such thing as region unlock for now.


I'm MKGirlism.
May 23, 2011
Like all the others say, the 3DS is region locked, period.
It will not be unlocked, unless native 3DS Homebrew will become possible.
If you have an Flash Card, I recommend you to update the Flash Card first, unless you still have an old DS or DS Lite.
When that's done, you can normally update your 3DS, nothing bad will happen.


Mar 8, 2011
United States
Is there any disadvantage to staying on this firmware if I don't care about web browsing (I do, but assuming I didn't)?
-This firmware is very unstable and will likely black screen randomly during gameplay, as you've noticed many features are disabled/not yet done, and most newest games (released since june 2011) will force you to update.
But doesn't this mean that it would be more prone to vulnerabilities, and thus more prone to exploits? I think I may need to update my question a bit, so I will here:

Assuming the console is a completely useless brick to me without a region unlock, should I update? In other words, will updating now decrease my chances of a region unlock whatsoever?

So I suppose lack of any feature won't matter because I'm not using the console in the first place.

EDIT: So I've done some thinking. There seem to be two factors at play here:

1) The probability of there being a region unlock made only for firmware "Ver. 1.0.0-0J."
- This would be a positive factor.
2) The probability of there being a region unlock made for a firmware that is higher than mine, but not the highest firmware available.
- In this case, I would not be able to unlock, because I would only be able to update to the highest firmware available. Therefore, this would be a negative factor only if the preceding were true.
- This factor would be nullified if there was a way to update to a firmware that is greater than the current, but not the highest firmware available. I do not know whether there is such a way.

The probability of there being an unlock for the highest firmware can be disregarded, as my ability to use that unlock will not differ whether or not I update now (as I can always update later).
If the second factor could be nullified, there would be no reason to update, as it would only benefit me to stay.

So, my double-updated question would be:

Is there a way to update to a firmware that is greater than the current, but not the highest firmware available?

And if and only if the answer to that question would be "No,"

Is the probability of there being a region unlock made only for firmware "Ver. 1.0.0-0J" higher or lower or equal to the probability of there being a region unlock made for a firmware that is higher than mine, but not the highest firmware available?

So the question doesn't necessarily even have to be subjective, if there is a way to update to a firmware that is greater than the current, but not the highest firmware available.

There`s no region unlock code YET, do your homework, read all the sticky post.

and even if there it is, it wont specifically made to the first generation firmware (as it is VERY BUGGY) and wont be compatible with all games starting june 2011. Please use your brain.

I`m using Japanese 3DS and have upgraded to the latest firmware for the sole purpose of playing japanese 3ds game. There`s no problem updating it, i`m also using r4i card for playing with older game, and i always update both (my system firmware and r41 firmware).
If you want to play western games, buy western 3ds, there`s no such thing as region unlock for now.

OK, you guys are really not understanding me here and as of yet, not one of you has answered even one of my updated questions.

Obviously, I know that there is not currently a region unlock for any 3DS. I never assumed nor implied such a thing.

To think in terms of "will an unlock be made for the first firmware version" is the wrong way to think. I did not understand this at the time of writing my original post, but I have since posted my updated thoughts in my previous posting.

I didn't think I would have to outline responses for you guys, but I feel like I have to in order to receive responses that are useful to me.

If future posters could simply A) Follow my logic and reasoning, and confirm or deny it,
B1) If you deny the logic, explain why and/or propose a better way of asking the question, or
B2) Approve of the logic, and begin to answer the exact questions posted previously.

I feel that many posters are now simply making up their own criteria for a helpful response when there has already been a rubric to follow.


I'm MKGirlism.
May 23, 2011
First of all, people most likely look at the 1st post, rather than the 4th.
So, the one blaming about logics, doesn't seem to understand logics.

Anyway, to go back on-topic:
Is there a way to update to a firmware that is greater than the current, but not the highest firmware available?
Upgrading to a greater version: Yes.
But not the highest: No.
But don't worry, no one will bite you, if you have it to the latest version, I don't even see any problem with that.

Is the probability of there being a region unlock made only for firmware "Ver. 1.0.0-0J" higher or lower or equal to the probability of there being a region unlock made for a firmware that is higher than mine, but not the highest firmware available?
As long as the 3DS is not hacked, there will be no Region Unlock made for it.
If the 3DS gets hacked, the firmware will be on its highest as well.
Besides, no one will care about hacking a higher firmware, but not the highest firmware available, as that will be about.......5% vs 95%?

I hope it's finally clear now.


Mwa ha ha ha!
Sep 1, 2008
GBAtemp ↑↑↓↓← → ← →BA
Once the 3DS starts getting hacked, it *may* be possible to upgrade/downgrade to a particular firmware like the Wii.

The probability of a hack being made ONLY for the 1.0.0-0 firmware is hard to predict. If this firmware is highly exploitable and if the above sentence comes true then maybe. But if you look at all the hacked devices around (iPhone, 3DS, PSP, etc.) there have been hacks for higher firmware versions than the original. Same might be true for the 3DS.

If you have nothing to lose by not upgrading, then don't upgrade. There's a chance that someone would like to buy it for a higher price. For example, I think some hackers/coders would be very interested in a Wii with the original firmware (atleast until the Wiiu was announced :P ).

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