ROM Hack [Release]Gateshark2NTR


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
South of France :)
This is no longer supported, consider using CTRPF with Action Replay support instead of using a converter.
With it you can simply load your text files with cheats.

Hi guys ! :)

Today I present to you the Gateshark2NTR.

Prefer using the NTR Plugin Manager to convert your codes, it's easier to use. ;)

What is this ?
Well as the name say it this little piece of soft will allows you to "convert" a Gateshark's cheats text file in a plugin usable with NTR.

How to use it ?
This soft is almost full automatic so it should be easy to use.
You just need to give the file to the soft and it'll start the plugin creation.
3 ways to pass the file:
  1. Drag & Drop the file on the soft's icon
  2. Launch the soft and a window will appear to select the file
  3. Pass the file as an argument through a shell
What do I need to use this ?
  1. DevKitPRO, Install this and be sure to add "c:\devkitPro\msys\bin" to the PATH Environment Variable
  2. You also need to have the VCRedist 2015 installed.
This soft support all the codes used by gateway and even more.
0 Type
Description: 32bit write of YYYYYYYY to 0XXXXXXX.
Simple: Makes the value at address 0XXXXXXX equal the value YYYYYYYY.

023D6B28 3B9ACA00

1 Type
Format: 1XXXXXXX 0000YYYY
Description: 16bit write of YYYY to 0XXXXXXX.
Simple: Makes the value at address 0XXXXXXX equal the value YYYY.

023D6B28 00002710

2 Type
Format: 2XXXXXXX 000000YY
Description: 8bit write of YY to 0XXXXXXX.
Simple: Makes the value at address 0XXXXXXX equal the value YY.

023D6B28 00000032

3 Type
Description: 32bit if less than.
Simple: If the value at address 0XXXXXXX is less than the value YYYYYYYY.

323D6B28 10000000

4 Type
Description: 32bit if greater than.
Simple: If the value at address 0XXXXXXX is greater than the value YYYYYYYY.

423D6B28 10000000

5 Type
Description: 32bit if equal to.
Simple: If the value at address 0XXXXXXX is equal to the value YYYYYYYY.

523D6B28 10000000

6 Type
Description: 32bit if not equal to.
Simple: If the value at address 0XXXXXXX is not equal to the value YYYYYYYY.

623D6B28 10000000

7 Type
Format: 7XXXXXXXX 0000YYYY
Description: 16bit if less than.
Simple: If the value at address 0XXXXXXX is less than the value YYYY.

723D6B28 00005400

8 Type
Format: 8XXXXXXXX 0000YYYY
Description: 16bit if greater than.
Simple: If the value at address 0XXXXXXX is greater than the value YYYY.

823D6B28 00005400

9 Type
Format: 9XXXXXXXX 0000YYYY
Description: 16bit if equal to.
Simple: If the value at address 0XXXXXXX is equal to the value YYYY.

923D6B28 00005400

A Type
Description: 16bit if not equal to.
Simple: If the value at address 0XXXXXXX is not equal to the value YYYY.

A23D6B28 00005400

B Type
Format: BXXXXXXX 00000000
Description: Loads offset register.
Simple: Used for pointers, the address at 0XXXXXXX is the offset for all of the following lines.

B23D6B28 00000000
00002000 0001869F
D2000000 00000000

C Type
Format: C0000000 ZZZZZZZZ
Description: Repeat following lines at specified offset.
Simple: used to write a value to an address, and then continues to write that value Z number of times to all addresses at an offset determined by the (D6, D7, D8, or DC) type following it.
Note: used with the D6, D7, D8, and DC types. C types can not be nested.

C0000000 00000005
023D6B28 0009896C
DC000000 00000010
D2000000 00000000

D0 Type
Format: D0000000 00000000
Description: ends most recent conditional.
Simple: type 3 through A are all "conditionals," the conditional most recently executed before this line will be terminated by it.

94000130 FFFB0000
74000100 FF00000C
023D6B28 0009896C
D0000000 00000000

The 7 type line would be terminated.

D1 Type
Format: D1000000 00000000
Description: ends repeat block.
Simple: will end all conditionals within a C type code, along with the C type itself.

94000130 FFFB0000
C0000000 00000010
8453DA0C 00000200
023D6B28 0009896C
D6000000 00000005
D1000000 00000000

The C line, 8 line, 0 line, and D6 line would be terminated.

D2 Type
Format: D2000000 00000000
Description: ends all conditionals/repeats before it and sets offset and stored to zero.
Simple: ends all lines.

94000130 FEEF0000
C0000000 00000010
8453DA0C 00000200
023D6B28 0009896C
D6000000 00000005
D2000000 00000000

All lines would terminate.

D3 Type
Format: D3000000 XXXXXXXX
Description: sets offset.
Simple: loads the address X so that lines after can modify the value at address X.
Note: used with the D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, and DC types.

D3000000 023D6B28

D4 Type
Format: D4000000 YYYYYYYY
Description: adds to the stored address' value.
Simple: adds to the value at the address defined by lines D3, D9, DA, and DB.
Note: used with the D3, D9, DA, DB, DC types.

D4000000 00000025

D5 Type
Format: D5000000 YYYYYYYY
Description: sets the stored address' value.
Simple: makes the value at the address defined by lines D3, D9, DA, and DB to YYYYYYYY.
Note: used with the D3, D9, DA, DB, and DC types.

D5000000 34540099

D6 Type
Format: D6000000 XXXXXXXX
Description: 32bit store and increment by 4.
Simple: stores the value at address XXXXXXXX and to addresses in increments of 4.
Note: used with the C, D3, and D9 types.

D3000000 023D6B28

D7 Type
Format: D7000000 XXXXXXXX
Description: 16bit store and increment by 2.
Simple: stores 2 bytes of the value at address XXXXXXXX and to addresses in increments of 2.
Note: used with the C, D3, and DA types.

D7000000 023D6B28

D8 Type
Format: D8000000 XXXXXXXX
Description: 8bit store and increment by 1.
Simple: stores 1 byte of the value at address XXXXXXXX and to addresses in increments of 1.
Note: used with the C, D3, and DB types.

D8000000 023D6B28

D9 Type
Format: D9000000 XXXXXXXX
Description: 32bit load.
Simple: loads the value from address X.
Note: used with the D5 and D6 types.

D9000000 023D6B28

DA Type
Format: DA000000 XXXXXXXX
Description: 16bit load.
Simple: loads 2 bytes from address X.
Note: used with the D5 and D7 types.

DA000000 023D6B28

DB Type
Format: DB000000 XXXXXXXX
Description: 8bit load.
Simple: loads 1 byte from address X.
Note: used with the D5 and D8 types.

DB000000 023D6B28

DC Type
Format: DC000000 VVVVVVVV
Description: 32bit store and increment by V.
Simple: stores the value at address(es) before it and to addresses in increments of V.
Note: used with the C, D3, D5, D9, D8, DB types.

DC000000 00000100

E Type
Description: writes Y to X for U bytes.
Simple: writes the values at Y (Y can be any length) to addresses starting at X, for U. number of bytes.

E23D6B28 00000010
1244F2F2 02354653
23FEDA20 542FEBC0
D2000000 00000000

Special Codes: Built outsite the ARCode format, The Gateway Team have given us a little bonus.

DD Type
Format: DD000000 XXXXXXXX
Description: triggers the following code on single or combined keypress. Keypress code stops when terminated with D0 Type code. These can be stacked, i.e. A(01)+Left(20) would be 00000021



DD000000 00000021
1AE40233 000000FF
D0000000 00000000

Not Implemented: These codes are part of the ARCode format but have not been confirmed built by the Gateway Team.

F Type
Description: writes from the offset to address at X for U bytes.
Simple: writes from the offset (D3 type) to the address at X for U bytes.

D3000000 023D6B28
F23D6B2C 00000004
D2000000 00000000
S Type
Format: S0000000 UUUUUUUU
Description: Put the cheats thread in sleep for U milliseconds.

KR Type
Format: KR000000 UUUUUUUU
Description: Wait for the U keys to be released. Use the same values as the DD code

DIS Type
Format: DIS00000 00000000
Description: This will disable the cheat. With this the cheat will only be executed once.
As the execution is really fast, you might be unable to see the ON on the menu before it goes to OFF. Still the code have been executed.

LOG Type
Description: This code will create an entry in the logger. See below for further details.
The soft can use a config file in order to set some preference:
#builder_name: Nanquitas;
#name_auto: 1;
#folder_auto: 1;
#log: 0;
#debug: 1;
List of options and their meaning:
#builder_name: Will permit you to enter the name that will be used by the converter automatically for the splash menu;
#name_auto: Set to 1 by default. If disabled the soft will ask you to enter a name for the resulting file;
#folder_auto: Set to 1 by default, if the name of the input file is recognized as a titleID, the program will automatically create the folder tree like: plugin --> ID folder --> plugin.plg.
#log: Set to 0 by default. Create a traceback file with various info. Mainly used to debug the program.
#debug: Set to 0 by default. If activated, the plugin will have the Debug Menu enabled. This menu can be shown with L + Start and shows various infos. This menu also have a logger.
Log infos:
This code can only be effective if you compiled the plugin in a debug mode. Else it'll have no effect.
More infos on the logger and the log code:
X = Type
Y = Mode

  1. INFO -> Color green
  2. WARNING -> Color orange
  3. DEBUG -> Color grey
  4. ERROR -> Color red

The ERROR type also have the particularity to shows the debug Menu on it's own right when an error's log is thrown. Basically that's mean that if you set an error log, every time that the log is thrown, the debug menu will pause the game and be shown.

  1. Print value as text
  2. Print the value stocked at ZZZZZZZZ: "*(0x12345678): 11111111"
  3. Print the address and value stocked as Z: "*(0x12345678): *(11111111): 22222222"
  4. Print the value stocked in offset register
  5. Print the value stocked in data register
  6. Print the sum of offset + Z
As you know my menu can have spoiler to tidy up the menu.
So you can organize the menu with some spoiler.
[++Spoiler text++]//<-- Will open a spoiler
[--]//<-- Will close a spoiler
You can open a spoiler inside another spoiler but only for "two level":
->[+Spoiler inside Spoiler+]
->[+a second spoiler inside the first one+]
You can't do:
->[+Spoiler inside Spoiler+]
--->[+a spoiler inside the second one which is himself in the first one+]
Doing the second option will only create another spoiler below the second.

Exemple of cheats text with spoiler:
[++Monsters codes++]

[Monster3 Infinite Health]
DD000000 00000010
980D2436 F7FF0800
B80D2434 00000000
50000000 006DEA60
00000088 0001869F
KR000000 00000010
S0000000 00010000
D2000000 00000000

[Monster2 Infinite Health]
980D242E F7FF0800
B80D242C 00000000
50000000 006DEA60
00000088 0001869F
D2000000 00000000

[Monster1 Infinite Health]
980D2426 F7FF0800
B80D2424 00000000
50000000 006DEA60
00000088 0001869F
D2000000 00000000

[++Player codes++]
[Infinite AP]
980D2406 F7FF0800
B80D2404 00000000
50000000 006DDEEC
0000008C 0000270F
D2000000 00000000
[Infinite Health]
980D2406 F7FF0800
B80D2404 00000000
50000000 006DDEEC
00000088 0000270F
D2000000 00000000
[++ Inventory codes ++]
[9,999,999 CP]
6072E168 00000000
B072E168 00000000
00000000 0098967F
D2000000 00000000

[9,999,999 gil]
6072E168 00000000
B072E168 00000000
00000000 0098967F
D2000000 00000000

[99 of all consumables]
6072E168 00000000
B072E168 00000000
DC000000 FFFF1CD8
C0000000 0000001D
20000000 00000063
DC000000 00000001
D2000000 00000000

[99 of all Atmaliths and Magicites]
6072E168 00000000
B072E168 00000000
C0000000 00000037
20000000 00000063
DC000000 00000001
D2000000 00000000

6072E168 00000000
B072E168 00000000
C0000000 0000000C
20000000 00000063
DC000000 00000001
D2000000 00000000

[No skill's cooldown]
004491E8 A0E10000

[Unlock DLC Quests]
6072E168 00000000
B072E168 00000000
DC000000 FFFF2828
00000000 000001E0
D2000000 00000000
My menu also allows you to create a note for a cheat, which can be shown by pressing Y in the menu.
You can declare a note with:
{This is a note}
[++Monsters codes++]

[Monster3 Infinite Health]
DD000000 00000010
980D2436 F7FF0800
B80D2434 00000000
50000000 006DEA60
00000088 0001869F
KR000000 00000010
S0000000 00010000
D2000000 00000000
{Monster #3 Infinite Health:\n\nWith this your third monster will be invicible !!!}

[Monster2 Infinite Health]
980D242E F7FF0800
B80D242C 00000000
50000000 006DEA60
00000088 0001869F
D2000000 00000000

[Monster1 Infinite Health]
980D2426 F7FF0800
B80D2424 00000000
50000000 006DEA60
00000088 0001869F
D2000000 00000000

[++Player codes++]
[Infinite AP]
980D2406 F7FF0800
B80D2404 00000000
50000000 006DDEEC
0000008C 0000270F
D2000000 00000000
{I like to have a lot of AP !!!\nWith that I can beat the crap out of those beasts as long as I want !!!}
[Infinite Health]
980D2406 F7FF0800
B80D2404 00000000
50000000 006DDEEC
00000088 0000270F
D2000000 00000000
{Mouahahahah !!!!\n\nFear me you ants !\n\nNothing can beat me, I'm god on earth!!!}

I'm sure you got it right ?
As you can see, I used '\n'.
This mean go to the next line. By using it twice, I can jump a line.
It's the only format character supported by my function.
The plugins made with this soft have a custom menu.
So to show the menu, you don't have to x + y and go in the game plugin section, but just press select ingame.
Then you can change the hotkey by pressing Start.

I think I covered all the functions, if I forgot something I'll edit. :P

Oh yeah, a last point: the plugins made with this soft disable the online functionalities but the local multiplayer is still available.

Of course this soft wouldn't exist without a lot of people so I address my sincere thanks to:
  • @cell9 for the CFW NTR
  • @chronoss for being the main beta tester. He did a really great job, and many of improvement are here because of him
  • a lot of people all over the web, particularly people helping in the 3DS Scene. Indeed, I'm not a pro programmer, and I learned "on the go" by trying and testing. But I also read a lot of github code, which was really interesting and instructive. It's always good to see how people do things to have as many possibilities as possible. So a big thanks to them.
  • I probably forgot some people, so I add them later. :P
  • If when you start the program you have this error:
    The program can't start because VCRUNTIME140.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.
    then install the VCRedist 2015 I linked higher.
03/08/16 (V. 1.0.1)
  • Bug correction
07/08/16 (V. 1.1)
  • Add Mask support for 16 bits conditionals codes (thanks to @itsRyan for noticing it)
  • Add value truncation for the (wrong) writes codes, avoid warnings on compilation


  • Gateshark2NTR
    927.8 KB · Views: 11,068
Last edited by Nanquitas,

Deleted User

I love the note for infinite health! "{Mouahahahah !!!!\n\nFear me you ants !\n\nNothing can beat me, I'm god on earth!!!}"
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Reactions: Nanquitas


Awesome man! Keep up the amazing work! I'm hoping to see some more amazing things in the future :P


Head Nurse
Oct 21, 2015
Storm Border
Ah okay, maybe because it's a new software.

Sorry for you mate.

It's fine, I disable my anti virus when I use the program. x3

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

Avast is one of the worst antiviruses. Just because it's a brand new tool by a un trusted developer (from it's database) it will set off a red flag.

I've been on Avast for years and it's done a damn good job actually.
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  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    there is a plugin that display them on the wii u menu, pretty sure it is enabled by default
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    so like it doesnt exist
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    it doesn't exist, at least not for aroma
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    on tiramisu you can access it by opening mii maker
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    I don't have a wii u anymore to test it myself, but if homebrews are not visible on the wii u menu I think you can press L + R + minus to open the plugin menu, there should be an option called "homebrews on wii u menu" or something similar
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    it is L+dpad down+ select
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    but homebrew is appearing in the home menu btw
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    yes, now I remember it
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    then it is working, I also don't like that they did this but it is the only option you have if you are using aroma
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    i just didint know the homebrew launcher didint exist in aroma
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    thanks btw
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    @BigOnYa, How do I make enemies respawn on gdevelop after
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    Carrying a PC or phone is so old school!
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  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    @Xdqwerty you can use a "spawner" function on any object.
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Or when your player dies, you can say in code, if enemy exists, do nothing, but if enemy does not exist, then create enemy at certain spot. (This would be a pain tho for lots of emeies)
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Easiest, simple way would be just restart scene, but player would restart from beginning.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, thx in advance
    Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty: @BigOnYa, thx in advance +1