Homebrew Request 3D for wii! Using Riivolution


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2002
United States
I just saw a -very- impressive youtube video where someone is making a 2 player split screen game of Super Mario Galaxy 2.

My question, could anyone make a patch for Side by side play *or top/bottom* that could be used on 3D tvs?

I would... if I culd program anything. x.x;

Deleted User

I just saw a -very- impressive youtube video where someone is making a 2 player split screen game of Super Mario Galaxy 2.

My question, could anyone make a patch for Side by side play *or top/bottom* that could be used on 3D tvs?

I would... if I culd program anything. x.x;

Um, no. That's kind of near impossible unless you want cheap cyan-and-red 3D. But 3D TV glasses, I'm not so sure. One thing I do know, you can't request someone for something like this on this forum and expecting a correct answer immediately. Ask the creator of the mod. Besides, he's going to try to either get rid of the separated screens or make Luigi and Mario on separate screens, which will be terrible in 3D. @_@


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2002
United States
I think you mis-understood what I was requesting... I probably didn't explain it very well.

I saw the mario mod.. which made the game split screen.

Most TVs have an option to take Side by side and turn it into a 3d image.

I was wonderng if someone could program a patch that simply makes most games side by side.


Dec 23, 2009
No. Just...no.

First things first: that 2 player splitscreen Galaxy video IS amazing, hands down. Rendering 2 different images like that...I don't know enough of programming how they did it, but I guess it's with some HUGE coding involved. Also note that it hasn't been released yet. I doubt it's anywhere near stable enough for releasing, and with the wii's processor, it would surprise me if it WOULDN'T involve cutting some details in order to keep the framerates in the double digits.

If I understand side by side 3D correctly (random linky), you'll have to render each image twice. That in itself isn't easy: since the wii was nowhere designed for it, it would probably just double the amount of resources needed. Which is not only something that is undoubtedly far more complex to do than it sounds, but the results will drain the GPU and CPU into a crawn on any game more powerful than wii sports.

Second: you don't just want to render the same image twice (which would yield no result). You want the second one to be positioned slightly different.
And that's the part that's just impossible. Yes, riivolution can replace textures. But in order to create 3D, you'll have to retain that slightly different position in any angle.

Here's a test. Take any random (virtual) picture. Make a copy. Now alter that picture in such a way that, if you put both pictures together and you look at it cross-eyed, it springs out in 3D. Not easy, huh? Well...then think again: in order to make a 3D moving object, that was actually a piece of cake (relatively speaking, of course).

So: no. Please don't take offense, but that wasn't a smart question. The amount of work and processing power plain out make it impossible, even for a professional team. Just asking if someone could do it would be analogue to asking if someone could plain out write and compile a windows-replacement for five bucks*.

*yes, someone actually asked that, once.


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2011
Oh god that video is epic, if it is real and if they can hack it to a useful state then it mean 2 things; they are masters of coding or nintendo really are the masters of their own hardware. Eitherway, you will have to ask them what you want when they are done. or do what Wever said.


Not a pirate
Apr 4, 2009
Visit site
No. Just...no.

First things first: that 2 player splitscreen Galaxy video IS amazing, hands down. Rendering 2 different images like that...I don't know enough of programming how they did it, but I guess it's with some HUGE coding involved. Also note that it hasn't been released yet. I doubt it's anywhere near stable enough for releasing, and with the wii's processor, it would surprise me if it WOULDN'T involve cutting some details in order to keep the framerates in the double digits.

If I understand side by side 3D correctly (random linky), you'll have to render each image twice. That in itself isn't easy: since the wii was nowhere designed for it, it would probably just double the amount of resources needed. Which is not only something that is undoubtedly far more complex to do than it sounds, but the results will drain the GPU and CPU into a crawn on any game more powerful than wii sports.

Second: you don't just want to render the same image twice (which would yield no result). You want the second one to be positioned slightly different.
And that's the part that's just impossible. Yes, riivolution can replace textures. But in order to create 3D, you'll have to retain that slightly different position in any angle.

Here's a test. Take any random (virtual) picture. Make a copy. Now alter that picture in such a way that, if you put both pictures together and you look at it cross-eyed, it springs out in 3D. Not easy, huh? Well...then think again: in order to make a 3D moving object, that was actually a piece of cake (relatively speaking, of course).

So: no. Please don't take offense, but that wasn't a smart question. The amount of work and processing power plain out make it impossible, even for a professional team. Just asking if someone could do it would be analogue to asking if someone could plain out write and compile a windows-replacement for five bucks*.

*yes, someone actually asked that, once.

Your first point about rendering two images at once - yeah, duh. Obviously to create side-by-side, you're going to have to have two images. I haven't seen the video of the split screen mod, but this is the same as is happening there, so clearly it is possible to render two images at once.

You second point about it being impossible to render a second image from a different direction - nope. The game takes place in 3D, it's just rendered into 2D so you can see it. I'm sure with a Riivolution patch it is possible to change the camera angle if someone works out exactly what to change (heck, can you not even do that in the game itself? I think you can from memory of the last time I played it). The Wii already knows how far away various objects are etc. It could render an image at a different angle. And seeing as we already established that it could render two images at once, rendering one at the standard angle and one at another angle should also be possible.

So what am I saying? Yeah, it's possible. Would it be easy? Nope. Would the resulting gameplay be as smooth as normal? I don't know. Possibly not. Will anyone do it? Unlikely.

As an interesting aside, I would like to note that there was a plugin for the PSP that could make games in red-cyan 3D (the only 3D possible on a non 3D screen). This still involved rendering two images from different angles, and also involved applying a filter to both and superposing them on top of each other. And that worked.

EDIT: Went and watched the video. It seems extremely easy to have faked that. But my post is assuming the video is genuine.
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Oct 18, 2009
United States
I just saw a -very- impressive youtube video where someone is making a 2 player split screen game of Super Mario Galaxy 2.

My question, could anyone make a patch for Side by side play *or top/bottom* that could be used on 3D tvs?

I would... if I culd program anything. x.x;

This dude hasn't heard of Dolphin.

The new (3.0+) revisions of Dolphin support 3D and "HD" (upscaling) Wii games, and 3D + "HD" (upscaling) GameCube games as well. The compatibility isn't 100% in 3D mode, but out of the games I've tried in 3D with Dolphin No More Heroes 2 (for example) had AMAZING 3D. Pokemon Colosseum was fair, but it had a LOT of ghosting (the 3D "worked" but there was a ton of ghosting).

Some games (such as Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess) didn't even go into 3D at all (they were just 2 2D split screens, I guess a compatibility issue that may or may not be resolved later). Even still, the Dolphin emulator has been excellent to me. I've been running Wii games in HD (and some in 3D ) with my DualShock 3 and I've had no/minimal lag.

tl;dr Get the Dolphin Emulator. It's got excellent HD upscaling compatibility and fair 3D compatibility for Wii AND GameCube games, and also the ability to use any controller instead of limiting yourself to a Wii Remote / GameCube controllers (although it can be synched to a real Wii Remote you don't NEED to use one; you can have open options to controllers).
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