Yes, and the people who smuggle shit in from Mexico, Canada, and other countries will just smuggle in cigarettes. The "war on drugs" will just include cigarettes.
Don't care about that at all. When its nice outside sometimes I like to sit outside at the bar. But guess what? Surrounded by 20 people chain smoking the entire time. One after another after another after another, the entire night non-stop. I see people smoking cigs all over the place. Walking down the street, standing in front of businesses, throwing their cig butts all over, etc. etc. I don't see that going on with marijuana even thou it is now legal in a lot of places. I don't see people walking down the street smoking joints and bowls constantly. I don't see them standing in front of the business I want to enter. I don't see them chain smoking all night at the bar. They take a few puffs and are good for a while. I don't see them throwing roaches all over the place. I don't care about the war on drugs. If something can be done to prevent me from having to deal with cigs in public, I'm all for it.
In related news, the city i live in is passing a cannabis ordinance that would prevent smoking cannabis or even eating edibles in public. Can't even take a couple puffs of a medical prescription outside of the bars now, where there are troves of people chain smoking cigs. Petty misdemeanor and a $300 fine.