Hacking Update my hacked Wii - To improve USB support


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2010
Hello All,

I softmodded my Wii years ago and still run USBLoader formatted to WTFS etc (aka Old Skool)

One thing that has always been a problem is the wireless instruments for Rockband don't work unless I use a disc, unplug the USB drive and plug in the required instrument dongle.
The instrument will not connect if I use the left usb port.

I have read a little about the CIOSX rev21dx2 alt (I'm not interested in NAND emulation etc) and I think this would help solve my problem and improve my experience overall.

My question is, since my Wii is all ready modded - Is it just a case of loading up Modmii with the new wads, popping the SD card in the Wii and installing via WAD manager?

Is there a process? Am I simplifying things too much, what are the potential pitfalls.

It's been so long since I did any of this stuff I am completely rusty.

Thanks for any advice.

Side question - whats the biggest SD card I can use? I would like to load up as much Rockband DLC as possible.

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