Hardware PS3 remote play and general questions


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2010
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so today I *ALMOST* bought a used psvita 1104 model that was already hacked and came with sd card with games too but unfortunately I was too late and someone else bought it.

I had been casually eyeing ads for vita for many many months now but was never truly determined to actually buy now and while I think it's a very solid console with lots of good games (most of the ones I'm interested though have already been ported to pc so there's less incentive in that sector) today it dawned on me that the vita has remote play from a ps3!

so my MAIN question is, I moved abroad around 2 years ago, left my ps3 at my family house. Is it possible to use a vita in my current house, turn on the ps3 in my old house anytime,play my ps3 games normally and then turn off the ps3? and everything can be done remotely only by me?
ofcourse the 2 consoles will be connected to a different wifi network and that's something the vita manual doesn't clarify I think.

my 2nd question is, if that ps3 remote play function works as described above, is it possible that by buying a 1st gen vita with the 3g connection and using a sim card with 50gb or more of data to have in theory a portable ps3/ps4 everywhere you go?!

3rd question: if the vita is hacked with the henkatu mod,can I still connect my original PSN account for PS3 pairing and online play and cloud saving in games? specifically talking about dragon's crown and final fantasy x/x-2

4th question: what is your 1st choice model if you're buying a used vita? the 1st gen has a better screen but the difference is only obvious if you put them side by side with a slim vita in my opinion and that proprietary charger for the 1000 model is scaring me a lot especially since we're talking about a 10 year old used console that has been out of production for some years.
but I'd like your thoughts on the matter.

thanks in advance :)

Tom Bombadildo

Dick, With Balls
Jul 11, 2009
I forgot
United States
1) Yes, you can remote play over the internet if you want...but frankly, it's awful. Both the PS3 and Vita just don't have great networking hardware (and hardware in general), and the requirements for having a good, lowest latency possible remote play experience is way beyond anything the Vita and PS3 could do (and even the Vita and PS4 remote play over internet is basically unplayable). Even remote playing in the same house with the same router can be rough because there's still lag that makes playing most games just unideal.

2) No, because the Vita doesn't support remote play over 3G. This is because 3G is laughably slow, so remote play wouldn't be remotely usable with it. Remember 3G maxes out at like 3-4mbps in real speeds.

3) Sure, so far nobody has been banned yet for modding the Vita and going online beyond a few people that were banned for trophy hacking.

4) Depends entirely on you. I prefer the OLED screen myself, since I don't really care about micro USB charging now that I have almost no micro USB devices anywhere in my house, and the extra internal storage is meaningless when you're hacked.

Something you should also keep in mind is that for PS3 Remote play the vast majority of games aren't supported officially, your PS3 has to be running CFW to remote play most PS3 games (although all PS1 BC games work, but that'd be silly considering you can just use Adrenaline for all PS1 games on the Vita itself). You asked about Dragon Crown and FFX/2, neither of those games officially support PS3 remote play. The list of PS3 games that do support it officially is like...maybe 10 games, the major ones being ICO/Shadow of the Colossus, God of War, and LBP2 with the rest being mostly shovelware stuff.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2010
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1) Yes, you can remote play over the internet if you want...but frankly, it's awful. Both the PS3 and Vita just don't have great networking hardware (and hardware in general), and the requirements for having a good, lowest latency possible remote play experience is way beyond anything the Vita and PS3 could do (and even the Vita and PS4 remote play over internet is basically unplayable). Even remote playing in the same house with the same router can be rough because there's still lag that makes playing most games just unideal.

Something you should also keep in mind is that for PS3 Remote play the vast majority of games aren't supported officially, your PS3 has to be running CFW to remote play most PS3 games (although all PS1 BC games work, but that'd be silly considering you can just use Adrenaline for all PS1 games on the Vita itself). You asked about Dragon Crown and FFX/2, neither of those games officially support PS3 remote play. The list of PS3 games that do support it officially is like...maybe 10 games, the major ones being ICO/Shadow of the Colossus, God of War, and LBP2 with the rest being mostly shovelware stuff.

wow really? the internet connection in my new house is quite fast but in my old one it's....eh....something like 6-7 mbps but I guess it doesnt really matter since my ps3 is running official firmware so I suppose playing persona 5 on the vita is a no go.

for dragon's crown and FFX/2 I'm interested in just using the save from my ps3 and playing the vita versions of the games.

not being able to acceptably remote play with the ps3 has put a GIANT roadblock on my "buy a vita masterplan" but I suppose I can still justify its purchase for a few exclusives like gravity rush and dragon's crown online.........?


Welcome to the Machine
Oct 10, 2009
United States
@Tom Bombadildo is correct. remote play with the ps3 is horrible. I've only tried it like once, but it was pretty bad. remote play on the ps4 is supposed to be quite good, but I haven't tried it there. I think you need an activated account, which you can do with account activator. I think even 7.02 is capable of it (it's the only thing account activator is good for on that firmware). I don't know what the ps4 file is called, but the vita file for remote play is called myprofile.dat (located here):


there's even a generator to create a fake one, because you have to have signed into psn on the vita as well.

Tom Bombadildo

Dick, With Balls
Jul 11, 2009
I forgot
United States
wow really? the internet connection in my new house is quite fast but in my old one it's....eh....something like 6-7 mbps but I guess it doesnt really matter since my ps3 is running official firmware so I suppose playing persona 5 on the vita is a no go.

for dragon's crown and FFX/2 I'm interested in just using the save from my ps3 and playing the vita versions of the games.

not being able to acceptably remote play with the ps3 has put a GIANT roadblock on my "buy a vita masterplan" but I suppose I can still justify its purchase for a few exclusives like gravity rush and dragon's crown online.........?
The ideal speeds for Remote play, according to Sony, is 15mbps upload and download, so if your family home is sitting at only 6-7mbps (assuming your upload speed is the same), that really wouldn't be fast enough anyways even if your PS3 was hacked so it's kind of a lost cause regardless. You'd probably be better off spending the money on having your PS3 shipped to your new home as opposed to buying a Vita if your main focus was PS3 remote play, would be the best experience :P


New Member
Sep 13, 2023
United States
“Something you should also keep in mind is that for PS3 Remote play the vast majority of games aren't supported officially, your PS3 has to be running CFW to remote play most PS3 games”

I wanted to use remote play to play ps3 games on my vita, but like you said, my ps3 obviously must be hacked, so im assuming that would make remote play from a different location (aka via the internet) from my ps3 impossible right? because it would get banned, or is there a way

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