MMM [MultiModManager] --->>> ,
IOS236 installer --->>>,
Dop-Mii Wiibrew Edition --->>>
Ok here is the basic rundown when you installed Waninkoko's Safe Updater it patches all your IOS, so you want to get Non Patched IOS files you can either use Dop-Mii or MMM (MMM is a little easier to do this with) both apps are simple to use. The reason you want IOS236 is case it can overwrite STUB IOS that you may have. A STUB is a useless IOS that does absolutely nothing but take up space
& since there may be problems from using a IOS that is trucha signed or patched so as long as you have IOS236 you may use this to install WAD or anything else that you would normally use IOS249 or whatever IOS you use with WAD Manager. Now you can have a non patched IOS36 for better compatibility. And we use Dop-Mii to install the SysMenu
by using dopmii to install the new sysmenu you do not mess up any of your softmods so everything is in tact.
The basic rule for IOS is not to delete anything below IOS200 or not to install any STUB IOS as they just take up space.
I hope i explained everything.
IOS236 - is your replacement to IOS36 so you can have a non patched version and never worry about it being deleted during future updates.
MMM - is your best Wad Manager out there; able to downgrade IOS15 to patch IOS36 and restore IOS15 back w/o you even having to sit there. It can install IOS or update IOS on your Wii, it can display your SysMenu & Boot Info, and even launch homebrew. It can do more but it's universal.
Dop-Mii Wiibrew Edition - can be used with IOS 236 or the IOS58+ABHROOT (for direct hardware access) to install IOS/SysMenu/Boot2/Wii Channels
So for future SysMenu Updates all you have to do is make sure to preinstall the IOS that SysMenu may use. If you want to play WiiWare/VC games off the sd card that you found online or made yourself you will need to patch your SysMenu IOS with Trucha Bug. Honestly I just play mine through my USB loader since they support Emulated Nand now