Translation soulja boi becomes jesoos


Spanish code for Spanisher codecs
Jun 21, 2018
my villa
Shrek was home quarantining himself. Of course he had nothing to do and was bored out of his mind. Until he remembered about movie star planet and how much fun that game was so he logged on his computer and got on. He went to log into his account but it said his account didn't exist. So he typed it again, still incorrect. He kept on typing it in for while, he couldn't make a new account because he got his account back in 2012 so it had a lot of stuff on it and he was a member. An hour later he gave up and made a new account. He did the whole set up and finally made his account. Once he got his log in gifts he got on a chat room. Not many were there but he saw something horrible, online dating. He saw a girl named Xxgamer_girl234xX talking to cool.emo.dude666 and they were saying things that made him uncomfortable, so he reported both of them. "Hey I reported you." Shrek told them. Then cool.emo.dude666 started saying mean things like "kill yourself" to shrek and left. Shrek then tracked down cool.emo.dude's location and entered his house. In the room there was a fat 40 something year old with stains on his shirt and poorly shaved facial hair. Shrek knew what was going on, the guy was saying that he was 12 so he can fool little girls so he can smash them. He called the police and he was arrested. "Good job shrek. You stopped a very bad person." The police happily told him.
Shrek was home quarantining himself. Of course he had nothing to do and was bored out of his mind. Until he remembered about movie star planet and how much fun that game was so he logged on his computer and got on. He went to log into his account but it said his account didn't exist. So he typed it again, still incorrect. He kept on typing it in for while, he couldn't make a new account because he got his account back in 2012 so it had a lot of stuff on it and he was a member. An hour later he gave up and made a new account. He did the whole set up and finally made his account. Once he got his log in gifts he got on a chat room. Not many were there but he saw something horrible, online dating. He saw a girl named Xxgamer_girl234xX talking to cool.emo.dude666 and they were saying things that made him uncomfortable, so he reported both of them. "Hey I reported you." Shrek told them. Then cool.emo.dude666 started saying mean things like "kill yourself" to shrek and left. Shrek then tracked down cool.emo.dude's location and entered his house. In the room there was a fat 40 something year old with stains on his shirt and poorly shaved facial hair. Shrek knew what was going on, the guy was saying that he was 12 so he can fool little girls so he can smash them. He called the police and he was arrested. "Good job shrek. You stopped a very bad person." The police happily told him.

Shrek was glad to get away from the creep. After he did some more online searching he found a website called which is a website that lets you upload videos. He uploaded a video about how fucking dumb he thinks this dating thing is, how he's a gamer and these people are taking things way to far. He knew it was stupid but he couldn't help it. Once the video was up on YouTube, he got sent to a website called He was scared at first but the people there were nice and told him not to be scared, they had never seen him before so they didn't know who he was. He was happy to see there were people like him. After he was at Reddit he just sat there and people were asking him questions about himself. It was fun, he couldn't wait for the next day to get there. When he got there he was extremely happy, he saw a woman called zanylun, she helped him with his questions. Then when he got down to it she told him to go up and down the beach until he found a lot of shells and then they could get married and not worry about dating and stuff. Shrek liked the idea of being married. It was like getting his old life back. He ran to the beach and found all the shells he had been looking for. At the end of the beach he found a large pearl, it was the biggest pearl he had ever seen and it was blue. He was in heaven. So he picked it up and left. When he went back to find zanylun she had left. She said she was too busy for a wedding now. Shrek was heartbroken but he knew it wasn't her fault. He decided to go home and check his mailbox, there was one and it had a note. It read; "I got your video and you want to marry me? I've been trying to figure out how to break up with my girlfriend and we're getting married today. Just wanted to tell you. I hope you still want to get married to me because you can't take it back once you've said you want to. So thanks for sharing your video about the Dating Game" Shrek wasn't sure if he still wanted to get married to her but he knew it was a good idea to check. Once he got there he went to the house and there was nothing but a lot of bad food and snacks. He noticed a big box on the floor. He opened it and there was a gift with a note. It read; "You didn't get to the gift yet. It says right here" He read the note and it said "Welcome to the marriage"
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