Exactly one month after the preview release of Zelda ROTH for 3DS, I release the first preview of the port on 3DS of the second chapter of this Zelda fan game saga: Zelda Oni Link Begins.
From v0.2 the game should be playable, from v0.3 there are sound and other two languages (Spanish and French).
All you need to know about this game is in the official site of the game: http://www.zeldaroth.fr
Compiled game (3dsx and CIA versions): http://github.com/nop90/ZeldaOLB/releases
Source: http://github.com/nop90/ZeldaOLB/
The first chapter (stable release) is here: http://gbatemp.net/threads/release-zelda-roth-for-3ds.425503/
The original game is made by Vincent Jouillat (http://www.zeldaroth.fr)
This game uses the sf2d sftd and sfil libraries created by @xerpi
Ver. 1.1 (07 June 2017)
- Improved Italian translation
- Added a dirty workaround to avoid a memory leak
- Renamed villageest.raw music file adding a startig capital letter to avoid the music module crash entering in Ruto Village
Ver. 1.0 (02 June 2017)
- Completed Italian translation (thanks to @Rinnegatamante )
Ver. 0.4 (11 March 2017)
- Changed some music that was from ROTH and not from OLB
Ver. 0.3 alpha (12 June 2016)
- Activated sounds
- Added Spanish and French languages (some menu not completed yet)
- Mapped missing keys
Ver. 0.2 alpha (11 June 2016)
- Fixed memory leaks
- Added a CIA version
Ver. 0.1 alpha (07 June 2016)
- First alpha release. It's a preview that is barely playable
In the zip there is a folder with the 3dsx and the smdh files inside, to be used with a homebrew launcher. All the resources are included in the executable using romfs.
There is also a zip with the CIA version.
The game creates a ZeldaOLB subfolder inside the 3ds folder if doesn't exist. Here will be saved your game progresses.
- Read / Open / Speak: A
- Confirm / Pass text: A
- Move Link: Arrows
- Run : R hold
- Use sword: B
- Spin attack: B hold then dropped
- Item selection: L + START
- Use selected object: Y
- Pick up items: X
- Put mask: L + X
- Teleport ONI at the temple entrance: L + R
- Open the map: START (outside of dungeons)
- Open the map: START (in dungeons)
- View defeated monsters: L and B
- Look around: L and direction
- Enlarge / Shrink screen size: L and A
- Show help: L and Y
- Save / Quit: SELECT
- Close the game: SELECT from the title screen
Known Bugs
- none
To Do List
Last edited by nop90,