I wasn't aware that it's now apparently a fad to be called a "Geek" or "nerd". Considering I HATE Star Wars, but know all the original 150 + some more pokemon,HATE comic books like Superman, Batman, etc (love comedy ones like Calvin and Hobbes, Fox Trot, Pearls Before Swine, etc), but have played over 90 MMORPG's, and HATE Star Trek too, but I built my own computer for gaming, know more about about compuyters than 99% of Computer Depot store employees like Best Buy, Fry's, Circuit City when it was open, Microcenter, etc, I'm not sure if I'm a nerd/geek.
Pleae note: I am not trying to be one, nor really care, I'm just curious.
+ Built my own gaming quality computer.
+ Know more about computers than most Computer Depot store employees.
+ Know all 150 original pokemon + about 200 others.
+ Played over 90 MMORPG, Dozens of hours in each minimum.
+ HATE all sports, playing or watching them.
+ Hang around GBATemp and other websites considered to be "filled" with nerdy single males, despite I'm female. It's just the kind of crowd I like being with, if my point.
+ Have Cystic Fibrosis, am a runt IRL, etc. I'm the traditional tons-of-medical-issues nerd/geek in that sense.
+ HATE people that only play Angry Birds or Facebook games, and call themselves "Gamers".
- HATE Star Trek
- HATE Star Wars
- HATE SyFy channel
- HATE Anime
- HATE Comic books like Superman, Batman, etc.
- HATE a number of other things I can't remember that usually identifies nerd/geeks.
So.... what do you all think, am I a nerd/geek? I am not trying to be one, nor do I care if I am one, I'm just curious.
If there is anything else I'm forgetting to include, ask me, I'll tell you my honest opinions.
Pleae note: I am not trying to be one, nor really care, I'm just curious.
+ Built my own gaming quality computer.
+ Know more about computers than most Computer Depot store employees.
+ Know all 150 original pokemon + about 200 others.
+ Played over 90 MMORPG, Dozens of hours in each minimum.
+ HATE all sports, playing or watching them.
+ Hang around GBATemp and other websites considered to be "filled" with nerdy single males, despite I'm female. It's just the kind of crowd I like being with, if my point.
+ Have Cystic Fibrosis, am a runt IRL, etc. I'm the traditional tons-of-medical-issues nerd/geek in that sense.
+ HATE people that only play Angry Birds or Facebook games, and call themselves "Gamers".
- HATE Star Trek
- HATE Star Wars
- HATE SyFy channel
- HATE Anime
- HATE Comic books like Superman, Batman, etc.
- HATE a number of other things I can't remember that usually identifies nerd/geeks.
So.... what do you all think, am I a nerd/geek? I am not trying to be one, nor do I care if I am one, I'm just curious.
If there is anything else I'm forgetting to include, ask me, I'll tell you my honest opinions.