The best easiest way to play video files on Wii u (Wii u video player) [EN/FR] {Tutorial}


I think there are a lot of people who would like to be able to play and see their best movies and videos on their Wii u.

Unfortunately, it's not that easy, today, there's no homebrew that allows you to play video files. On one hand it's a good thing because you don't have to hack your Wii u, but on the other hand it's a bad thing because it's more complicated, and requires a pc but wait, I explain everything.

First, here's a quick rundown of what you can do natively on the Wii u:

- You can watch videos in MP4 format on the web browser, so basically Youtube and other video upload platforms.

- You can also watch movies with Netflix (shut down), Hulu (shut down), Amazon Prime video (shut down) and Crunchyroll (the last survivor). All online.

So what we're going to do is not use Plex or any other platform connected to the Internet, what we want is local to enjoy maximum speed and security.

Naturally you'll turn to FTP, and you're right, but unfortunately the Wii u doesn't have an FTP client (not even in Homebrew). The only way is to use the HTTP protocol, so the Wii u's web browser supports HTTP.

A little clarification before we really start the tutorial: The Wii u only supports MP4 videos or movies, so you have to convert them if you want to play them on your Wii u!


Materials needed:

- A Wii u connected to the internet

- A Windows or Linux computer (with WineHQ) connected to the same box as the Wii u

- Your video files in MP4 format ! (I'll show you how to convert them later)

(Optional) Convert your video files:

First, download Handbrake ( the best video transcoder and install it like any other program if you don't already have it.

Start Handbrake, first click on "Tools -> Preferences -> Output files -> MP4 File Extension:" set it to "MP4". select your video and choose the profile/preset "Web -> Vimeo Youtube HQ 720p60". And above all, make sure that "Web Optimized" is checked otherwise the Wii u will have to download the whole video before it can play it.

Define the output file by clicking on "Browse". Then click on "Start Encode".

Now you have your video file in MP4 format optimized for the Web.

(Part 1) Set up HFS on the computer :

HFS which stands for http File Server is a very useful program that will allow us to set up a file sharing server in the local network using the HTTP protocol which is readable by the Wii u's web browser.

First of all, download HFS from , put it where you want (personally it's a Utility folder so I know where it is). HFS is a portable program so it doesn't need to be installed.

Run it and select "No" and the first option to change is "Menu -> Tray icons" uncheck "Minimize to tray"; and the second option to change is "Menu -> Start/Exit" check "Minimize to tray clicking the close button [ X ]"

Then we'll add the folders the video files to share with the Wii u: "Menu" Click on "Add folder from disk..." and select the folders where you store your videos, normally the Videos folder; then you can manually add more videos by clicking on "Add files..." from "Menu".

In any case select "Real folder" when adding folders.

Then check first on the PC if it works by clicking on "Open in browser". If your internet browser opens a web page in HTTP with an interface that allows you to download your files, it's good.

All that is left to do is to leave the computer on with HFS open (you can put it in the background, it will consume less resources, to do this close the program by clicking on the cross at the top right of HFS like any other program)

Finally, just remember or mark the web address marked to the right of "Open in browser", it's normally http://192.168.X.XXX/ (and if you just closed the program, display it again by double clicking on the HFS icon at the bottom left of the screen to see the address, close it again afterwards if you want)

(Part 2) Connecting Wii u to the HTTP server :

Then turn on your Wii u, launch the Web Browser, and type the address from earlier in the address bar at the top (normally http://192.168.X.XX/ ) (I advise you to bookmark the page, it will be faster for the next times!). You should get the same interface as on the PC if you tested it on the computer before.

From here, you can navigate to the folders or root and open any MP4 video file. It should launch fine.


This technique works perfectly and is relatively stable if your Wii u is connected (at best) to the box by an Ethernet cable or to the box by Wifi while being not too far from it.

That was it for me, and I wish you a good viewing!


Je pense qu'il y a un tas de monde qui souhaiterai pouvoir lire et voir ses meilleurs films et vidéos sur leur Wii u.

Malheureusement, ce n'est pas si simple, aujourd'hui, il n'y pas encore d'homebrew qui permet la lecture de fichier vidéo. D'un certain côté c'est une bonne chose parce qu'il n'y a donc pas besoin de hacker sa Wii u, mais de l'autre c'est une mauvaise chose parce que cela est plus compliqué, et requiert un pc mais attendez, je vous explique tout.

D'abord voici un petit récapitulatif de ce que vous pouvez faire nativement sur la Wii u :

- Vous pouvez regarder des vidéos au format MP4 sur le navigateur internet, donc en gros Youtube et les autres plateformes de mise en ligne de vidéos.

- Vous pouvez aussi regarder des films avec Netflix (arrêté), Hulu (arrêté), Amazon Prime vidéo (arrêté) et Crunchyroll (le dernier survivant). Tout cela en ligne.

Donc ce que l'on va faire ce n'est pas utilisé Plex ou une autre plateforme relié à Internet, nous ce qu'on veut c'est du local pour profité d'une vitesse et d'une sécurité maximale.

Naturellement vous vous tournerez vers le FTP, et vous avez bien raison mais malheureusement la Wii u n'intègre aucun client Ftp (même pas en Homebrew). Le seul et unique moyen est donc de passer par le protocole HTTP, donc par le navigateur web de la Wii u qui supporte naturellement l'HTTP.

Petite précision avant de s'attaquer réellement au tuto : La Wii u ne supporte QUE les vidéos ou films au format MP4 donc il faut les convertir si vous voulez absolument les lire sur votre Wii u !


Matériels nécessaires :

- Une Wii u connectée à internet

- Un ordinateur sous Windows ou Linux (avec WineHQ) connecté à la même box que la Wii u

- Vos fichiers vidéo au format MP4 ! (je vous montre après comment les convertir)

(Optionnel) Convertir ses fichiers vidéo :

En premier lieu, téléchargez Handbrake ( le meilleur transcodeur vidéo et Installez-le comme n'importe quel programme si vous ne l'avez pas déjà.

Lancez Handbrake, d’abord cliquez sur "Tools -> Preferences -> Output files -> MP4 File Extension:" mettez sur "MP4" , sélectionnez votre vidéo et choisissez bien le profil/preset "Web -> Vimeo Youtube HQ 720p60". ET SURTOUT ! vérifiez bien que "Web Optimized" est coché sinon la Wii u devra entièrement télécharger la vidéo avant de pouvoir la lire.

Définissez le fichier de sorti en cliquant sur "Browse". Ensuite cliquez sur "Start Encode".

Voilà vous avez votre fichier vidéo au format MP4 optimisé pour le Web.

(Partie 1) Mettre en place HFS sur l’ordinateur :

HFS qui signifie http File Server est un programme très utile qui va nous permettre de mettre en place un serveur de partage de fichier dans le réseau local par le protocole HTTP qui est lisible par le navigateur Web de la Wii u.

Tout d’abord, téléchargez HFS sur , placez-le où vous voulez (personnellement c’est un dossier Utilitaire comme çà je sais où il est). HFS est un programme portable qui donc ne nécessite pas d’installation.

Lancez-le et sélectionnez "No" et la première option à changer est "Menu -> Tray icons" décochez "Minimize to tray" ; et la deuxième option à changer est "Menu -> Start/Exit" cochez "Minimize to tray clicking the close button [ X ]"

Ensuite on va ajouter les dossiers les fichiers vidéo à partager avec la Wii u : "Menu" Cliquez sur "Add folder from disk…" et sélectionnez les dossiers où vous stockez vos vidéos, normalement le dossier Vidéos ; puis vous pouvez ajouter manuellement d'autres vidéos en cliquant sur "Add files…" depuis "Menu".

Dans tous les cas sélectionnez "Real folder" quand vous ajoutez des dossiers.

Ensuite vérifiez d'abord sur le PC si cela marche en cliquant sur "Open in browser". Si votre navigateur internet ouvre une page web en HTTP avec une interface qui permet de télécharger vos fichiers, c'est que c'est bon.

Tout ce qu'il reste à faire, c'est laisser l'ordinateur allumer avec HFS d'ouvert (vous pouvez le mettre en arrière-plan, cela consommera moins de ressources, pour ce faire fermer le programme en cliquant sur la croix en haut à droit de HFS comme n'importe quel programme)

Enfin, retenez juste ou marquez l'adresse web marqué à droite de "Open in browser", c'est normalement http://192.168.X.XXX/ (et si vous venez de fermer le programme, afficher de nouveau en double cliquant sur l'icône HFS en bas à gauche de l'écran pour voir l'adresse, refermez-le après si vous voulez)

(Partie 2) Connecter la Wii u au serveur HTTP :

Ensuite allumez votre Wii u, lancez le Navigateur Web, et tapez l'adresse de tout à l'heure dans la barre d'adresse en haut (normalement http://192.168.X.XX/ ) (Je vous conseille de mettre la page en marque-page, ce sera plus rapide pour les prochaines fois !). Vous devriez arriver dans une interface la même que sur le PC si vous avez testé sur l'ordinateur auparavant.

A partir de là, vous pouvez naviguez dans les dossiers ou dans la racine et ouvrir n'importe quel fichier vidéo MP4. Il devrait normalement bien se lancer.

Conclusion :

Cette technique marche parfaitement et est relativement stable si votre Wii u est connecté (au mieux) à la box par un câble Ethernet ou à la box par Wifi en étant pas trop loin de celle-ci.

C'était tout pour moi, et je vous souhaite bon visionnage !

Last edited by Endvad,


Im Aware ... Im Unaware
Aug 17, 2016
Londoner , Living In Louisiana ...
United States
Huhhhh i ever thought this was possible ! i wish i found this out a while back i would have attempted to do so !! dont get me wrong i still love my WIIU but i simply dont use it for media ( i would have a few years back ) is there a way to stop the Menu music i hate it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Psionic Roshambo

Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2011
United States
Or just spend like 25 bucks on an Amazon fire stick, download Plex and like 40 other free video apps.

I love the Wii-U as a HD Wii... lol but playing video on it seems like a waste and using what will be rare hardware one day, for a purpose that could be done on cheaper and better for the purpose hardware?

Don't get me wrong if it's what you want to use your Wii-U for, that is your fun and I say go for it. (Can't say I haven't done worse lol I used to transcode entire movies to play them on my DS Lite)


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2017
United States
Or just spend like 25 bucks on an Amazon fire stick, download Plex and like 40 other free video apps.

I love the Wii-U as a HD Wii... lol but playing video on it seems like a waste and using what will be rare hardware one day, for a purpose that could be done on cheaper and better for the purpose hardware?

Don't get me wrong if it's what you want to use your Wii-U for, that is your fun and I say go for it. (Can't say I haven't done worse lol I used to transcode entire movies to play them on my DS Lite)
I will say that, in my experience, watching video on the Wii U via YouTube and other previously offered apps like Netflix was amazing. Because if you were watching a movie or show with a group of people and one of you has to use the bathroom, my apartment's layout works wonderfully to allow the person going to the bathroom to take the GamePad without losing signal to continue to watch the experience in the bathroom while the rest of the group continues to watch the video on the big screen uninterrupted. Not gonna lie, it's a revelation being able to watch video this way on the Wii U, which makes it maddening that no official media player app was ever offered and that nearly every streaming service it once had, it no longer offers.


Jun 11, 2021
United States
Or just spend like 25 bucks on an Amazon fire stick, download Plex and like 40 other free video apps.

I love the Wii-U as a HD Wii... lol but playing video on it seems like a waste and using what will be rare hardware one day, for a purpose that could be done on cheaper and better for the purpose hardware?

Don't get me wrong if it's what you want to use your Wii-U for, that is your fun and I say go for it. (Can't say I haven't done worse lol I used to transcode entire movies to play them on my DS Lite)
You did that for the ds, I do that for the Wii u it's exactly the same (and yes, as you say I also use it mainly for gaming)
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New Member
Mar 7, 2017
Or the most easy free way plex alternative to stream video files of any format to the wii u web browser with transcoding support is to install Air Playit. Then in the app go to the Web tab and enable the web browser option and set resolution to 1920 x 1080. Also, on the Shared Folders tab you can add your folders containing movies. Then on the wii u open web browser and go to the ip address shown in the Information tab of the app (but you have to add h.t.t.p.(semicolon)(double slash) to the beginning of your ip) and you will see the list of videos. You welcome!


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2007
In the shadows behind you
The reason I want Plex on the WiiU is its still connected and the screen is right there doing nothing.
When Netflix was working on it I had it there all the time playing a movie. Now its just a black screen doing nothing but wasting space.
I use plex a lot so getting that working on it would be great then I will use it a lot more
And no you cant put in the IP and it'll work. Have you tried it? no. If you did you would know it doesn't work.


Active Member
Feb 12, 2020
The reason I want Plex on the WiiU is its still connected and the screen is right there doing nothing.
When Netflix was working on it I had it there all the time playing a movie. Now its just a black screen doing nothing but wasting space.
I use plex a lot so getting that working on it would be great then I will use it a lot more
And no you cant put in the IP and it'll work. Have you tried it? no. If you did you would know it doesn't work.
You could try to make a client for plex, plex has github open source repo.


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2017
United States
I remember when Plex used to work in the Wii U's browser, that was amazing. Unfortunately that stopped working in the Wii U browser after only like a year or 2 of me being aware of it's functionality within the Wii U browser to begin with.

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