Deleted User
now I didn't document this rightway assuming this had happened to other people, but after months of looking around... I was wrong.
ok so what happened you may ask? first off my old3ds was a older firmware I cannot recall, but this was piror to 11.0 definitely. so I used a ar code around the point of the save block in the memory spot, near the boss fight, (i will add proper naming soon) I saved and then quit, the code I used was to give mario and luigi all bros moves, I then remove the action replay and play the game normally, until, we reached peaches castle shortly after getting bowser back, this is where things get a little weird, the screen in directions I was moving was beginging to flicker, it was around the giant spike room, needing to play as the ball bowser, it was until I reached the frost mimbus fight that it occured, so I inhaled the frost ennimies as normal but it wasn't normal, the ennimies where inhaled as followed bottom right top right top left, before the game swap to mario and luigi of the battle, the game crashed, but it wasn't a normal game crash, ok you know if you crash new super mario bros ds you can acess the homemenu still... but that wasn't the case, I couldn't not at all, all iputs where ingnored, power down wouldn't work normally, and of course the homemenu wouldn't either, It showed two lines of vaules 0xd--------- FFFFFFEF
I cannot recall the entire thing, and I might not recall the values correctly the only thing im sure was it was 0xd for the first 3. now of course testing my save file would rerepilicate it right? wrong it didn't and I noticed that the ennimies were now swolloed in a different pattern, left bottom up then top right. I couldn't get all enimies swolloed down using the vacume block, that was the same for the crash battle. I'm naming specifics to see if people can figure out why this crash happened.
EDIT: ok I got the pattern wrong the crash happened when ennimies swollowed in this pattern, top left bottom left bottom right, non crash happened as followed, bottom left top right bottom right
ok so what happened you may ask? first off my old3ds was a older firmware I cannot recall, but this was piror to 11.0 definitely. so I used a ar code around the point of the save block in the memory spot, near the boss fight, (i will add proper naming soon) I saved and then quit, the code I used was to give mario and luigi all bros moves, I then remove the action replay and play the game normally, until, we reached peaches castle shortly after getting bowser back, this is where things get a little weird, the screen in directions I was moving was beginging to flicker, it was around the giant spike room, needing to play as the ball bowser, it was until I reached the frost mimbus fight that it occured, so I inhaled the frost ennimies as normal but it wasn't normal, the ennimies where inhaled as followed bottom right top right top left, before the game swap to mario and luigi of the battle, the game crashed, but it wasn't a normal game crash, ok you know if you crash new super mario bros ds you can acess the homemenu still... but that wasn't the case, I couldn't not at all, all iputs where ingnored, power down wouldn't work normally, and of course the homemenu wouldn't either, It showed two lines of vaules 0xd--------- FFFFFFEF
I cannot recall the entire thing, and I might not recall the values correctly the only thing im sure was it was 0xd for the first 3. now of course testing my save file would rerepilicate it right? wrong it didn't and I noticed that the ennimies were now swolloed in a different pattern, left bottom up then top right. I couldn't get all enimies swolloed down using the vacume block, that was the same for the crash battle. I'm naming specifics to see if people can figure out why this crash happened.
EDIT: ok I got the pattern wrong the crash happened when ennimies swollowed in this pattern, top left bottom left bottom right, non crash happened as followed, bottom left top right bottom right
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