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Three Wuhan lab researchers were hospitalized in November 2019


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2017
United States
I've been debating for a few days on whether or not it would be worth the time and effort on making posts to some of these subjects showing the other side, but if some people are just going to ignore evidence that's right in your face (like Fauci sending money to the Wuhan lab where it's very possible that's where the virus originated) and continue to just shift blame on others for the wrong reasons, then I see no point in even trying to debate.

I've had my two shots, and it was my choice to take them or not. I didn't have to if I didn't want to. Want proof? Sure thing, you don't have to look to far, just check inside your ass.


temporary hermit
Aug 17, 2012


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2016
- Get your vaccine. I don't care* if you "identify as having it." That's not something you can identify without legal proof. Seriously. Being gay doesn't endanger the lives of others, but not getting vaccinated does.
Being a man in a woman´s bathroom or boxing ring endangers the lives of women though.
If vaccines had no side effects at all, I´d argue there is an obligation to take it.
But that´s not reality. Everyone can either choose the potential danger of the virus or the vaccines. Once you are vaccinated you shouldn´t be afraid of the virus anymore. How can you then still insist that others protect you by also taking it?
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Hail Mary
Feb 17, 2017
Congo, Republic of the
That's interesting quote about covid feature: “The laws of physics mean that you cannot have four positively charged amino acids in a row,” Dalgleish told the Daily Mail. “The only way you can get this is if you artificially manufacture it.”
Wasn't the gain of function research to study the virus and how it affects humans and to understand it to better to create better vaccines to fight the virus?

If they did actually try to make it seem like it came naturally from nature, then it could indicate malicious intent. But it's one article so I'm not jumping to conclusions till more articles come out that can reveal the truth better.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
Being a man in a woman´s bathroom or boxing ring endangers the lives of women though.
  1. Trans women are women.
  2. There is no evidence of danger to cis women from trans women using a women's restroom.
  3. In fact, the danger appears to come from forcing trans people to use the restroom that doesn't comport with their gender identity (i.e. forcing a trans woman to go into a men's restroom or forcing a trans man to go into a women's restroom).

If vaccines had no side effects at all, I´d argue there is an obligation to take it.
  1. There is a moral imperative to get vaccinated, regardless of the known side effects.
  2. Even if we look at it from a selfish perspective, the smart thing to do is to get vaccinated. If a person can medically get vaccinated, then there's no argument to not getting vaccinated that isn't anti-science, anti-vaccination, anti-people, and anti-self.

But that´s not reality. Everyone can either choose the potential danger of the virus or the vaccines.
  1. The vaccines have been demonstrated to be safe and effective.
  2. The risks of getting and/or spreading COVID-19 far outweigh the risks associated with vaccination.

Once you are vaccinated you shouldn´t be afraid of the virus anymore.
From a selfish perspective, you are right. If you are fully vaccinated, you shouldn't really be afraid of the virus anymore, and you can/should return to relative normalcy. It's all the more reason to get vaccinated.

How can you then still insist that others protect you by also taking it?
  1. The vaccine is not 100% effective.
  2. If we say the Pfizer vaccine is 90% effective, for example, then you still want as many people around you vaccinated as possible. The more people who are vaccinated, the less likely any individual person is to contract COVID-19. You want as many "dead-ends" for the virus as possible so it doesn't spread.
  3. There are people who cannot get vaccinated, which makes it even more important for everyone around them to get vaccinated.
  4. Herd immunity for COVID-19 is approximately 70-80% of the population resistant to the disease.

but if some people are just going to ignore evidence that's right in your face (like Fauci sending money to the Wuhan lab where it's very possible that's where the virus originated) and continue to just shift blame on others for the wrong reasons, then I see no point in even trying to debate.
Suggesting that funding for science in 2002 is somehow evidence of a conspiracy involving Fauci somehow participating in the creation of COVID-19 is nonsensical and embarrassing.


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2013
United States
It came from the WEF , ALL UN member states governments signed on to the release of COVID.
If there is anyone here who thinks that event 201 was just a mere coincidence I have some ocean front property to sell you .... IN NEBRASKA


Also imagine actually being retarded enough to let the same exact people who conspired to release a gain of function airborne pathogen bioweapon on you inject something into your arm , wew lad
Last edited by weatMod,


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
It came from the WEF , ALL UN member states governments signed on to the release of COVID.
If there is anyone here who thinks that event 201 was just a mere coincidence I have some ocean front property to sell you .... IN NEBRASKA
There is no evidence whatsoever that any government "signed on" to the release of COVID-19.

Event 201, a pandemic exercise for pandemic preparedness that occurred in 2019, is not evidence that there was some secret knowledge of COVID-19 ahead of time. Sciences have been shouting from the figurative mountaintops for at least a decade that pandemics, particularly those caused by coronaviruses, were a real threat and that we needed to be prepared. The COVID-19 pandemic only shows that they were right.

If scientists warn of a probable bridge collapse and then a bridge collapses, that doesn't mean anybody had advanced knowledge of the bridge collapse or "signed on" to it. It means people need to have more confidence in the scientific method and what scientists have to say.

This kind of conspiratorial thinking is as dangerous as it is absurd. If anyone in this thread were to be gullible enough to buy ocean-front property in Nebraska, it appears it would be you.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2013
United States
Remember when the exact same people were calling scientists like Dr. Luc Montagnier , the famous French virologist and Nobel laureate who won the Nobel prize in physiology and medicine in 2008 for discovering the AIDS virus, HIV a "conspiracy theorist" when he was saying at the very beginning of the plandemic that SARS COV 2 was made in a lab and that the virus has HIV insertions something that is now beginning to be accepted as fact after they banned everyone from social media who suggested such a thing. ( looks like they set up this narrative early on and are now coming back to it but have spun it with lies to try and blame it on CHYNUH to promote a new phony cold war)
Funny how they only want you "trust the science" they select, usually the "science" that is being conducted by the people with a massive conflict of interest who stand to make billions but then not tell you to ignore all the rest if it but go about censoring people.
like the Science from India's institute of technology who also found HIV insertions in the virus and who also said there is no way that it could be a naturally occurring virus.

As for event 201 , it was suppose to be a naturally occurring virus in the model , but COVID 19 is NOT a naturally occurring virus it is a lab made bioweapon with gain of function , the same people behind even 201 are the same people trying to ban and censor anyone who suggests that it is a lab engineered virus , they even go through it very extensively in the event 201 exercise , if you are smart enough to read between the lines essentially what they are saying tin that part of the exercise is that we may have to go as far as shutting down parts of the internet if the people start getting wise to our criminal activity

You want me to actually believe that people who had a massive incentive like J&J execs who took part in event 201
are just innocent and that is just a huge coincidence that a virus "escapes" from a lab literally month later after they do this exercise predicting a once in a century pandemic

and who also have ties to labs who were working on bat corona virus gain of function research
and who are conducting the exercise for the WEF who has been talking about a "GREAT RESET" and how they want to some catalyst event to shut down the world economy to accomplish said reset so that they can implement some kind of global technocratic communism "you'll own nothing and be happy" , "you will live in the tube and eat the bugs and you will be happy"

The same WEF who more than a year ago were "predicting" massive cyber attacks before all the currently occurring ransom ware and cyber attacks that are now working to shut down fosil fuels and meat industries after they have been putting out all kinds of propaganda about how we need to not eat any meat and how we need to eat bugs instead
and how we need to be "sustainable" and not consume anything

Funny how these mega rich crapitalists are pushing communism on the rest of us
like Elon Mush brain
Gee I wonder where this commie gold digging whore baby momma of his gets her ideas from ?


oh and if anyone actually believes that Elon is the "richest man in the world" I just want to remind you that the ocean from property in Nebraska is still up for sale.

"Always " trust the "science" " , unless we disagree with the science , then it's not science it's a " conspiracy theory " "

LOL these people
Last edited by weatMod,

Deleted member 559230

Well-Known Member
May 12, 2021
If vaccines had no side effects at all, I´d argue there is an obligation to take it. But that´s not reality. Everyone can either choose the potential danger of the virus or the vaccines. Once you are vaccinated you shouldn´t be afraid of the virus anymore. How can you then still insist that others protect you by also taking it?

What others do with their own body or what they put into their body is none of my business. I've actually asked a few people if they take it up the ass in response to them asking me if I've been vaccinated. That shit is my personal business and none of theirs. Vaccines, just like water, can have side effects and sometimes those side effects are deadly. That's nothing new. You're wrong about being afraid though. If you were afraid of COVID-19 and think the vaccine protects you 100% you're wrong and I guess should still be scared because you still have a chance to catch it (even though you're vaccinated because the vaccines aren't fool proof). Being afraid of a virus with a 99.8% survival rate is sorta wussy shit though.

The Catboy

GBAtemp Official Catboy™: Savior of the broken
Sep 13, 2009
Making a non-binary fuss
Liberal left
This right here proves that you shouldn't be taken seriously. Liberalism isn't part of the Left, it's a Center to Center-right ideology often agreeing more with practices on the Right such as Capitalism and borrowing talking points from the Left and making them aligned with the center, such as universal healthcare. As for the rest of your post
Wrong. Trump was in office when the virus hit and the first thing he did was close the borders, form a CDC task force, issued social distancing and mask policies and removed restrictions to speed up development of a vaccine.

While Trump was doing this the Liberal left was calling him a racist for acting the way he did and telling us we wouldn't see a vaccine for 2 or more years.

Trump's actions saved millions of lives, but yeah, he's racist for closing the borders.

The entire reason Biden has a vaccine to distribute is because of Trump's actions.

Last thing, right before Trump lost the 2020 election his administration was acting on a plan to vaccinate the population with the vaccines he helped fast track and that "plan" is what Biden used when he took office.

Oh, but, like, Orange Man Bad, bahhhhhhh, bahhhhhhh, bahhhhhh (sheep)
Sources, please provide actual sources.


Official Waluigi Propagandist
Aug 13, 2020
Somewhere. Look hard enough and you could find me.
United States
Remember when the exact same people were calling scientists like Dr. Luc Montagnier , the famous French virologist and Nobel laureate who won the Nobel prize in physiology and medicine in 2008 for discovering the AIDS virus, HIV a "conspiracy theorist" when he was saying at the very beginning of the plandemic that SARS COV 2 was made in a lab and that the virus has HIV insertions something that is now beginning to be accepted as fact after they banned everyone from social media who suggested such a thing. ( looks like they set up this narrative early on and are now coming back to it but have spun it with lies to try and blame it on CHYNUH to promote a new phony cold war)
Funny how they only want you "trust the science" they select, usually the "science" that is being conducted by the people with a massive conflict of interest who stand to make billions but then not tell you to ignore all the rest if it but go about censoring people.
like the Science from India's institute of technology who also found HIV insertions in the virus and who also said there is no way that it could be a naturally occurring virus.

As for event 201 , it was suppose to be a naturally occurring virus in the model , but COVID 19 is NOT a naturally occurring virus it is a lab made bioweapon with gain of function , the same people behind even 201 are the same people trying to ban and censor anyone who suggests that it is a lab engineered virus , they even go through it very extensively in the event 201 exercise , if you are smart enough to read between the lines essentially what they are saying tin that part of the exercise is that we may have to go as far as shutting down parts of the internet if the people start getting wise to our criminal activity

You want me to actually believe that people who had a massive incentive like J&J execs who took part in event 201
are just innocent and that is just a huge coincidence that a virus "escapes" from a lab literally month later after they do this exercise predicting a once in a century pandemic

and who also have ties to labs who were working on bat corona virus gain of function research
and who are conducting the exercise for the WEF who has been talking about a "GREAT RESET" and how they want to some catalyst event to shut down the world economy to accomplish said reset so that they can implement some kind of global technocratic communism "you'll own nothing and be happy" , "you will live in the tube and eat the bugs and you will be happy"

The same WEF who more than a year ago were "predicting" massive cyber attacks before all the currently occurring ransom ware and cyber attacks that are now working to shut down fosil fuels and meat industries after they have been putting out all kinds of propaganda about how we need to not eat any meat and how we need to eat bugs instead
and how we need to be "sustainable" and not consume anything

Funny how these mega rich crapitalists are pushing communism on the rest of us
like Elon Mush brain
Gee I wonder where this commie gold digging whore baby momma of his gets her ideas from ?


oh and if anyone actually believes that Elon is the "richest man in the world" I just want to remind you that the ocean from property in Nebraska is still up for sale.

"Always " trust the "science" " , unless we disagree with the science , then it's not science it's a " conspiracy theory " "

LOL these people

Okay, you know what, I've met some dumb people in my lifetime. Some so stupid they could barely comprehend a BOB book.

But you my friend, not only take the cake, but the souffle,
Remember when the exact same people were calling scientists like Dr. Luc Montagnier , the famous French virologist and Nobel laureate who won the Nobel prize in physiology and medicine in 2008 for discovering the AIDS virus, HIV a "conspiracy theorist" when he was saying at the very beginning of the plandemic that SARS COV 2 was made in a lab and that the virus has HIV insertions something that is now beginning to be accepted as fact after they banned everyone from social media who suggested such a thing. ( looks like they set up this narrative early on and are now coming back to it but have spun it with lies to try and blame it on CHYNUH to promote a new phony cold war)
Funny how they only want you "trust the science" they select, usually the "science" that is being conducted by the people with a massive conflict of interest who stand to make billions but then not tell you to ignore all the rest if it but go about censoring people.
like the Science from India's institute of technology who also found HIV insertions in the virus and who also said there is no way that it could be a naturally occurring virus.

As for event 201 , it was suppose to be a naturally occurring virus in the model , but COVID 19 is NOT a naturally occurring virus it is a lab made bioweapon with gain of function , the same people behind even 201 are the same people trying to ban and censor anyone who suggests that it is a lab engineered virus , they even go through it very extensively in the event 201 exercise , if you are smart enough to read between the lines essentially what they are saying tin that part of the exercise is that we may have to go as far as shutting down parts of the internet if the people start getting wise to our criminal activity

You want me to actually believe that people who had a massive incentive like J&J execs who took part in event 201
are just innocent and that is just a huge coincidence that a virus "escapes" from a lab literally month later after they do this exercise predicting a once in a century pandemic

and who also have ties to labs who were working on bat corona virus gain of function research
and who are conducting the exercise for the WEF who has been talking about a "GREAT RESET" and how they want to some catalyst event to shut down the world economy to accomplish said reset so that they can implement some kind of global technocratic communism "you'll own nothing and be happy" , "you will live in the tube and eat the bugs and you will be happy"

The same WEF who more than a year ago were "predicting" massive cyber attacks before all the currently occurring ransom ware and cyber attacks that are now working to shut down fosil fuels and meat industries after they have been putting out all kinds of propaganda about how we need to not eat any meat and how we need to eat bugs instead
and how we need to be "sustainable" and not consume anything

Funny how these mega rich crapitalists are pushing communism on the rest of us
like Elon Mush brain
Gee I wonder where this commie gold digging whore baby momma of his gets her ideas from ?


oh and if anyone actually believes that Elon is the "richest man in the world" I just want to remind you that the ocean from property in Nebraska is still up for sale.

"Always " trust the "science" " , unless we disagree with the science , then it's not science it's a " conspiracy theory " "

LOL these people
oh gosh no
Don't bring that up in here.

Conspiracy theories need evidence to be backed up.
I will never care about a conspiracy theory unless you can defend it with more sources than a Doctoral Thesis.
This, everything in this quote, is frankly B.S.

Viruses are naturally occurring, and humans have genome editing. That doesn't support that COVID-19 was man-made. There are thousands of naturally-occurring Coronavirus-type diseases that come from everywhere. There's an even stronger possibility it was created by God.

Communism eh? You a rich guy? You own guns?

I'm middle class in a city where property is valued too high. My family is overworked, and we still barely receive a living wage while fat cats who push anti-socialism and anti-communism are making fools of themselves when they could single-handedly stop world hunger. May heaven itself forbid that you are poor. There's virtually no chance of a homeless person becoming a rich person or someone with enough money to support a family because of how little the rich care.

I support socialism fully. A reformed socialist society could better America faster than "trickle-down economics" (TDE)

Name one thing good that came out of TDE for the poor and middle-class.

Deleted member 559230

Well-Known Member
May 12, 2021
Sources, please provide actual sources.

M sources are me, myself and I watching what happened since Nov 2019 when inklings of the virus originating in Wuhan came to fruition. I can't help if you haven't been paying attention since the start nor am inclined to provide links. I'm sure if you want to verify my claims you're able bodied enough to work a search engine.

The Catboy

GBAtemp Official Catboy™: Savior of the broken
Sep 13, 2009
Making a non-binary fuss
M sources are me, myself and I watching what happened since Nov 2019 when inklings of the virus originating in Wuhan came to fruition. I can't help if you haven't been paying attention since the start nor am inclined to provide links. I'm sure if you want to verify my claims you're able bodied enough to work a search engine.
You aren't a reliable source, I asked for sources for your claims not for you to shift the burden onto me. You are the one who needs to back up your claims and saying you are the source isn't backing up your claims, telling me to use a search engine isn't backing them up either.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
M sources are me, myself and I watching what happened since Nov 2019 when inklings of the virus originating in Wuhan came to fruition. I can't help if you haven't been paying attention since the start nor am inclined to provide links. I'm sure if you want to verify my claims you're able bodied enough to work a search engine.
If you can't provide good evidence for a claim, you shouldn't believe that claim.

Deleted member 559230

Well-Known Member
May 12, 2021
You aren't a reliable source, I asked for sources for your claims not for you to shift the burden onto me. You are the one who needs to back up your claims and saying you are the source isn't backing up your claims, telling me to use a search engine isn't backing them up either.

I don't need to backup anything. I've been paying close attention to what Trump and Biden's administrations have been doing to combat the virus. I would suggest searching for "covid-19 timeline". I also would suggest using the term "Wuhan coronavirus" in your search due to the fact the main stream media was calling it by that name for months before they switched to calling it COVID-19. I am not lying, but I really don't care if you believe me or not. I know what happened and that's good enough for me as your simple questioning of the factual nature of my claims doesn't prove my claims to be invalid.


Hail Mary
Feb 17, 2017
Congo, Republic of the
I don't need to backup anything. I've been paying close attention to what Trump and Biden's administrations have been doing to combat the virus. I would suggest searching for "covid-19 timeline". I also would suggest using the term "Wuhan coronavirus" in your search due to the fact the main stream media was calling it by that name for months before they switched to calling it COVID-19. I am not lying, but I really don't care if you believe me or not. I know what happened and that's good enough for me as your simple questioning of the factual nature of my claims doesn't prove my claims to be invalid.
Good enough for you but not good enough for him. Your are debating so you need to provide sources. If you don't then what's the point of debating?

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

I don't need to backup anything. I've been paying close attention to what Trump and Biden's administrations have been doing to combat the virus. I would suggest searching for "covid-19 timeline". I also would suggest using the term "Wuhan coronavirus" in your search due to the fact the main stream media was calling it by that name for months before they switched to calling it COVID-19. I am not lying, but I really don't care if you believe me or not. I know what happened and that's good enough for me as your simple questioning of the factual nature of my claims doesn't prove my claims to be invalid.
I spoke to Aliens from Outer Space & fought against the Lockness Monster. And saw a real live half human half fly like creature.

Source: Me

Scientific paper and research concluded
Last edited by SG854,

Deleted member 559230

Well-Known Member
May 12, 2021
Good enough for you but not good enough for him. Your are debating so you need to provide sources. If you don't then what's the point of debating?

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

I spoke to Aliens from Outer Space & fought against the Lockness Monster. And saw a real live half human half fly like creature.

Source: Me

Scientific paper and research concluded

My claims aren't up for debate. They are facts and part of history now. Go educate yourself or stay stupid. Either way I don't care to play your little games.

You know, because using the terms I said to search with pull up no valid results. There's hundreds of various timelines like this one out there.


God, you people are really dumb if you think you can invalidate history.

EDIT: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

What in the Earth could this be? It must be some sort of black magic ....

Last edited by Deleted member 559230,


Hail Mary
Feb 17, 2017
Congo, Republic of the
My claims aren't up for debate. They are facts and part of history now. Go educate yourself or stay stupid. Either way I don't care to play your little games.

You know, because using the terms I said to search with pull up no valid results. There's hundreds of various timelines like this one out there.


God, you people are really dumb if you think you can invalidate history.

EDIT: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

What in the Earth could this be? It must be some sort of black magic ....

Yay you posted a source. Good for you. Now was that hard?

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