Homebrew strange 3ds crash, using ds bowser inside story

  • Thread starter Deleted User
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Deleted User

now I didn't document this rightway assuming this had happened to other people, but after months of looking around... I was wrong.

ok so what happened you may ask? first off my old3ds was a older firmware I cannot recall, but this was piror to 11.0 definitely. so I used a ar code around the point of the save block in the memory spot, near the boss fight, (i will add proper naming soon) I saved and then quit, the code I used was to give mario and luigi all bros moves, I then remove the action replay and play the game normally, until, we reached peaches castle shortly after getting bowser back, this is where things get a little weird, the screen in directions I was moving was beginging to flicker, it was around the giant spike room, needing to play as the ball bowser, it was until I reached the frost mimbus fight that it occured, so I inhaled the frost ennimies as normal but it wasn't normal, the ennimies where inhaled as followed bottom right top right top left, before the game swap to mario and luigi of the battle, the game crashed, but it wasn't a normal game crash, ok you know if you crash new super mario bros ds you can acess the homemenu still... but that wasn't the case, I couldn't not at all, all iputs where ingnored, power down wouldn't work normally, and of course the homemenu wouldn't either, It showed two lines of vaules 0xd--------- FFFFFFEF

I cannot recall the entire thing, and I might not recall the values correctly the only thing im sure was it was 0xd for the first 3. now of course testing my save file would rerepilicate it right? wrong it didn't and I noticed that the ennimies were now swolloed in a different pattern, left bottom up then top right. I couldn't get all enimies swolloed down using the vacume block, that was the same for the crash battle. I'm naming specifics to see if people can figure out why this crash happened.

EDIT: ok I got the pattern wrong the crash happened when ennimies swollowed in this pattern, top left bottom left bottom right, non crash happened as followed, bottom left top right bottom right
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Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2014
United States
This sounds like it might be a debug function of the game. There are other DS games that have debug functions that can be accessed after the game crashes, and a combination of buttons are pressed.

Deleted User

This sounds like it might be a debug function of the game. There are other DS games that have debug functions that can be accessed after the game crashes, and a combination of buttons are pressed.

but thats not the case, i didn't press any buttons on 3ds at crash, and also it went to it right away, and also if it was the case why couldn't i acess the homemenu all the other ones allow that, and another thing there is no record of mario luigi bowsers inside story (im from usa just to tell which cartrige) having a debug menu, so in other words, this may not be the ds game crashing, the 3ds may have its main component, which if thats the case then why?

aka im impling the 3ds it self crashed

yep just as i thought no crash menu, there is a debug but its a debug room, not a debug crash or a blue screen.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2014
United States
but thats not the case, i didn't press any buttons on 3ds at crash, and also it went to it right away, and also if it was the case why couldn't i acess the homemenu all the other ones allow that, and another thing there is no record of mario luigi bowsers inside story (im from usa just to tell which cartrige) having a debug menu, so in other words, this may not be the ds game crashing, the 3ds may have its main component, which if thats the case then why?

aka im impling the 3ds it self crashed

yep just as i thought no crash menu, there is a debug but its a debug room, not a debug crash or a blue screen.
Interesting, it could be possible that it is part of the 3DS, or maybe it's part of the software that runs NDS software on the 3DS. Maybe it was used when testing compatibility with DS games on the 3DS.

Deleted User

im making a new thread in hopes that developers of hb can make some sense of it

Deleted User

ok I'm going to sum up my last post, bowser inside story crashed and had a debug, except it wasn't the ds debug presumably due to no record of the game having a debug crash or anything in that mannor, so I'm going to attept to recall the values I saw this was months ago, I thought it wasn't just me, and clearly I'm wrong. detail of crash values (im sorry I can only recall the first 3 and maybe the end) 0xd--------- FFFFFFFFFEEF (second line) 0xd--------- --------------- I cannot recall the rest sorry, but I will detail what I did what happened exactly, first off (assuming that my use of ar im going to say it because it might have meanning) i used ar code to give mario and luigi and also bowser all their moves saved the game rightaway (i saved in memory banks) i then quit like any other person, removed action replay and played the game normally, it was until I got bowser back the game was not loading exactly right, i was in the spike room when in ball form, (the spike room is in peaches castle) directions I was moving cause parts of the game to flicker, so example if I'm moving down the bottom portion and of the screen would flicker until I stopped moving, and after getting in the room far enough the flickering stopped, it was unitl blizard mimbus the crashed happened, so after mimbus spawns his little friends, i swollowed them up you know the normal thing. then just like that before the screeen trasitioned to mario and luigi completly (it was showing around the stomach part but still you could see bowser just a little bit) then the game crashed, after seeing the crash I tried to figure out why, and I have a sense of a idea, first off the ennimies where swolloed not normally, there is specific way ennimies are swollloed in specific orders, what ever i must of done is managed to change that, I could never get all four swollowed at once. now here is the kicker, mario and luigi don't have a debug, yes you heard me, they don't have a debug, which is why i belive i didn't crash the ds part, i crashed the 3ds!!!:O, another good bit of proof is ,it wouldn't power down normally (i was forced to power down via holding the power) nor did the 3ds even respond to the homemenu button, last time i checked you could always do that if you crashed the 3ds in ds mode, another big thing that makes me belive that its the main 3ds is, I didn't press any buttons, all of the ds debugs require certain button presses to show the debug, again not the case, my firmware was 10.7 If I'm correct. and was a old 3ds
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Deleted User

realize this is months ago, i don't have a pic of it because i was stupid and asumed that someone else had this crap had it happened to them. and of course thanks to my stupidity, I didn't get a pic of it

Deleted User

Not sure about THIS bug but, I had been messing with cheats in Bowsers Inside story as well. I believe that the game would always freeze as Bowsers was trying to destroy that Pink guy on one of the boss battles.

My game had become unplayable because I would always freeze at that point. I could never progress


Jan 26, 2015
United States
OK, first of all, you did not crash the "main" 3ds. There is no "main" 3ds in DS mode. When you start a DS game, all non-DS hardware turns off, all DS hardware turns on, and for all intents and purposes it becomes a DS. (At least normally. We managed to turn on DSi mode hardware recently.)
As for what you managed to do, it sounds like maybe the AR code you used was incorrect. You might have done a buffer overflow from the save data into the game data for peach's castle, trashing the data for the area and perhaps the Blizzard Midbus fight. It really depends on where everything is stored in the game, and as I have no real idea where everything is stored in BIS, (and I doubt many if any people do) I couldn't give you a definitive answer.
On a side note, you don't make 2 threads for the exact same topic. That's not how it works :teach:
Last edited by Swiftloke,

Deleted User

OK, first of all, you did not crash the "main" 3ds. There is no "main" 3ds in DS mode. When you start a DS game, all non-DS hardware turns off, all DS hardware turns on, and for all intents and purposes it becomes a DS. (At least normally. We managed to turn on DSi mode hardware recently.)
As for what you managed to do, it sounds like maybe the AR code you used was incorrect. You might have done a buffer overflow from the save data into the game data for peach's castle, trashing the data for the area and perhaps the Blizzard Midbus fight. It really depends on where everything is stored in the game, and as I have no real idea where everything is stored in BIS, (and I doubt many if any people do) I couldn't give you a definitive answer.
On a side note, you don't make 2 threads for the exact same topic. That's not how it works :teach:

ok but explain to me then why i couldn't acess the main menu, here is the catch, if it were to be true that this was just a normal ds mode crash why would the homenu not work, because i done crashes on super mario 64 ds, and new super mario brothers ds, which both (varying on what version you have) it will have a debug menu, and always once in the debug menu you can still acess the main menu via menu button. but you could be right im not a wizard.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

OK, first of all, you did not crash the "main" 3ds. There is no "main" 3ds in DS mode. When you start a DS game, all non-DS hardware turns off, all DS hardware turns on, and for all intents and purposes it becomes a DS. (At least normally. We managed to turn on DSi mode hardware recently.)
As for what you managed to do, it sounds like maybe the AR code you used was incorrect. You might have done a buffer overflow from the save data into the game data for peach's castle, trashing the data for the area and perhaps the Blizzard Midbus fight. It really depends on where everything is stored in the game, and as I have no real idea where everything is stored in BIS, (and I doubt many if any people do) I couldn't give you a definitive answer.
On a side note, you don't make 2 threads for the exact same topic. That's not how it works :teach:
and also reminder, I REMOVED the ar after saving. but i will also take a look where bis is stored.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

Not sure about THIS bug but, I had been messing with cheats in Bowsers Inside story as well. I believe that the game would always freeze as Bowsers was trying to destroy that Pink guy on one of the boss battles.

My game had become unplayable because I would always freeze at that point. I could never progress
see there is a tiny problem, it wasn't a freeze it went stright into the blue screen no button inputs, and for those wondering if i corrupted my save data I didn't the game play normal all the way after that crash (i completed it np),question: wouldn't the buffered overflow stay in effect causing more problems, but catch 22, no more issues after crash, I also removed the ar, and the code isn't invalid, if I'm thinking correctly.

one last thing that truly bothers me is that if this was the case and you guys are correct that 3ds just acting in ds mode, why couldn't i acess the homenu and it wouldn't turn off normally, most ds games if crashed, you can simply quit, but this crash didn't allow that.
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Jan 26, 2015
United States
Really, answering your question in particular would involve some extremely in-depth knowledge of how BiS works, which again I don't have. However, regarding your last post, there are some things I can answer.
-removing the AR code won't do anything if you saved the game with it active. It wrote the code to the save data, thus it would remain persistent.
-you did not crash the "main 3DS", again there is none. It acts exactly like a regular DS, literally the exact same hardware inside of it.
-I couldn't really tell you why the game worked fine afterwards. If BiS loads the code dynamically, then that could change what you overflowed into.
-the entire key to this whole scenario is what code you used. If you still have it, share it with us, as well as the original code. You either typed it in wrong, or you got a bad code.
-I don't know why the game wouldn't return to the homenu. (That's pretty clever btw) Perhaps the code the game jumped to had an exception in it. That might lock up the rest of the processor, in theory also the part searching for a HOME button press. However, I don't know any of that for certain, I have no idea how these functions work in DS mode.
Last edited by Swiftloke,


Waiting for something to happen?
Jan 19, 2016
United States
You searched around to find if anyone else has had a game crash with similar circumstances to yours, to find that nothing on the topic documented.. Not very shocking tbh
Fun Fact; You can trigger crashes like this by dropping the system while a DS game is running. This works with any well-worn DS cart (maybe 3DS, but I haven't had it happen) (ofc it doesn't work consistently)
Last edited by Ricken, , Reason: Not very shocking tbh

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