ROM Hack [Release] Cave Story (All Regions) libShark2NTR Plugin


Small Homebrew Dev
Jan 23, 2016
47 4F 54 20 45 45 4D
United States
Hiya tempers!
This is a little plugin I put together a while back when I was interested in fiddling with NTR, and I forgot to release it when I finished it. Oops.

This plugin uses @Nanquitas lovely libShark2NTR plugin framework, and supports ALL regions (USA, EUR, JPN, KOR) of Cave Story (Not Cave Story 3D!) and features several fun cheats, though I recommend beating the game at least once before using them. ;)

Backup your save before using these cheats!!!
During development my save corrupted twice, and I'm not 100% sure the issue is gone.
(Though it may be fair to assume it only corrupted when I was poking around for certain addresses)

Also if anyone knows how to set a custom background for libShark2NTR plugins, I'd love help with that.

Now that the warning is out of the way, let's see those cheats. :)

Cheats Included:

  • Set Max Missiles (L)
  • Bottomless Missiles
  • Bottomless Bubbline
  • Bottomless Machine Gun
  • Set Max Health (R)
  • Invincibility
  • All (Excludes Blade and Nemesis)
    • Maintain lvl3 Charge (Excludes Blade and Nemesis)
    • Maintain lvl2 Charge (Excludes Blade and Nemesis)
    • Maintain lvl1 Charge (Excludes Blade and Nemesis)
  • Blade
    • Maintain Max Charge
    • Maintain lvl3 Charge
    • Maintain lvl2 Charge
    • Maintain lvl1 Charge
  • Bubbline
    • Maintain Max Charge
    • Maintain lvl3 Charge
    • Maintain lvl2 Charge
    • Maintain lvl1 Charge
  • Fireball
    • Maintain Max Charge
    • Maintain lvl3 Charge
    • Maintain lvl2 Charge
    • Maintain lvl1 Charge
  • Machine Gun
    • Maintain Max Charge
    • Maintain lvl3 Charge
    • Maintain lvl2 Charge
    • Maintain lvl1 Charge
  • Missile Launcher
    • Maintain Max Charge
    • Maintain lvl3 Charge
    • Maintain lvl2 Charge
    • Maintain lvl1 Charge
  • Nemesis
    • Maintain Max Charge
    • Maintain lvl3 Charge
    • Maintain lvl2 Charge
    • Maintain lvl1 Charge
  • Polar Star
    • Maintain Max Charge
    • Maintain lvl3 Charge
    • Maintain lvl2 Charge
    • Maintain lvl1 Charge
  • Snake
    • Maintain Max Charge
    • Maintain lvl3 Charge
    • Maintain lvl2 Charge
    • Maintain lvl1 Charge
  • Spur
    • Maintain Max Charge
    • Maintain lvl3 Charge
    • Maintain lvl2 Charge
    • Maintain lvl1 Charge
  • Faster Movement
  • Infinite Air
  • Infinite Booster (Sound and particles of v0.8 booster do not occur)
  • Infinite Jump
  • Masochist Mode (HP does not exceed 1, missile count does not exceed 0, and only blade and nemesis charge.)
Props to:
@Nanquitas For the libShark2NTR plugin + tcpGecko
@cell9 For NTR CFW

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